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KABUL: STOP THE WARS - 10 Oct 2011

Protesting Ten Years of US Occupation

Yesterday in Kabul the Solidarity Party of Afghanistan held a protest against the 10th anniversary of occupation of Afghanistan by USA. Below is a Statement and some pictures. Please publish them in Independent Media Center so peace loving and anti-war activists around the world know that people of Afghanistan also fight against occupation their county and for peace and democracy.


Informe sobre la situación en Santiago Xanica, Oaxaca, México

Los colectivos europeos Nodo Solidale (Italia), Colectivo Zapatista “Marisol” de Lugano (Suiza), Nomads de XM24 (Italia) que conforman la Plataforma Internacionalista por la Resistencia y la Autogestión Tejiendo Autonomías (PIRATA) organizaron una brigada de observación sobre la violación de los derechos de los pueblos nativos en el Municipio de Santiago Xanica, Oaxaca, México, en la que participaron también activistas de Francia y Estado Español. La brigada recorrió el municipio y los alrededores, tomando testimonios audio y vídeo de la parte afectada por las violaciones desde el lunes 14 de marzo hasta el lunes 21 de marzo de 2011.

La tarea que la Brigada Internacional se dio ha sido la de escuchar, entender, contar y hacer público lo que está ocurriendo en la comunidad de Santiago Xanica. En los últimos meses l@s pobladoras de Xanica han estado denunciando atropellos y abusos por parte de priístas y los grupos de poder en contra del local Comité de Defensa de los Derechos Indígenas (CODEDI Xanica), adherente a la Sexta, y en contra de la población en general.

Informe sobre la situación en Santiago Xanica, Oaxaca | Ingles: Report on the situation in Santiago Xanica, Oaxaca


Right-wing vigilantes take over Roma neighbourhood

On March 1st, uniformed members of the vigilante group Civil Guard (Szebb Jövőért Polgárőr Egyesület), an offshoot of the dreaded Magyar Garda, took control of a Romani neighbourhood in the village of Gyöngyöspata. They set up two checkpoints at the entrance to the neighbourhood and formed a human chain around the houses of Romani residents. The Civil Guard are supported by the right-wing Jobbik party, and now intend to set up chapters in other towns in Hungary, to expand their patrols.


Japanese disaster: Earthquake, Tsunami and Nuclear Catastrophe

Sendai - Rescue Workers in Snow A gigantic earthquake and subsequent tsunami struck Japan on 11 March. Thousands of people were buried under buildings or died in the flooding. In many of Japan's more than 50 nuclear reactors cooling systems broke down. This caused several hydrogen explosions and at least partial fuel rod meltdowns in the reactor blocks one to three of the Fukushima Daiichi nuke. Around the globe the high-risk technology and its future are being protested against and debated . Switzerland is putting a moratorium on construction of new nuclear power plants. In neighbouring Germany the Neckarwestheim nuke will be closed down permanently and seven other old ones temporarily. On Monday 14 March more than 110,000 people demonstrated against nuclear power in more than 450 towns across Germany. Update 15.03. 14:30: In the cooling basin of Block IV fire broke out, radioactivity got into the atmosphere. High radiation levels are measured, personnel were evacuated from the control room. Cooling in Blocks V and VI is not working properly.

Up-to-date special at IMC linksunten | German

MÉXICO - 01 Feb 2011

Xayakalan, Santa María Ostula: “De aquí nadie nos va a sacar”

Este artículo indaga en el proceso de llegar a la histórica recuperación de tierras indígenas en la Sierra Nahua del estado de Michoacán, México el 29 de junio de 2009 y describe la situación actual de la nueva comunidad de Xayakalan. Escrito después de un reciente viaje a Xayakalan, el artículo contiene una entrevista con uno de los impulsores de la recuperación.

Egypt: System change - 28 Jan 2011

Tens of thousands on the streets say down with the regime

Cairo protesters suffer water cannon during afternoon prayer In a day of anger at the Mubarak regime hundreds of thousands of demonstrators gathered in Cairo, Alexandria, Suez, Port Said and in many Egyptian towns and cities in one of the biggest protests seen so far in the country and with intense confrontations with state security forces. Major protests started on January 25. Hundreds were wounded during street battles with the police with fifty three confirmed deaths from Friday's protests.

The protests came after the protests that led to the fall of the Tunisian government and the ousting of Tunisian dictator Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, driven by poverty, high food prices, autocratic governments, high levels of corruption for many years, and the absence of political freedom.

Ramy Raoof Cairo photos | Youtube videos of Intense street confrontations 1, 2 with security forces.

UK: Infiltrators and Spys - 26 Jan 2011

UK Police Agent Provocateurs Exposed

PC Mark Kennedy (AKA "Mark Stone"), "Lyn Watson" and "Mark Jacobs"

Four deep undercover police infiltrators operating in the UK and Europe between 1995 and 2009 have been exposed. PC Mark Kennedy (AKA "Mark Stone"), an undercover police officer from 2000 to at least the end of 2009 who was based in Nottingham. Officer A, "Lyn Watson" who was undercover in Leeds from 2004 till 2008, Officer B, "Mark (Marco) Jacobs", who appeared in Brighton in 2004 and then moved to Cardiff in 2005 and was active there till 2009 and PC Jim Boyling, "Jim Sutton" who was based in London between 1995 and 2000. A summary of the activities of the first 3 agent provocateurs has been put together and activists are asked to publish any better photos or information about their political activity to this thread.

At the same time, information about postings on the UK Indymedia site from UK governmental gateways, and (which were flagged up by spam filters, using a filtering system not available on some other Indymedia sites) have been leaked by Schnews. These gateways are the main entry points between the goverment secure intranet and the internet (see link below). A full list of posts is available online. Following publication of the Schnews article, Birmingham and Sheffield IMCs both published features - one about the posts from the government gateway and one relating the suspicious posts with the recently uncovered agent provocateurs.

Articles: Three undercover political Police unmasked as infiltrators into UK Anarchist, Anti-Fascist and Climate Justice movements | Undercover police officer back in the spotlight | Guilty verdict in Ratcliffe trial | Mark Kennedy/Stone exposed as undercover cop | Full list of Gateway 303 and 202 posts to IMC UK | Advocating Domestic Extremism - Cops on Indymedia - An Exposé | State infiltration and attempted disruption of activist websites | Gateway 303: Police Disinformation on UK Indymedia

UK Govt secure network explanation: Warning - this link goes to a UK govt site!

Other Press Coverage: SchNews: INTER-NETCU | SchNews: Gateway Gate: Straight from the Pig's Mouth | Slashdot: UK Authorities Accused of Inciting Illegal Protest

Tunisia: Revolution - 16 Jan 2011

Uprising in Tunisia: People Power topples Ben Ali regime

Demonstration in Tunis January 14

Tunisian President Zine El-Abedine Ben Ali has been overthrown by a people's power uprising that has built momentum over the last 4 weeks, culminating in a large rally and protest on January 14 that was attacked by riot police. Ben Ali attempted major concessions, but they were too little and too late. After 23 years in power, Ben Ali and family fled the country to Saudi Arabia, joining former Ugandan dictator Idi Amin who was also given refuge in this middle eastern state.

Tunisia's constitutional council has now declared elections should be held within 60 days under section 57 of the Tunisian constitution, with the chairman of parliament as acting President. The Tunisian Revolution can inspire the world as people power toppled the dictator but the ruling RCD party remains in power for the moment.

The revolution in Tunisia may have been influenced by Wikileaks through the publication of US diplomatic cables which added to the public perception of the corrupt nature of the Ben Ali regime. You can read What the US state cables on Tunisia said which also provides an indictment of USA, France and other nations that bolstered the corruption and human rights abuses of the Ben Ali regime in Tunisia.

January 14 Uprising: jasminrevolt Video Feed from Tunisia | Videos and photos - Athens IMC | Photos - A day of revolution in Tunis | AjJazeera Timeline: Tunisia's civil unrest
More reports: Jura Libertaire Blog(Fr) | Maniftunis blog

Background: Linksunten IMC: Tunisian Revolt | NYC IMC: Tunisia: The Strength of Disobedience | Videos: Freedom for Tunisia / Liberté pour la Tunisie / الحرية لتون | Angry Arab News Service Blog

Australia: Queensland flood disaster - 12 Jan 2011

Floods threaten Brisbane, one third of Queensland declared a disaster area

Toowoomba Woman rescued from car during flash flooding

Over a third of the Australian state of Queensland has been declared a disaster area with the capital Brisbane on flood alert expected to experience it's worst flooding in living memory. Early report: Brisbane flood, from an island in suburbia There have been 9 flood related deaths since Monday with 60 people missing feared dead. This flood event follows widespead flooding across northern and central Queensland over the christmas holiday period that affected over 200,000 people, closing major highways and airports, closing most of the mines in the state, damaging crops, and causing billions of dollars worth of damage.

Friends of the Earth have warned about heavy metals released in flood waters and a Wiradjuri elder has warned of the risk of groundwater poisoning from gold mine at Lake Cowal if floodwaters breach the open cut mine owned by Canadian company Barrick Gold. The Great Barrier Reef is under threat from toxic pollution from floods according to the WWF.

The question that few people are publicly discussing is to what extent is climate change contributing to this disaster presently unfolding in Australia.

Australia Indymedia | Climate IMC

Antarctic: Whale Conservation - 02 Jan 2011

Sea Shepherd intercepts whaling fleet in Southern Ocean

Chasing the whalers

The first clashes have occurred between Sea Shepherd volunteer activists and Japanese whalers in the Southern Ocean whale sanctuary bordering the Antarctic continent. Dodging and dancing perilously through the ice flows (Watch video), Sea Shepherd activists in small inflatable zodiacs and their larger three vessels harassed the three Japanese harpoon vessels while in pursuit of the Nisshin Maru whaling factory ship in the first days of 2011. For the first time in seven years of campaigning in the southern ocean Sea Shepherd have been able to locate the whaling fleet before whaling was able to begin.

The legality of whaling in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary is being challenged by the Australian Government in a case filed in July 2010 (PDF) before the International Court of Justice, although success is by no means certain. Whaling was found to be illegal under Australian law in a 2008 Federal court ruling. Whaling by Japan is done through a scientific research loophole under the International Whaling Commission (IWC) convention. The whale meat is commercially sold (or stockpiled) in Japan. Under the IWC there is an international moratorium on commercial whaling since 1985.

Cables released by wikileaks on January 1st, 2011 reveal Japan was pressuring the US Government to remove Sea Shepherd's US tax exemption status as a sweetener to negotiating a compromise deal in the International Whaling Commission during 2010 that would have reduced whale quotas but legitimized commercial whaling. Australia remained opposed to the deal, although the cables indicate Australia may have considered conditional commercial whaling outside the Southern Ocean whale sanctuary.

Australia Indymedia | San Fransisco Bay Area Indymedia | Sea Shepherd Conservation Society

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Foto-reportaje: Conmemoran el 39 aniversario del derecho al aborto
Conmemoran el 39 aniversario del derecho al aborto...
17-01-2012 01:58
Puerto Rico

Happy Birthday, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
"... Most nations are deceived about themselves. Rationalizations and the incess...
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Στην επίθεση των αφεντικών να προτάξουμε την ταξική αλληλεγγύη και τον κοινό αγώ...
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Mantienen vivo el Gasoducto
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Puerto Rico

FMPR: comienzo semestre enero 2012
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Puerto Rico

(Tefé) 1º FMLE - Festival de Mídias Livres na Educação (relato)
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CMI Brasil

Lucha contra molinos de Santa Isabel
Peligro en la agricultura de Santa Isabel Puerto Rico...
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Puerto Rico

Transmisione n Defensa del Famatina
16-01-2012 00:19

We Will Not Forget
DC PDX Jan. 1, 2012 Statement: We take this day to remember Oscar Grant, execute...
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William Singletary, 65, Courageous Witness of Mumia's Innocence
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О последних вызовах в милицию
Коллективу Анархического Черного Креста стали известны факты недавней активности...
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Chris Hedges at Freedom Plaza (Complete)
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Liberating Dr. King! The L’s Coming Mixtape: Real King, Real Politics, Real Beats w Sese
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Trabajadores de Crown Cork ratifican importante Convenio Colectivo
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Puerto Rico

Brigada Cuba 2012
Pa' Cuba en el 2012 con la Brigada Juan Rius Rivera...
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Puerto Rico

MLK Events This Monday in Portland
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HEEND: Mensaje durante natalicio de Hostos
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Comienzo de nuevo semestre escolar- enero 2012
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Puerto Rico

Ocupan la Oficina del Inspector General de Permisos
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Puerto Rico

Transmison en Defensa de los Bienes conunes
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Legalize Bared Feet - They Are Holy! Occupy Cottage Grove Library
Bare foot entry barred in the Cottage Grove public library. why is this, and so ...
15-01-2012 16:28

NATO/G8 Chicago updates: Protest permits approved (sort of); Protest ordinances revised (barely)
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13-01-2012 23:23

Ten years of Guantánamo. Ten years too long. Bring the British residents home.
In the days leading up to 11 January 2012, the tenth anniversary of the opening ...
13-01-2012 18:28
United Kingdom

Casal se opone a resguardar los derechos de niños y niñas...
13-01-2012 18:28

Occupy Brings Foreclosure Defense Movement To Baltimore, Deutsch Bank Proceeds With Eviction
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United States

I Vivencias Campesino-Urbana de Jóvenes en Córdoba
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13-01-2012 16:47

I Vivencias Campesino-Urbana de Jóvenes en Córdoba
I Encuentro Interdisciplinario de la Juventud Latinoamericana y Caribeña...
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Reminder-NYC: Come to WBAI benefit (cheap) Sat. 1/14, 2 pm
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Canudos é aqui, entre Salvador e Simões Filho, na Baia de Aratu.
Luta Quilombola...
13-01-2012 04:22

Largest ever Gitmo protest demands Gitmo be CLOSED
On the 10th anniversary of the opening of Guantanimo Bay, the largest protest ev...
13-01-2012 01:30

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