Monday, May 02, 2011

The unfailing and profound sense of *consideration* of the Liberal Democrats

Such sweethearts. Such poppetts. Bless their cotton socks.

Ming/ Menzies Campbell was on BBC News 24 just before Midday UK time.

He is annoyed.

About the unseemly celebrations across America.

About.... that News

As A Lib Dem councillor on ThatTwitter puts it:!/Lisa4Woking/status/65012525590249472

Ming Campbell bang on the money. Remember the distaste when 9/11 happened and Muslim countries celebrated. We should not do the same
2nd May via Echofon


When the WTC attacks took place, the only (and infamous) instance of celebrations was in the West Bank - incidents rapidly shouted down by others in the Muslim world, as I recall. There were vigils across the 'Muslim world', and the same, as I remember, in the aftermath of Beslan. A sense that whatever gripes could be lain at the door of the West/unnamed others, this was simply too much. I seem to remember even Iran and Iraq (pih) sent official notes of condolence.

But anyways, how proundly considerate of the Lib Dems. You would prefer the standard response: mention past crimes against Saladin and say Insh'allah a lot to prove you Iz Down Wit Da Ummah

And not just there.

I always wondered if there was a flow chart somewhere, that people of a generally leftish (or in truth, those who would aim to define themselves as generically anti-establishment, poo-pooing at the mindless untermenschen who buy popular music, hating the Manic Street Preachers after they sold more than 2000 singles, that sort of thing) people navigate their opinions by.

You'd think quisling Lib Dems would have nothing in common with hardened Marxists now. Apparently not. And it has already been pointed out that those mortified at boozed up frat boys chanting USA USA will more than likely cheer the death of Thatcher /Blair/BuSSh

Key question:
What are the Americans doing?
A: being a bit lairy coz the cunt that ordered the deaths of 3000 of their fellow office workers has finally been killed

How in hell should you react?
A: By maintaining an arch, knowing, petulance usually reserved for supporters of struggling football teams at the hands of another crushing defeat by insisting that
a) well actually its nothing compared to the death of [insert UK/US atrocity here, hell even mention shit from the British Empire, its all good]
b) Its EXACTLY THE SAME as celebrating the WTC attacks.

Do this on Question Time, and you will get a round of applause and be hailed as the new Charlie Brooker.

An early example of this was at my old workplace, when it was announced that there would be a 2 minute silence for the victims of the WTC attacks. Our predictably Trotty (though non SWP) union reps first retort, rather than noting the deaths, was to simply cuonter that, actually, Ok? If, Uh, We had a minutes silence for, like, uh, the dead from American Imperialism, actually, we'd like, have to be silent, for like, A MILLION YEARS.

An article linked to from Jason Burke
Deadly Vanguards

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Sunday, September 26, 2010

#WeLoveTheNHS pt 3456

Belated but recent discussions have reminded me of the importance of not just a healthcare system free at the point of use, but one that is organised.

A story from April, about a riot triggered in a hospital in Kolkata, West Bengal in India.

Dying boy turned away, mob unleashes terror in hospitals

TNN, Apr 14, 2010, 04.16am IST

KOLKATA: Lawlessness in Kolkata touched an abysmal low on Tuesday, moving from the streets to the wards and operating theatres of two private hospitals on EM Bypass. Angered by the doctors' alleged refusal to admit a critically injured accident victim, a mob vandalized Peerless Hospital and Apex Hospital, smashed up equipment, thrashed doctors and nurses, stole the cash box and attacked policemen

Riots in hospital are astonishing, disgusting and should be condemned, as I do. Its a horrifying destruction of facilities that should be used to treat the sick.

It all started after Peerless Hospital authorities allegedly refused admission to 13-year-old Sonai Tarafdar, who was brought there around 7 am, covered in blood. He was among four killed and five injured in a collision between a van and a lorry near Bagha Jatin flyover in south Kolkata. Sonai's relatives said they approached doctors at the emergency twice, but were turned away. He gasped his last breath an hour later at the hospital gates. "The doctors asked us to get money first. We left the hospital carrying a dying Sonai in our arms," said Tapan Mandal, a relative. "They demanded Rs 50,000 before starting treatment," said Manju Gayen, whose daughter Arati was among the dead. The hospital has denied the allegation.

The corpses were lying on the road outside the hospital when residents from nearby slums started gathering. Armed with shovels, rods, axes and sticks, they charged into Peerless Hospital, dragged out staff from a restaurant and set fire to it. The security guards' office was torched, too. The vandals then stormed into the operation theatre and broke the door when surgery was on. Equipment and furniture were wrecked in the haematooncology, gastroenterology, OPD, X-ray and ultrasonography rooms. The CT scan machine was also damaged. Even the blood bank wasn't spared. The mob hurled fans and water filters and started moving towards the wards.


Peerless hospital chairman S K Roy, however, denied the charge, saying: "Nobody asked for money from the patients. The allegations are baseless and the attack motivated. This is not a charitable hospital but a corporate one*. This is an attack on the entire health industry. The government should give us protection." Dr Sudipto Mukherjee, who was at the emergency when the attack started, claimed Sonai was dead when he was brought to the hospital.

*Not quite sure what their corporate status should have to do with whether they should be protected or not, but there you go.

West Bengal, it should be pointed out, has been Communist (Marxist-Leninist, if I remember correctly, not plain Marxist) for the past 30 years.

Even private patients don't get the sort of joined up healthcare that is routine in the NHS. They do not get things like food, for instance. That comes from relatives visiting. Neither do they get medicines. Those have to be obtained (and paid for) seperately. Also, it is unlikely you will actually have an ambulance to take you to a hospital.

Zee News recently spoke, in awestruck terms, of a new fleet of ambulances that had - white heat of technology - just been fitted with defibrillators. They trumpeted that these would only cost '1 lakh Rupees' (100 thousand Rupees, approx £1250) for a callout.

Not that these Ambulances were anywhere in sight when the footbridge for the Comonwealth Games collapsed last week.

Oh yes, The Games. That list of cliches spouted by bent politicians as an excuse and relayed by know-nothing media hacks (the latest jibberer being Sunrise Radio's own equivalent of Richard Madeley, Tony Patti) on why it is run by incompetent fuckwits;

# It's like an Indian Wedding! It'll all get done at the last minute and come good like in dem Bollywood films!

Of course we are all meant to laugh along at this hokey little piece of shit, ignoring that most parents are born endebted due to their parents dowry and start saving for their childrens (daughters') wedding bribe from before she is born. 'Daughters Wedding' syndrome is also a term applied to contractors squeezing the nuts of developers in the certain knowledge that they will HAVE to pay up as it it too late to hire anyone else. This may explain why Indian families face such crippling debt.

# But its different standards in India!

Different meaning reosrting to using child labour and now calling in the Army after a lying incompetent pigs bladder on a stick (Suresh Kalmadi) managed to fob off the Indian Media and everyone else for the past 2 years with assurances that everything will be alright. Also means that Indians don't mind living in shit. Of course if that was an Australian saying that Indian public opinion would go BoNkERsMenTAl but hey lets not fuss yah? Its unpatriotic.

And the Indian Healthcare system is now being held up as a model of how the NHS could operate by Vince Cable.

In a series of wards upstairs, heart patients are recovering from surgery and waiting to go home. The average cost of surgery here is a fraction of what it costs in the West, and patients come to Bangalore from all over the world.

The very poorest are never turned away either. Under a subsidised scheme, CS Manju Nath, a local man, had complex heart surgery here for next to nothing.

Next to nothing, note. Not 'free'.


In other words, some patients are treated for a significant financial loss to the hospital. But the volume of operations is so large, that it still makes an overall profit.

So they are doing away with top-down 'stalinist' targets for hospitals and instead building, well, health 'collectives' where happy cardiothoracic operatives can toil for the empowered localist agenda of the Big Society.

So in the UK, that would be like there only being 1 or 2 large hospitals specialising in only cancer treatment. A cynic might point out that is centralising services into fewer and fewer locations, which, if you believe Conservative LibDem rhetoric is utterly against the aims of the new localism.

Vince: Fuck Off.

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Saturday, August 14, 2010

Carefully Cultivating the Appearance of Not Giving A Fuck

The catastrophic floods and torrential rains that have hit Pakistan have been headline news since they first occured at the end of July 2010.

Perhaps because the country was already in the news thanks to dastardly Britisher PM David Cameron's comments on the country looking both ways over support for terror attacks in India and Afghanistan, and the already-controversial planned visit of Pakistani Prime Minister/ spiv Asif Ali Zardari to the UK a few days later, UK news media were able to report on the floods that began farily quickly. International News channels (CNN, Wall Street Journal, Aljazeera, Xinhua News Agency, Sky etc) were also covering the unfolding disaster almost within a day of the first reports of flooding. Combined with the news of landslides caused by torrential rains in North West China (ongoing for a month, and with consequences for water courses affecting Russia), as well as the Russian wildfires out of control, awareness has been high in the UK, US, European media as well as Middle Eastern and Russian Media.

The story, then, has been a lead news item for (writing on 15th Aug) a full fortnight in most news channels. Most news channels.

Courtesy of Dawn paper, a timeline of events, interspersed with additions on top news stories from Zee News Network, Aaj Tak and India Today.

- July 29: Flash floods and landslides caused by monsoon rains hit northwestern Pakistan and Pakistani-administered Kashmir as the country mourns its worst aviation disaster, which killed 152 people in Islamabad.

- July 31: Local authorities say the floods have killed at least 800. The deluge kills another 65 people in mountains across the border in Afghanistan.

- August 2: The UN says that nearly 980,000 people have been left homeless or have been displaced.

- The Red Cross appeals for aid.
- BBC News already reporting that Islamists have taken up the running in supplying aid, in competition with the Army and in contrast to the non-existent civilian Government. You might think this has implications at a strategic level for, you know nearby countries.
Indian TV News channel Aaj Tak main headline: A Giant Solar Storm IS coMing!??!! It could wipes out all commUnIcAtiON!!! Bravo for the English Gentleman Mister David Camroon!
Coverage time of floods in Pakistan in Zee, Aaj Tak and NDTV: 0 minutes

- August 4: Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani calls on his administration to speed up the delivery of aid. There is a growing backlash against the civilian government and President Asif Ali Zardari over failures to provide food, water and sanitation to the victims.

- August 5: The UN estimates that the flooding has killed 1,600 people in northwestern Pakistan alone.

- Numerous cases of diarrhoea.

- The UN says it has received 18 million dollars of international aid.

Coverage time of floods in Pakistan in Zee, Aaj Tak and NDTV: 0 minutes

- August 6: Pakistan declares a red alert as the flooding worsens, reaching the south and leading to the evacuation of half a million people.

- The floods have affected 12 million people in Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa provinces, the National Disaster Management Agency says.

- Floods occur in the Indian Kashmir/ Ladakh town of Leh. Twitter is inundated with Bollywood stars emoting on the sheer awfulnes of it all, together with reports from Indian media appealing for help and donations.

"Little contributions go a long way :)" writes Bollywood actor Kunal Kapoor feeding his recent tweet in support of the Leh victims.

"I request people to make small contributions to help the affected children of Leh region. Children are the most vulnerable and it is now important that they get clean drinking water. We know how unsafe drinking water can lead to diarrhoea and cause even death among young children. Small steps on your part can go a long way to help save children," Kunal Kapoor said.

- August 7: In the south of Pakistan, notably in the densely populated province of Sindh, a million people are evacuated, bringing to 15 million the number affected across the country according to the local authorities.

- Shoe thrown at Zardari by protester enraged at him larging it in Birmingham whilst millions of his electorate are now treading water.

- August 8: Landslides in Gilgit-Baltistan province in the far north.

- Gilani visits flood-hit areas of Sindh province, calling again for international aid.

- These are now being called the worst floods in living memory. Aaj Tak notes, proudly that America has criticised Pakistan for its tardy relief effort. Main headlines: Still the looming shock news that the 2010 Commonwealth Games look set to be as the channels put it, 'a disaster'. Also coverage of the landslides in China, the wildfires in Russia and the mudslides in Leh. Some TOURISTS were there! They must be rescued immediately!

Coverage time of floods in Pakistan in Zee, Aaj Tak and NDTV: 0 minutes

- August 9: Around 13.8 million people have been affected by the floods in Pakistan, making the scale of the disaster worse than the 2004 tsunami, 2005 earthquake in Kashmir and the 2010 Haiti earthquake, a UN official says.

- August 10: Six million people need humanitarian aid in order to survive, according to the UN.

- Zardari returns to Pakistan, after a European tour for which he was criticised.

- August 11: The UN appeals for 460 million dollars in emergency aid for flood victims.

- A senior UN envoy warns that militants could exploit Pakistan's worst humanitarian disaster.

- The United States triples the number of helicopters helping Pakistan's flood relief effort.

Zee News finally features an item on the Pakistan floods. Out of a 30 minute slot it consists of 3 minutes. Of that 3 minutes 90 seconds is given over to an interview with the shoethrower from Birmingham. Some incongruous stock footage of Pakistan. It is approx the 5th item in the line up. 1st: the ongoing fiasco of the incompetence and gross corruption of the looming Commonwealth Games in New Delhi. Fancy that! An event that has attracted Billions of dollars of funding is shot through with backhanders and shoddy construction work! Also a feature on super posh diplomat Shashi Tharoor (I bet Mark Tully fucking loves him) and his wedding. He was DIVORCED you know! Total coverage: 15 minutes. Also something on the Ambani Brothers. The newsreader appears to grin extra snarkily on the report on the shoethrowing. How novel! Indians would never do THAT sort of thing!

- August 13: India 'still debating' whether to send aid or not. It is starting to look increasingly odd that save a comment of 'deep distress' for those affected, India has kept out of this one. Articles discussing this (e.g. The Diplomat) are inundated with enraged Indians with barely concealed contempt for any mooted relief effort.
Eventually announces that it will send some money, approx $7million, in the spirit of magnanimity. Doubles all round! Tharoor deigns to comment on the unfolding unpleasantness over the border on twitter:
Proud that India donated US$ 5 million to Pakistan in its hour of need. Pity that Indian volunteers and aid agencies can't go there to help

- August 14 Elizabeth and Bandit Queen Director Shekhar Kapur (Nikki 'My Ex-Husband WAS a Bond Villain! Its true!' Bedi fucked him too) wins plaudits for being the first Bollywood scum to bother mentioning the floods from his followers. mentioning. Not actually suggesting help. Gawping at the pics, like.

Main stories on Aaj Tak, NDTV, Zee: Dastardly Britishers in propaganda rag Lancet! They are smearing India in accusational jugglery over name of new superbug based in Delhi! Jai Hind! Also: A pretty dancing model lady had items of jewelry stolen from her car! And it was caught on camera! Also a repeated feature on an Elephant going on a walkabout (sorry, DEADLY RAMPAGE OF TERROR) in Bihar. Also a feature on the rscue efforts in China. Indian Media tend to repeat the same buit of stock footage again and again and so they do with this. Floods in China. Well its good to be informed of local events.

Coverage time of floods in Pakistan in Zee, Aaj Tak and NDTV: a passing mention max 3 minutes out of a possible 60.

- August 15. Ban-Ki Moon, UN Secretary General visits Pakistan, declaring this the worst disaster in living memory.
Forget about India covering anything else apart from its Independence Day celebrations, it ain't happening. Current lead headlines on India Today:

-A Shoe protest in Kashmir
-Website of Raj Sabhya (upper chamber)/Industrialist Vijay Mallya hacked. By Pakistanis.
-a Meeting on Commonwealth Games
-Taj Hotel reopens. Such pretty furnishings!!!....

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Saturday, July 17, 2010

That Bollywood Hitler film


Anupam Kher, the proposed lead for Hitler, has now dropped out since a colleague (casting couch king Mahesh Bhatt*) felt the need to explain his mother in law had to flee Hitler.

You would think that the accounts of non-showbiz chums might have persuaded him this was A Bad Move particularly as he has appeared in western films,but still.

The female lead, Neha Dhupia is still signed to play Eva Braun.
Doesn't she look *adorable* at the launch party?

Here she is on twitter

*Strange that Mahesh Bhatt didn't realise this might be a faux pas when he actually turned up alongside the lead actors for the launch party

It already has some fans:
User 'spentonmediocrity':
Well blow me down,the long arm of judeo centrist american culture has not reached this woman.
I bet Abe Foxman is already on this one.

As detailed on LiveMint, there is a strange ambivalence about Hitler in India.

As a schoolboy in Bombay, I recall seeing dozens of films at Sterling, Metro, Regal and Eros, in which Nazis were always the bad guys, period. The Longest Day, The Guns of Navarone, The Dirty Dozen, Where Eagles Dare, A Bridge Too Far, Is Paris Burning?, or Battle of Britain. And yet, at college, I recall a well-read student senior to me telling me with great conviction that the Holocaust never happened and that there was a giant conspiracy against Hitler.

He had read Mein Kampf (My Struggle), Hitler’s autobiography, which sold 100,000 copies in the last decade, according to Jaico Books, its publisher. Like the Indian youngsters the BBC interviewed recently, he admired Hitler’s sense of “discipline”, “nationalism”, and “spirit”.

These kids aren’t alone. The Shiv Sena’s patriarch, Bal Thackeray, has often praised Hitler. Some Gujarat textbooks look uncritically at Hitler, focusing on his role in building German nationalism after the humiliation of the Treaty of Versailles, glossing over the blood-splattered record.

There is an older Hindu nationalist obsession with Hitler. Leaders of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh have at various times praised Hitler’s nationalism, though to be fair, some have also decried Hitler’s anti-Semitism. Balkrishna Munje of the Hindu Mahasabha went briefly to Mussolini’s Italy in 1931 and came back impressed. Hitler’s quest for Aryan supremacy makes some Hindu nationalists nostalgic; his usurping of the swastika makes some feel a vague kinship. Adding mumbo-jumbo to the mix is Maximine Julia Portas, a French writer, who took the name Savitri Devi and wrote extensively praising Hitler, and dabbled in Hinduism and occult. (She died in 1982).

I have elderly relatives who claim that in the 1930's bookstalls in India were regularly visited by German scholars buying up ancient Hindu texts.

In the crazy batshit world of racial taxonomy, Indians (north Indians and upper caste North Indians more specifically) view themselves as part of the glorious Aryan tribes who (depending on the telling) invaded/migrated to the sub-continent and imposed their enlightened social system of job stratification as a means of ordering civil society, known as the caste system. Everything in its place.

From a website promulgating the lifestyle tips of beardy YogaNazi** Swami Ramdev:
One admirer notes:
In India no North-South East-West divide exists. Most of us Indians are the purest Aryans. Colour changes due to climate. Baba Ramdev reflects Aryan Hinduism and Aryavarta at her best. May Aryavarta and Swastika show the world true nobility and power.

**Ramdev used to declare on his website that he was on a mission to restore India to a great Aryan Nation. Oddly enough these references have been removed from his website but are still on his yoga videos.

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Thursday, March 25, 2010

Famous Last Words

Steven Wells: (10 May 1960 – 24 June 2009)

Further to my previous posting on the woeful US Healthcare system, belated condolences on the demise of StVeN wElLS.

The Lymphatic Cancer that the US Healthcare system punished him for having the temerity to contract (how come a nation that prides itself on its Christian values can punish the sick?) returned last year and done did for him.

This, then, from his last column, published posthumously:

And of course all this bollocks is written by an idiot who has polished his image as an existentialist, atheist hard-man and anti-mope, forever sneering at the tribes who wallow in self-pity -- the gothers, the emo kids, the Smiths fans -- the whole 900-block-wide marching band composed entirely of the white male urban middle classes who are convinced that (as the most affluent and pampered human beings who have ever walked the planet) theirs is a story worth hearing. Blissfully unaware that they are but a few generations away from regular visits to the doctor who would wind parasitic worms from their beer bloated assholes using sticks. (Check out the AMA logos, those smiling beasts are not snakes.)

You could blame this fallacy on poor education, cultural deterioration, or simple moral decline.

Me? I blame it on sunshine. I blame it on the moonlight. I blame it on the boogie.

Blame it on the Boogie. Published mere hours before That Other Death.


PS: Friend went to Hong Kong and was taken violently ill. Before he would even be seen in the Emergency Room, he had to hand over an advanced payment in 1 lump sum. $HK 40,000. Cash.

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Sunday, March 14, 2010

Well I never! People watch Bollywood films in Britain!

Amazing! Fancy that! Nikki "My ex-husband was a Bond Villain" Bedi has helped introduce Radio 2 listeners to documentary Bollywood Britain, covering in 3 parts of 30 minutes each how People have watched Films-That-Are-Not-In-English, and - lordy - how Bollywood films are going to take over Britain. My! I never realised these existed! Glib doesn't even begin to explain it. Apparently, Bollywood films are all very cheeful (except when they are miserable and Serious) and all the people wear pretty costumes! And as Nikki "yes its True everyone! My ex-husband WAS a Bond Villain!" Bedi (to be honest, if Kabir Bedi is known for anything in the West its for playing Arab Sheikhs in episodes of Murder She Wrote in the 80's. Perhaps he prepared for this by attending the numerous parties held by gangster and Islamist go-between Daud Ibrahim alongside numerous other overpaid celebrities who then feign excessive patriotism by either siding with bigots like the Shiv Sena or making patronising comments about Indians' humility in the face of terror) pointed out, Bollywood films are a NEW alternative to the TYRANNY posed by Hollywood! Horray! Its like having the USSR to fight the dastardly Neocon Military Industrial Complex! Bollywood films must tell me EVERYTHING YOU ever NEED TO KNOW about THE ENTIRE SOUTH ASIAN SUBCONTINENT!

What you missed:
#token Britisher Simon Beaufouy making characteristically gormless comments like "I used to avoid these films when I watched at home in Yorkshire but actually all those pretty dresses and melodrama are actually just what India is all about! And don't they all look pretty!".

#Nikki "I know! Its amazing! My ex-husband was a Bond Villain! People always ALWAYS mention it and I ALWAYS confirm it EVERYTIME I AM ON THE RADIO" Bedi aswell as other know-nothing no marks Raj and Pablo painstakingly taking care to pronounce the names of Amitabh Bhachchan and Mumbai because they are OH So Desi.

# The aforementioned getting relentlessly namechecked, alongside endless (and increasingly unjustified) fawning over ageing ham Amitbh Bhachchan, with more relentless comparisons to him being like Al Pacino crossed with Elvis, and Michael Jackson, and simliar crosscultural twinning exercises to see Shah Rukh Khan likened to Jonny Depp, or someone else.

#Completely unquestioning promotion of the increasing influence of Bollywood. Its a radical alternative to Hollywood? What, you mean like Pepsi is the radical alternative to Coca Cola?

#Hilarious asides about how all the singing and dancing in Indian films has really high pitched voices for the women and all have happy endings. Alongside completely inaccruate accounts of how it was the Indian film industry that wanted to make more dark and complex films, against the demands of the mythical NRI target audience, rather than the other way round.

The thing is, there have been these 'Bollywood is coming' documentaries for at least 15 if not 20 years. Other than listing more recent films (Slumdog, inevitably) you never get any sort of knowing and intelligent information on the Indian film industry, and this extends to the crapness of the film reviews on Asian Network.

Nirpal Singh Dhaliwal is a dreadful cunt of a human being by all accounts, for instance, but at least he managed some nicely scathing articles and reviews of films for the Grauniad worthy of the sort of stuff that Neon magazine in its heyday.

Here's what they didn't get round to mentioning:
#The nexus between the few families that dominate Bollywood and politics. Most obviously demonstrated by the wierd stalker-like relationship between crackpot fascist Bal Thackeray from the Shiv Sena and ageing Ham Amitabh Bhachchan, and the complete silence of the movie fraternity, who find Shiv Sena thugs handy for keeping labour relations in check.

#The shift onto crap yoof culture most markedly since the millenium. Mostly these are just eye-rollingly bad and have been pw3ned before. What is puzzling though, is that nowadays films almost exclusively concentrate on the Indian Middle class (and you haven't cringed until you've seen an expensively educated son of a CEO trying to throw gangsta shapes and rap - in English - about being like, rilly pissed off yah?). The thing that endeared these films to wider audiences in the 50's was the sense that you had ordinary characters trying to make their way to a peaceful life against the relentless obstacles of poverty and society (Mother India, Boot Polish, Black Market, or the later cheap as chips films like Coolie).

#The fact that nowadays most films are full of patriotic guff about the sanctity of the extended Indian family. You would think that Bollywood Britain would have picked up on the rise of fatheaded family melodramas from Yash Chopra or starring the arch simperer Aishwarya Rai as having mirrored the rise of the BJP, culminating in the phrase 'India Shining', but no.

#Given they like gloating about the success of Bollywood in Africa, how come they still have the nerve to advertise skin lighteners?

Radio 2 are currently airing a 3 part documentary on ancient singer Al Bowley. You would think the Asian Network, if it was worth saving, would have managed, say, a 2 part documentary on the exquisite misery of Geeta Dutt, or the ethereal films of VN Shantaram, or maybe even something on RD Burman. No? Not part of the target 18-25 audience?

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Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Modern Indian Ettiquette for Molesting One's Maid

I realise that there are plenty of idiotic newspaper columists filling space with pointless shit related to lifetyle issues in the UK. The unhinged Liz Jones, the infuriating 'Impoverished Millionaire' Rosie Millard. But every now and then you come cross an article so inane, so utterly facile in the foreign press that you are compelled to write, if only so screee gaaaaaarrrrrrgrgghhhahahasjdskdkaaa on a keyboard at the rage they have managed to induce.

Step forward Kalpana Sharma of the Times of India. This article has everything: inappropriate use of exclamation marks, spurious quotes from a cockamamy doctor to speculate on circumtances, conjecture, attempts at name dropping.

To explain: Recently the Indian newspapers have been filled with the lurid details concerning an allegation of rape filed by the domestic servant of a middling film actor called Shiney Ahuja. Shiney. Thats his real first name. The extent of domestic service in Indian households, together with their low rates of protection from abuse remains one of the grubby little secrets that nice shining middle class India would rather not mention in those self aggrandising adverts they keep trailing on tv. And according to Sharma the thought of even considering your 'jhi' as an entity that might be on the receiving end of sexual attention is a dangerous western idea. (Why of course, before western Imperialism the lower orders simply did their duty out of sheer gratitude to their superior fairskinned masters without the latter ever sullying themselves with impure thought. Why would you desire something not of your species?) You know its gong to go wrong right from the title:

Beware of the maid!

"When did a domestic help become a man’s object of fantasy? Have they become the latest male snatchers?"

Having run out of vaguely celebrity-related sex stories to tangentially mention in connection with the rape case, Sharma turns her attention to Nannies. This is because apparently they wear skimpy uniforms or bend over and that. Except thats in the west. Of all the footage I have seen of domestic service workers in India, they nearly all wear saris, or the usual Indian dress of their contemporaries.
The harridan gives the game away in the 5th paragraph:

"Many men also perceive these maids in India as prominicuous (sic). They feel she would be sleeping for money. "Not only that if you observe the way these maids work- putting ample cleavage on display, bending and making a posture that would entice any man. And with the common image of these harmless women, men feel like overpowering them. It's like unleashing the beast within that they know their wife or their girlfriend won't tolerate," opines dermatologist Shuruchi Verma. .......
The fact is that men don't really fall in love with a maid but feel like exploring the alternative world of headless, harmless women.."

Headless, harmless women. I often wonder if this might actually be strategically placed covert recruitment material for the Naxalites. Apparently not.

So, then, courtesy of the National Domestic Workers Movement, are some RED HOT pics of some lissom and lovely maids simply GAGGING for the attention of a fat privately educated member of the professional classes to attempt to manhandle her. Ready?
eh? EH? and how's about... shhh, this is *special*...

But lets not be Sexist. Women can abuse their domestic staff too, as evidenced by a string of child cruelty cases involving actresses knocking 7 bells out of kids they were employing. Take this snivelling example from minor league soap actress Urvashi Dhanorkar:

a 10-year-old girl has accused her employer, Urvashi Dhanorkar, of brutally torturing her for six months.

The girl says she was brought to Mumbai from Amravati to study, but was instead told to be a maid. Her employer was arrested, but later given bail by a local court.

"My hand is burnt. I was burnt with a hot spoon and water," said Rameshwari, the victim.

Scalded with boiling water by her employer, deep bruises under her eyes, Rameshwari can barely bring herself to speak.

Yet, hours after she was arrested for this horrific crime, her employer, Urvashi Dhanorkar, was already out on bail.

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