

Overland accepts unsolicited manuscripts from Australian and overseas writers, although we are only able to pay those from Australia.

Overland relies on its subscribers for survival. For that reason, the editors prioritise submissions by subscribers. While all work will be read, we cannot guarantee response times to submissions by non-subscribers. You can support Overland and become a subscriber here.

We ask all authors to submit their work via an electronic submission manager. This facility allows authors to track the progress of their submission. It does require the creation of an account but this process is very simple.

Those wishing to submit material are strongly urged to peruse a recent copy of Overland.

We do not impose formal word limits and occasionally publish very long essays and stories, but potential contributors should be aware that space limitations make longer pieces harder to accept.

Overland will not – unless in special circumstances – accept submissions that have been previously published elswhere, including on the internet.

Overland endeavours to reply to submissions as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, the quantity received means that the process can take some months and we ask contributors to remain patient.

Overland favours hard-hitting articles with a strong cultural or political analysis. We particularly encourage submissions from female writers, activists and academics. Scholarly articles are refereed.

Poetry, fiction and memoir are also accepted.
We prefer writers who show some consciousness of their era and the issues it presents. We do not, however, interpret this narrowly, and we encourage experiments with both form and content. We are, for instance, as open to humour and fantasy as traditional realism.

The Copyright Agency Ltd is authorised to collect charges for photo and electronic copying of published material. Overland distributes money received for copying in the proportion of 80% to authors and 20% to the publisher. Copyright remains the property of the authors.

All submission must be sent electronically. A variety of file formats are accepted. The submission system is accessible here.

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