(Chicago, Illinois, 06/25/06) –“The next generation will always honor the achievements and character of this generation who contributed their time, money and energy for the sake of Islam. Please remember! The completeness of life is not measured in length only; it is measured in the deeds and commitments that gave life its purpose. And the commitment of these lives was clear to all: They defended the frontiers of Islam with their wealth and labor”, were the remarks made by fundraising chairman Dr. Abdussamad Patel who presented an overview of project at the dinner held at White Eagle Banquets on June 25. The fundraising committee raised $2.7 million and needs an additional $1.8 million by April 2007 to complete the project.

Despite the next day being a work day, over 400 men and women, young and old, some in crutches attended the dinner. About 50 people working tirelessly sold over 700 dinner tickets bringing the cash donations to about $50,000. One brother who could not be at the dinner wrote a check of $10,000 the next day. The purpose of the dinner was to present to the community an overview of project and provide them with an update on the progress made thus far on the collection and utilization of funds and the construction phases (see the financial update given below).

The program began with the recitation of the Holy Qur’an by MCC Imam Qari Br. Faysel, who recited the opening verses from Surah Al-Qalam. Adding to the relaxed community environment were the upbeat remarks by the MCC President, Dr.Abdul Sattar and the Guest speaker Imam Abdullah Madyun, both of whom emphasized the importance of Masjid in the lives of Muslims and the urgency in completing the project by April 2007. Br. Faysel Hamouda was the key-note speaker and the fundraiser. Dr. Kamran Hussain made a power point presentation providing a financial update on the cash flow. Dr. Hyder, the Expansion Committee Chairman, briefed the attendees on the progress made thus far on the construction. Br. Sher Mohammed Rajput recognized the members of the project team from the previous and present administrations for their self-less contribution to the project.

The massive media campaign ran by Mr. Afzal Sodagar, the Chair of Media Relations, attracted a vast audience from all across Chicago and suburbs. Mr. Sodagar expressed much gratitude to all the media partners present at the event along with the newspapers who helped him promote the event.

A glowing tribute was made to those, some who are no longer among us today, who openly and secretly donated to this project and worked tirelessly from the heart. A final note was the reminder and an invitation to participate in this historic mission: “Our life is full of opportunities but our time is limited. Let every soul to look to what it sends ahead for tomorrow. Use this opportunity, in this moment in time, so that we leave a better place for our children and their children. What America needs is spirituality, not fear and hatred. Let America be a country of 1,000 best masaajid and 1,000 well-performing schools. We need a masjid in Morton Grove”.