Forest Rescue activists board Japanese whaling ship in solidarity with Sea Shepherd

In the early hours of Sunday, January 8, three forest rescue activists boarded the Japanese whaling fleet security vessel Shonan Maru No 2 off Bunbury, Western Australia as an act of solidarity with Sea Shepherd in their campaign to stop Japanese commercial whaling in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary. While in the Antarctic Sea Shepherd activists from the Bob Barker continue to pursue and harass the main whaling fleet.

Related: Sea Shepherd Media Release - Three Australian prisoners detained on a Japanese whaler in Australian waters | Captain Paul Watson on Forest Rescue men go out on a limb for Sea Shepherd

Species biodiversity under threat from the velocity of climate change

Scientists have been able to calculate the velocity of climate change on land and ocean environments using temperature records to determine isotherms and their change in a fifty year period from 1960 to 2009. So how fast are climate envelopes moving? The general median answer is 27.3 km/decade on land, and 21.7 km/decade in the ocean. This equates to a speed needed to outrun climate change on land (2.7 kilometers per year) and in the oceans (2.2 kilometers per year). This rate of movement of thermal climate envelopes poses problems for species facing a high speed migration, or a difficult and abrupt adaptation or extinction.

Related: Indybay - Climate change and habitat loss threaten biodiversity, extinction rate underestimated | Science Network WA - Rare frog population sent to the South-West

Save the forests - Save Warrup, Arcadia, the Amazon, all of them

By Gerry Georgatos

Bridgetown-Greenbushes Friends of the Forest (BGFF) are worried that the end is near for Warrup Forest. BGFF coordinated a Warrup Forest twilight rally - more of an information tour - on Saturday, 10 December for interested residents.

70 people coalesced at the old Bridgetown railway station and then by a bus and car pools went into Warrup for the twilight event. Representatives of the Western Australian Forest Alliance (WAFA) and the Conservation Council (CC) were present.

From Perth Airport - forcible deportation blockaded - Vigil ongoing - Come on out here if you can. UPDATE - two injunctions secured

A Tamil person, fearing for his life if returned to Sri Lanka, Emil, was due to be forcibly deported at 2:05pm from Perth International Airport and due to set foot in Sri Lanka at just after midnight (our time - WST). The Federal Magistrates Court in Sydney heard a last minute plea to review his case and an injunction was sought. While this injunction was being sought and heard, government agencies, in their obvious immorality and in many ways their criminality were prepared to deport him.
He has now been taken off the airplane. If he was on the plane while the appeal for an injunction was being heard then this is unbelievable immorality to have had him on the plane.

Confusion asunder at the Perth Domestic Airport Immigration Centre where a vigil has been underway to protect the rights of Emil and Vithuran(due to be forcibly deported tomorrow) - one of them was bundled into a vehicle by SERCO personnel however this vehicle was blocked by six protestors - there were no arrests and after some time SERCO personnel returned the person to the confines of the IDC - it turned out to be Vithuran, who they were obviously relocating in readiness for tomorrow's disgraceful, despicable and inhumane forcible deportation.

UPDATE: 13.12.2011 - The Injunction for Emil was secured late yesterday in the High Court. This morning an Injuction was secured for Vithuran in the High Court -thanks to the RAC Sydney and lawyers - for the time they cannot be deported.

IRAQ – landmines, bombs, depleted uranium – devastation – children amputees. How you can help.

Gerry Georgatos Riyadh Al-Hakimi was brought to tears watching a small Iraqi child drag himself along the street. The stump of his right leg left a trail in the dust as he dragged his body inch by inch. It was 2003 and Riyadh would soon be on his way to Australia and to a university education; however he vowed to do something for the children of his war-torn homeland. Related: SBS Podcast: Wheelchairs for Iraqi children -- The West Australian newspaper - Helping Iraqi children who are victims of depleted uranium, landmines and war

What have FMG got to hide? Yindjibarndi cameras blocked for “safety” reasons

By Michael Woodley, CEO of Yindjibarndi Aboriginal Corporation Yindjibarndi elders travelled to Fortescue Metal’s Solomon Project mining site on Friday 25 November to brief Registrar of Aboriginal Sites, Kathryn Przywolnik, check on the safety of sacred sites in the path of FMG’s massive blasting program, and video record the impact of FMG mining operations on their culture and land. Related:Unlawful FMG heritage dealing massive sites damage at Solomon Project -- Yindjibarndi Aboriginal Corporation website
Mainstream press coverage: Sydney Morning Herald Coverage -- Australian Mining Coverage

Perth Rally for Justice sends its messages to the CHOGM

Gerry Georgatos The Rally for Justice in Forrest Place, Perth, during the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Perth attracted hundreds of police, including horseback units and other armoury, and the Police Commissioner, Karl O'Callaghan himself. However, the rally also attracted 2,000 supporters and the entire mass of the OCCUPY movement.

Related: Nyungar Elder speaks out against the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting | Interview with an Occupy Perth organiser

JOHN PAT – a death in custody – “We’ll get you, you black cunt.”

Gerry Georgatos "We have to get rid of racist cops. I don't want to dwell on the past but I have grown up bitter," said Nyungar Elder Ben Taylor. Mr Taylor is on the mark when he says, "They have been killing our people for two hundred years."

On 28 September 1983 a young life came to an end that sent a community into tears before it became rage and outrage dulled into anguish and sorrow by the passing of time. The tears of 28 September 1983 filled Roebourne, breaking the hearts of its Yindjibarndi peoples. A mother lost her eldest son, 16 years young. John Pat's death contributed to the call for an inquiry into Aboriginal deaths. Some things have changed however not enough has changed. His mother Mavis remembers him every hour of every day and not just on September 28 - there is a hole in her heart that nothing can mend, such is a mother's pain.

I said, “You lying dog, I seen what you did with my own eyes.”

by Gerry Georgatos During the last month Indymedia Australia and The National Indigenous Times in Editions 231 and 233 have highlighted the plight of the Western Australian Nyungar family whose young son, the eldest of their six children, was hit by a police-four-wheel drive. The incident occurred on March 6, 2009 and in that time the struggle for some justice and meaning had been lost in a vacuum of inhumanity, and only recently largely thanks to The National Indigenous Times and to Indymedia Australia and to the consequent awareness-raising have we prised some piecemeal gains.
Campaign resources: Belloti Support Group on Facebook -- Justice for Rex Bellotti Campaign Website
Background articles on IndymediaJustice for Rex Bellotti(4/8/2011) -- Justice for Rex Bellotti Jnr an inch closer - new witness and calls for an inquiry(1/9/2011)

Children in adult prisons STILL LANGUISH - Justice delayed is justice denied.

There are near one hundred of the world's most impoverished children incarcerated, whether on remand or sentenced, in Australian adult prisons. The brunt of these numbers are in Western Australian adult prisons. It has been confirmed to me by various authorities and by an Indonesian Vice-Consul that at least 16 of the age-disputes are in HAKEA Correctional facility, a maximum security prison which I have visited on a number of occasions over the years. There may be up to 40 age-disputes in Western Australian adult prisons.
Related: Campaign Facebook page -- Interview with Gerry Georgatos on the Drum -- Hadi Kurniawan one of the 100 children in Australian adult prisons
