
My hat goes off to those organising DIY events around Melbourne

Recently I read an article on Indymedia that was a review on a DIY bridge gig held in North Melbourne. I have decided to write this follow-up article looking at a few of the DIY gigs that have been happening around Melbourne at the moment. Especially in the punk scene lot of the DIY of movement has been growing somewhat stale compared to what it has been in previous days.

Cop It Sweet - Occupy Melbourne

Over 1000 people marched from the State Library of Victoria to Treasury Gardens on 29th October 2011 as part of the ongoing Occupy Melbourne protests.

Our boys and girls in blue were on the streets again today, dodging criticism for the use of brutal strong arm tactics against the public when evicting the Occupy Melbourne protest from City Square on the 21st of October.

Occupy Melbourne eviction - A first hand account

As a freelance journalist, it is my job to cover protest and put myself into situations where others may feel unsafe. It is my job to cover events as they unfold and report on them. Here is a detailed first hand account of my experiences of Occupy Melbourne's eviction. 

Here I am not stating support for or against Occupy Melbourne. This is simply a detailed statement of what I witnessed.

Gallery of the Eviction

Eviction and new beginnings

Footage from the violent eviction of Occupy Melbourne in City Square by police, and the demonstration itself, leading up to the general assembly 10 hours after the initial eviction, with words from speakers about the police brutality and where the movement should go from here.

Sydney Opera House banner drop protests Harvey Norman forest destruction

Five environmental activists were arrested yesterday for climbing the Opera House and draping a banner on one of the sails protesting Retailer Harvey Norman's participation in Australian native forest destruction. The banner read "No Harvey No! Stop selling Aussie forest destruction!" and was part of a global 24 hours of action targeting the Harvey Norman business with more than 30 actions taking place in Australia and several overseas.

Links: No Harvey No | The Last Stand | Markets for Change | The Last Stand Flickr Photostream | Indymedia Harvey Norman stories

Media covers up metropolitan Melbourne’s biggest rain event on record

By 9AM on Saturday February 5th, areas of Melbourne Metropolitan area had received their highest rainfall total on record. Although the rain event has been extensively reported, the historically significant level of these rains has been almost completely unremarked upon in the mainstream press. For example Berwick in Melbourne’s South East received, 168mm and Officer receiving an incredible 195mm

The only comparable events in the last hundred years were in December 1934, February 1973 and Feb 2005. An examination of table from the Bureau of Meteorology shows that the rainfall total for Officer was the highest on record for any Melbourne suburb since records began. This oversight fits the pattern of the mainstream media attempting to normalise extreme climate events to prevent the public from clamouring for action on climate change.

People create own grand jury

A second sitting of a people's Grand Jury will be convened in Melton, in Melbourne's outer western reaches, on Sunday February 6 at 11am.
The purpose is to give expression to the lawful rights of the people and to provide lawful recourse for those who are denied justice through the Australian legal system that is controlled by a legal profession cartel.

Protestors arrested as bulldozers move in at Westerfields

Four protestors have been arrested this morning and charged with trespass on summons as they attempted to halt the bulldozing of a flora and fauna reserve to build the Peninsula Link Freeway in Frankston. Up to a hundred police converged on the site, forcibly removing around 30 protestors and arresting four.

"End the Afghanistan War" - peak hour vigil 14 September 2010

Anti-war campaigners held a vigil at the Elizabeth St entrance to Melbourne Central station during the peak hour rush this evening, holding banners reading "End the Afghanistan War" and "Hit the STOP Button on the Afghanistan War". Although most passers-by were obviously rushing to catch their trains, as can be seen in some of the accompanying photos, many took leaflets, and a few stopped to discuss the issues.

Lemmings for Bloated Resource Rich Billionaires

As a historical symbol of revolt against injustice, Bastille Day is being commemorated world-wide.

On July 14th, Bastille Day, a group of activists gathered in front of BHP Billiton’s Melbourne office to alert their fellow citizens as to the corporate world’s neo-conservative mantra:Servitude, Inequality, Hostility.

Called the “Lemmings for Rich Bloated Resource Rich Billionaires’ we promise to give our pennies freely so that they can continue to live the good life. Ha! Ha!

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