
Speaking out against Obama wars

Report of the Resistance to the visit by US President to Canberra Thursday 17 November 2011 by Graeme Dunstan of

Good to be standing for peace with friends outside the Parliament, while Obama was inside beating a drum for war in the Pacific. All in all it was an evocative witness, few in number, good in feeling and dramatically artful.

Related: Barack Obama & Julia Gillard: We accuse you of complicity in war crimes | Greenleft - Humphrey McQueen - Obama’s marines not welcome here | Photos from Peter Boyle | Darwin protest against Obama and bases | Christine Assange speaks at the Canberra Rally

Palm Sunday silent vigil for peace - 17 April 2011

Peace activists held a silent vigil on the lawns of the State Library in Melbourne on Palm Sunday before making their way to a Peace Forum at the Wesley Uniting Church in Lonsdale Street (details

"End the Afghanistan War" - peak hour vigil 14 September 2010

Anti-war campaigners held a vigil at the Elizabeth St entrance to Melbourne Central station during the peak hour rush this evening, holding banners reading "End the Afghanistan War" and "Hit the STOP Button on the Afghanistan War". Although most passers-by were obviously rushing to catch their trains, as can be seen in some of the accompanying photos, many took leaflets, and a few stopped to discuss the issues.

Stand Fast - Veterans "speak out" against Afghanistan War

Stand Fast had another successful barracks speakout against the war in Afghanistan on Thursday, September 9, outside of Brisbane's Gallipoli Barracks – home of the Australian Army's 7th Brigade. Graeme Dunstan from Stand Fast provided great visual impact with huge and striking banners and flags and he also provided the sound through the PA of his Peacebus. Over the 5 hour protest about 20 people attended and helped hand out flyers to the soldiers entering and leaving the barracks with many staying for the entire time.

Wikileaks reveals war crimes in Afghanistan

Wikileaks has released The Afghan War Diary ,2004-2010, which contains over 90,000 leaked secret files from the U.S. Military. The files outline how the U.S. and its allies have systematically under estimated civilian deaths, they describe the existence of a secret U.S. assassination squad, increasing use of remote drones by the U.S. and the increasing sophistication and deadliness of the Taliban insurgency. They even include reference to a cover up by Australian forces of the killing of an Afghan policeman.

Related: Australian Wikileaks founder targeted by the Pentagon | TED Video - Julian Assange on Why the world needs WikiLeaks

Veterans group says President Obama not welcome down under

MEDIA RELEASE, 2 June, 2010 - Stand Fast, the Australian-based veterans group which is comprised of veterans and former military personnel who oppose the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, is calling on all people of conscience to protest the upcoming visit of Barack Obama in mid-June.

"Why should we welcome a war criminal?" asked Stand Fast spokesperson and East Timor veteran, Hamish Chitts. "Obama is not a force for progress, he is not a man of peace - from his first day in office he has firmly placed himself in the camp of the warmongers and war-profiteers."

The hidden anti-war history of Mothers Day

Mother’s Day has been reduced to a highly commercialised retail event but in 1870 in the US pacifist, abolitionist and sufffragette Julie Ward Howe wrote her “Mother’s Day Proclamation” which said women of the world should demand an end to war with the internationalist cry “We, the women of one country, will be too tender of those of another country To allow our sons to be trained to injure theirs."

Afghanistan occupation quagmire enters ninth year

By Hamish Chitts

October 7 marks eight years since the US-led coalition of imperialist powers and their client states invaded Afghanistan. Using the shock of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on New York and Washington as a smokescreen, the invasion of Afghanistan was the first major step in the US rulers’ “Global War on Terror” — the official name of a sustained campaign of Pentagon and CIA operations aimed at crushing all opposition in the Third World to US political and economic dominance.

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