
WGAR News: New report into Stronger Futures consultations by Jumbunna Indigenous House of Learning

Newsletter date: 9 March 2012

* New report into 'Stronger Futures' consultations by Jumbunna
* Former PM Malcolm Fraser launches new report into consultations
* More 'Stronger Futures' Legislation related articles
* Background to 'Stronger Futures' new NT Intervention laws
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* Other articles
* Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia - 20 events from 9 March 2012


- The Report

Jumbunna, University of Technology Sydney:

WGAR News: Our Generation and ANTaR have launched a new video and campaign

Newsletter date: 8 March 2012

* Our Generation and ANTaR have launched a new video and campaign
* Proposed Stronger Futures laws "will kill Aboriginal people"
* Write to Senators re Stronger Futures laws
* NT Intervention panel discussion by Dr John Falzon, Lynette De Santis and Adam Giles
* More Stronger Futures Legislation related articles
* Background to 'Stronger Futures' new NT Intervention legislation
* "WA stolen wages offer 'cruel and heartless', says legal service" GLW
* "We are lucky Bob Carr was not appointed Indigenous Affairs Minister!" Gerry Georgatos

No-one in government cares enough about Aboriginal peoples

No-one in government cares enough about Aboriginal peoples

Gerry Georgatos

Well placed sources, including parliamentarians, in the Australian Labor Party, the Coalition, and the Greens have made surprising comments that issues afflicting Aboriginal peoples and 'Aboriginal affairs' are in the 'too hard basket' or 'best swept under the carpet'.

Stolen wages remain stolen

Gerry Georgatos

The Stolen Wages campaigns are struggling in the finding of justice for families of those long gone and for those with little time left on this earth.

From WA, Yamatji Phil Moncrief said, "(These are) simple cut and dried cases. A social justice run up the mountain of corruption is what it is - it does not get much easier than to get the justice done here." However, the Stolen wages remain stolen for far too many people, their families and/or their descendants.

Disingenuous Gillard, Swan and Shorten can communicate denigration and mud but not policies!

It is disingenous for Julia Gillard, Wayne Swan, Stephen Conroy, Bill Shorten and others to be smashing the reputation of Kevin Rudd and to dishevel the legacy of his time in the Office of the Prime Minister.

Vegan Society: end of year dinner at Loving Hut

Date and Time: 
Sat, 03/12/2011 - 7:00pm - 10:00pm
Location:Shop 2 / 1420 Logan Road, Mt Gravatt
Contact Phone: 
(07) 3300 9320

Sumptuous vegan Buffet (no alcohol)

We have frequent outings to the best Vegetarian/Vegan restaurants! Non-members are very welcome.

RSVP By:26/11/2011
Phone (07) 3300 9320 to book a place.

Cairns Digger Street Arts Community Permablitz 2

Date and Time: 
Sun, 22/05/2011 - 8:00am - 3:00pm
Cairns, 105 Digger Street

Why do it alone when together is more fun

Come & join us at Digger Street Artist Community Permablitz
Sunday May 22nd, 8am-3pm. 105-107 Digger Street, North Cairns
Please RSVP with arrival time & what you can bring by Wednesday 19 May. Roland - 0421 921 923 or on facebook

Help us to extend & create together a magical food forest & garden
- a perma-sculpture out of plants

National Permaculture Day Celebration

Date and Time: 
Sun, 01/05/2011 - 9:00am - 4:00pm
Cairns, The Flexible Learning Centre 90 Clarke Street, Manunda

National Permaculture Day will be celebrated in Cairns and many groups, people and initiatives are celebrating along!

there will be lots to do and many groups will be present we will have:

a LETS trading Table
the Seed Savers with heirloom seeds from our region
Cooking with Realfood with Yin and the RealFood Network

Bio Dynamic Preps from Proper Earth
Swap and Share tables
Movies that Move & Movies that Matter
PermaCulture garden tours
Permi Kids entertainment
Food, drinks, activities and much more

Digger Street Permablitz

Date and Time: 
Sun, 17/04/2011 - 8:00am - 3:00pm
Cairns, Digger St Arts Community, 105-107 Digger Street,

Bio-Digger-Street-Culture: Why do it alone when together is more fun
Come & join us at Digger Street Artist Community Permablitz

Please RSVP with arrival time & what you can bring by Wednesday 13 April. Roland - 0421 921 923 or here

Help us to extend & create together a magical food forest & garden
- a perma-sculpture out of plants

Conscious creation while fostering strong community spirit through creative expression. Plus building community resilience & health through food security.

Bring your Green thumbs & lets Shape Form Plant Sprout Grow

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