Israel kills peace activists aboard flotilla

The Israeli navy has raided and killed up to 19 peace activists aboard the international flotilla heading towards Gaza with humanitarian aid. One Australian activist was shot in the leg and seriously injured and a journalist was tasered. The Australians were held for three days in Israel before being deported. The flotilla carried supplies like medical equipment and a dental equipment had peace activists, media and politicians from over 40 countries on board. Eyewitness accounts from activists of the Israeli attack are now emerging. Israel is a nuclear armed rogue state that deserves to be an international pariah. Visit for updates of events.

Five Australians were caught up in the raid. Two Australian journalists were arrested and detained for three days before being deported, including Kate Geraghty who was tasered A family of three Australian young activists were also involved. They included 20 year old Griffith University student Ahmed Lukman Talib who was shot in the leg and is now in intensive care in Turkey and his wife Jerry Campbell and sister Maryam Talib.

Eyewitness accounts have now started to emerge from the deported activists
Israelia Parliamentarian - Israeli's shooting 5 minutes before boarding

Other eyewitness accounts

Huwaidi Arraf - U.S. Activist tells of being beaten and hooded by Israeli commando's

Funerals have been held in Turkey for nine of the Turkish based activists killed in the raid. Confusion over the final death toll continues.

As the diplomatic fall out continues over the attack on the flotilla the UN Security Council has called for an investigation in a compromise statement between the U.S. and Turkey.

Kevin Rudd has made a statement calling for an end to the blockade of Gaza by Israel.

Meanwhile in the Westbank coverage on UK Indymedia reveals the Israeli state in defiance of world condemnation continues to violently target international peace activists and Palestinians alike as an 21 year old International Solidarity Movement member loses an eye after being shot in the face with a tear gas cannistar.

Read some more of the international coverage coming out about this atrocity in international waters against unarmed peace activists

BBC news video
coverage on Al Jazeerah
Live stream from the IHH website
SBS news coverage on Youtube from May 31st
Protests erupt around the world- AFP
Israeli Defence Footage has been released of what appears to show soldiers being hit on one of the vessels as they descended on to one of the ships.
Footage of the injured is shown on this Youtube video

An Australian activist, Renee Jaouadi, from the Free Gaza Movement who helped organise the flotilla has defended activists from accusations of violence stating to the ABC ""There is evidence of what I would call self-defence by the passengers, who were themselves under attack by one of the strongest militaries in the world when their vessels were boarded by planes, zodiacs and fully armed special forces in the middle of the night in international waters," she said." She also denied links to any terrorist organisations and that any weapons were on board. Read her interview here

This article from the Guardian details many of the veteran activists including Nobel Peace Laureate amongst the supposed "terrorists" on board the flotilla.

Also Live coverage from the official Flotilla site at

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Emergency Protest Action called in Perth

PROTEST: Tuesday 1st of June 5pm outside Wesley Church, the corner of Hay & William St in the Perth CBB.

Not since the French Secret Service blew up the Rainbow Warrior in Auckland Harbour in 1985 has there been such a brazen act of international piracy by a sovereign state. Governments all around the world have condemned the criminal actions of Somali pirates in international waters off the horn of Africa, and have even sent naval armadas to confront those pirates. The international community must now unreservedly condemn this criminal act of piracy on the high seas, and immediately sent an international naval armada to restrain the barbaric actions of the Israeli Navy.

Friends of Palestine Western Australia has called an emergency protest tomorrow (Tuesday) 5.00pm outside Wesley Church, the corner of Hay & William St in the Perth CBB.

You can take action before the protest tomorrow by contacting the following:-

Israeli Prime Minister’s Office

Israeli Ministry of Defence

Israeli Members of the Knesset Presidium
Dalia Itzik
Collete Avital,
Mohammad Barakeh
Amnon Cohen
Yuli-Yoel Edelstein
Yitzhak Levi
David Rotem
Otniel Schneller
Yitzhak Ziv

Israeli Knesset public complaints department
Gila Rothschild

Israeli Chairman, Security and Foreign Affairs Committee
Tzachi Hanegbi

Israeli Ambassador to Australia
HE Yuval Rotem

And please ask our own government to condemn this attack in the strongest possible terms

Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs
The Hon Stephen Smith

Australian Ambassador to Israel
HE John Larsen
Fax: +972 3 6935002

(comment first posted by Free the P - on Perth Indymedia)

Israeli Government labels peace flotilla "Terrorists"

In an attempt to cover their murderous actions the Israeli Government has attempted to label the flotilla carrying humanitarian aid "an armada of hate and violence" linked to Al Qaeda.

The Jerusalem Post reports below:

Defense Minister Ehud Barak said in a press conference on Monday that while he was sorry for lives lost, the organizers of the Gaza-bound protest flotilla were solely responsible for the outcome of the fatal IDF raid earlier in the day. Fifteen activists were killed and dozen wounded in the violent clashes.

Barak said that the soldiers tried to disperse the activists aboard the ship peacefully but were forced to open fire to protect themselves.

He called the flotilla a provocation, specifically called the IHH, an Islamic aid organization, "extremist supporters of terror."

The defense minister also called on Arab and Palestinian leaders not to let this "provocation by irresponsible people" ruin the progress made in proximity peace talks.

Barak's comnments followed the first Israeli response on the clashes, whereby Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon said that the flotilla of ships "was an armada of hate and violence. "It was a premeditated and outrageous provocation" and its organizers had ties to global Jihad, al Qaida and Hamas, said Ayalon. "Their intent was violent, their methods were violent and their results were unfortunately violent," Ayalon said.

"Israel regrets the loss of life and did everything it could to avoid this outcome," Ayalon stressed, adding that Israel had offered to transport the humanitarian cargo on board the ship to Gaza.

"The organizers on the ship did not heed the calls of our forces this morning to peacefully follow them and bring a peaceful closure to this event," said Ayalon, iterating that the successful arrival of the flotilla in Gaza would have created "a corridor of arms smuggling."

To read some independent background on the IHH - read the wikipedia entryhere

Visit the IHH official site here

Emergency protests

Protest details:

Melbourne: Tuesday June 1, 4.30pm, Bourke St Mall, CBD
Sydney: Tuesday June 1, 5.30pm, Town Hall, CBD
Brisbane: Tuesday June 1, 5pm, Brisbane Square (cnr George and Queen sts)
Perth: Tuesday June 1, 5pm, Wesley Church, cnr William & Hay Sts, Perth
Adelaide: Details coming soon - keep checking back here!
Canberra: Tuesday June 1, 5pm, outside Israeli Embassy, 6 Turrana St, Yarralumla. Plus also a rally in Garema Place on Thursday 3 June at 4.00 pm (organised by Australians for Justice and Peace in Palestine)
Newcastle: Tuesday June 1, 4pm, Sharon Grierson's office, Hunter St

Sydney rally called by Coalition for Justice and Peace in Palestine. Call to action available here: . Facebook event here:

Melbourne main event pages: and

Brisbane official event:

Perth official event:

Canberra official event (two pages): and

See also: Palestine Solidarity Campaign Melbourne

Re: Israel kills peace activists aboard flotilla

American activist loses eye after being shot in face with tear gas canister.

Re: Israel kills peace activists aboard flotilla

They're terrorists, not peace activists.

Re: Israel kills peace activists aboard flotilla

The killing has been done by the Israeli army. They need to be brought to justice for this action.

We need to urge our governments to do more

We need to urge our governments to do more. To deal with a country who kills people who want to help, is not acceptable. It requires our strongest condemnation. Kevin, show us that you are our leader!

Full on self=declared terrorists

So members of the Muslim Brotherhood, the IHH are not terrorists and jihadfists, despite their own declarations?
Sorry guys, i ve been reading and watching turkish media, and these thugs are full on self=declared terrorists who want to die for allah.!

Good luck with your therapy!

I join this call

I join this call borse replica

Military action must be taken against Israel

Military action must be taken against Israel at all cost.The Israeli government are terrorists and should be crushed they are doing to the Palestinian people what Hitler did to the jews but worse

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