A Mamluk (Turkish: Memlük, also called Kölemen; Arabic: (singular), mamālīk (plural), "owned"; also transliterated mamlouk, mamluq, mamluke, mameluk, mameluke, mamaluke or marmeluke) was a soldier of slave origin. The "mamluk phenomenon", as David Ayalon dubbed the creation of the specific warrior class, was of great political importance and was extraordinarily long-lived, lasting from the 9th to the 19th century AD. Over time, mamluks became a powerful military caste in various Muslim societies. Particularly in Egypt, but also in the Levant, Iraq, and India, mamluks held political and military power. In some cases, they attained the rank of sultan, while in others they held regional power as amirs or beys. Most notably, mamluk factions seized the sultanate for themselves in Egypt and Syria in a period known as the Mamluk Sultanate (1250–1517). The Mamluk Sultanate famously beat back the Mongols at the Battle of Ain Jalut and fought the Crusaders effectively driving them out from the Levant by 1291 and officially in 1302 ending the era of the Crusades.
They were of varied ancestry but were often Kipchak Turks/Cumans, depending on the period and region in question. While mamluks were purchased, their status was above ordinary slaves, who were not allowed to carry weapons or perform certain tasks. In places such as Egypt from the Ayyubid dynasty to the time of Muhammad Ali of Egypt, mamluks were considered to be “true lords,” with social status above freeborn Muslims.
The use of mamluk soldiers gave rulers troops who had no link to any established power structure. Local non-mamluk warriors were often more loyal to their tribal sheikhs, their families, or nobles than to the sultan or caliph. If a commander conspired against the ruler, it was often not possible to deal with the conspiracy without causing unrest among the nobility. The mamluk slave-troops were strangers of the lowest possible status who could not conspire against the ruler and who could easily be punished if they caused trouble, making them a great military asset.
After the fragmentation of the Abbasid Empire, military slaves, known as either mamluks or ghilman, became the basis of military power throughout the Islamic world. The Fatimids of Egypt bought Armenian, Turkic and Sudanese slaves, who formed the bulk of their military and often their administration. The powerful vizier Badr al-Jamali, for example, was a mamluk of Armenian origin. In Iran and Iraq, the Buyids used Turkic slaves throughout their empire, such as the rebel al-Basasiri who eventually ushered in Saljuq rule in Baghdad after attempting a failed rebellion. When the later Abbasids regained military control over Iraq, they also relied on military slaves called ghilman.
Under Saladin and the Ayyubids of Egypt, the power of the mamluks increased until they claimed the sultanate in 1250, ruling as the Mamluk Sultanate. Military slavery continued to be employed throughout the Islamic world until the 19th century. The Ottoman Empire's devşirme, or "gathering" of young slaves for the Janissary corps, lasted until the 17th century, while mamluk-based regimes thrived in such Ottoman provinces as Iraq and Egypt into the 19th century.
The first Mamluk dynasty was named Bahri after the name of one of the regiments, the Bahriya or River Island regiment. The name Bahri (بحري meaning "of the sea or river") referred to their center in al-Rodah Island in the Nile. The regiment consisted mainly of Kipchak Turks.
After this great triumph, Qutuz was assassinated by conspiring Mamluks. It was said that Baibars, who seized power, was involved in the assassination. In the following centuries the rule of mamluks was discontinuous, with an average span of seven years.
The Mamluks defeated the Mongols a second time in Homs in 1260 and began to drive them back east. In the process they consolidated their power over Syria, fortified the area, formed mail routes, and formed diplomatic connections between the local princes. Baibars's troops attacked Acre in 1263, captured Caesaria in 1265, and took Antioch in 1268.
Mamluks also defeated new Mongol attacks in Syria in 1271, 1281 (2nd Battle of Homs). They were defeated by the Mongols and their Christian allies at the Battle of Wadi al-Khazandar in 1299, but soon after that the Mamluks defeated Mongols again in 1303/1304 and 1312. Finally, the Mongols and the Mamluks signed the peace treaty in 1323.
In 1382 the Bukri or Burji dynasty took over, as Barkuk was proclaimed sultan, so ending the Bahri dynasty. Burji (برجي meaning "of the tower") referred to their center in the citadel of Cairo. The dynasty consisted mainly of Circassians (in Turkic Bukri means hunchbacked).
Barkuk became an enemy of Timur, who threatened to invade Syria. The Sultan of the Ottoman Empire Bayezid I then invaded Syria which was regained by Mamluk sultan Faraj when Timur died in 1405, but continually facing rebellions from local emirs he was forced to abdicate in 1412. That year 1421 Egypt was attacked by the Kingdom of Cyprus, but the Egyptians forced the Cypriotes to acknowledge the suzerainty of the Egyptian sultan Barsbay. During Barsbay's reign Egypt's population was greatly reduced from what it had been a few centuries before, with only 1/5 the number of towns.
Al-Ashraf came to power in 1453 and had friendly relations with the Ottoman Empire, who captured Constantinople later that year, causing great rejoicings in Egypt. However, under the reign of Khoshkadam Egypt began the struggle between the Egyptian and the Ottoman sultanates. In 1467 sultan Kait Bey offended the Ottoman sultan Bayezid II, whose brother was poisoned. Bayezid II seized Adana, Tarsus and other places within Egyptian territory, but was eventually defeated. Kait also tried to help the Muslims in Spain by threatening the Christians in Syria, but without effect. He died in 1496, several hundred thousand ducats in debt to the great Venetian trading families.
The Rulers of Gujarat and Yemen also turned for help to Egypt Mamluke Sultanate. The chief concern was the fitting-out a fleet in the Red Sea which should protect their sea routes from Portuguese attack. Jeddah was soon fortified as a harbor of refuge so Arabia and the Red Sea were protected, but the fleets in the Indian Ocean were at the mercy of the enemy.
Last Mamluk sultan Al-Ghawri accordingly fitted out a fleet of 50 vessels. As Mamluks had little expertise in naval warfare, the naval enterprise was carried out with the help of Ottomans. In 1508 at the Battle of Chaul the Mamluk fleet won over Portuguese viceroy's son Lourenço de Almeida but in the following year the Portuguese won Battle of Diu in which the Port city of Diu was wrested from the Gujarat Sultanate. Some years after, Afonso de Albuquerque attacked Aden, while the Egyptian troops suffered disaster in Yemen. Al-Ghawri fitted out a new fleet to punish the enemy and protect the Indian trade; but before its results were known, Egypt had lost her sovereignty, and the Red Sea with Mecca and all its Arabian interests had passed into Ottoman hands.
After the Battle of Chaldiran on 1514, Selim I attacked the Bey of Dulkadir, an Egypt's vassal had stood aloof, and sent his head to Mamluk Sultan Al-Ghawri. Secure now against Shah Ismail I, on 1516 CE he drew together a great army aiming at conquering Egypt, but to deceive it he represented his object to be the further pursuit of Shah Ismail I. In 1515 began the war which led to the later incorporation of Egypt and its dependencies in the Ottoman Empire, with Mamluk cavalry proving no match for the Ottoman artillery and the janissaries. On August 24, 1515, at the Battle of Merj Dabik Sultan Al-Ghawri was killed. Syria passed into Turkish possession, who were welcomed in many places as deliverance from the Mamelukes.
The Mamluke Sultanate survived until 1517, when it was conquered by the Ottoman Empire. Ottoman sultan Selim I captured of Cairo on January 20, the center of power transferred then to Istanbul. Although not in the same form as under the Sultanate, the Ottoman Empire retained the Mamluks as an Egyptian ruling class and the Mamluks and the Burji family succeeded in regaining much of their influence, but remained vassals of the Ottomans.
The French defeated a Mamluk army in the Battle of the Pyramids and drove the survivors out to Upper Egypt. The Mamluks relied on their massed cavalry charge tactics, changed only by the addition of muskets, to which the French formed square and held firm. Despite multiple victories and an initially successful expedition into Syria, mounting conflict in Europe and the earlier defeat of the supporting French Fleet by the British Royal Navy at the Battle of the Nile decided the issue. Napoleon and a guard from his Armée d'Orient withdrew in late 1799. On the assassination of Napoleon's successor, General Jean Baptiste Kléber on 14 June 1800, the command of the Army in Egypt fell to Jacques-François Menou. Isolated and out of supplies, Menou surrendered to the British in 1801.
In 1805, the population of Cairo rebelled. This was an excellent opportunity for the Mamluks to seize power, but internal tension and betrayal prevented them from exploiting this opportunity. In 1806, the Mamluks defeated the Turkish forces several times, and in June the rival parties concluded a peace treaty by which Muhammad Ali, who had been appointed as governor of Egypt on 26 March 1806, was to be removed and the state authority in Egypt returned to the Mamluks. However, they were again unable to capitalize on the opportunity due to conflicts between the clans; Muhammad Ali kept his authority.
Muhammed Ali knew that eventually he would have to deal with the Mamluks if he ever wanted to control Egypt. They were still the feudal owners of Egypt and their land was still the source of wealth and power. The constant strain on sustaining the military manpower necessary to defend the Mamluks's system from the Europeans and the Mongols would eventually weaken them to the point of collapse.
On March 1, 1811, Muhammad Ali invited all of the leading Mamluks to his palace to celebrate the declaration of war against the Wahhabis in Arabia. Between 600 and 700 Mamluks paraded in Cairo. Near the Al-Azab gates, in a narrow road down from Mukatam Hill, Muhammad Ali's forces ambushed and killed almost all in what came to be known as the Massacre of the Citadel. According to period reports, only one Mamluk, whose name is given variously as Amim (also Amyn), or Heshjukur (a Besleney), survived when he forced his horse to leap from the walls of the citadel, killing it in the fall.
During the following week, hundreds of Mamluks were killed throughout Egypt; in the citadel of Cairo alone more than 1,000 were killed. Throughout Egypt an estimated 3,000 Mamluks and their relatives were killed.
Despite these attempts by Muhammad Ali to defeat the Mamluks in Egypt, a party of them escaped and fled south into what is now Sudan. In 1811, these Mamluks established a state at Dunqulah in the Sennar as a base for their slave trading. In 1820, the sultan of Sennar informed Muhammad Ali that he was unable to comply with a demand to expel the Mamluks. In response, the pasha sent 4,000 troops to invade Sudan, clear it of Mamluks, and reclaim it for Egypt. The pasha's forces received the submission of the kashif, dispersed the Dunqulah Mamluks, conquered Kordofan, and accepted Sennar's surrender from the last Funj sultan, Badi VII.
Throughout the Napoleonic era there was a special Mamluk corps in the French army. In his history of the 13th Chasseurs Colonel Descaves recounts how Napoleon used the Mamluks in Egypt. In the so-called "Instructions" that Bonaparte gave to Kleber after departure, Napoleon wrote that he had already bought from Syrian merchants about 2,000 Mamluks with whom he intended to form a special detachment.
On 14 September 1799 General Kleber established a mounted company of Mamluk auxiliaries and Syrian janissaries from Turks captured at the siege of Acre. General Menou reorganized the company on 7 July 1800, forming 3 companies of 100 men each and renaming it the "Mamluks de la République". In 1801 General Rapp was sent to Marseille to organize a squadron of 250 Mamluks under his command. On 7 January 1802 the previous order was canceled and the squadron reduced to 150 men. The list of effectives on 21 April 1802 reveals 3 officers and 155 other ranks. By decree of 25 December 1803 the Mamluks were organized into a company attached to the Chasseurs-à-Cheval of the Imperial Guard.
Mamluks fought well at the Battle of Austerlitz on 2 December 1805, and the regiment was granted a standard and its roster increased to accommodate a standard-bearer and a trumpet. A decree of 15 April 1806 defined the strength of the squadron as 13 officers and 147 privates. A famous painting by Francisco de Goya shows a charge of Mamluks against the Madrilene on 2 May 1808.
Despite the decree of 21 March 1815 that stated that no foreigner could be admitted into the Imperial Guard, Napoleon’s decree of 24 April prescribed amongst other things that the Chasseurs-à-Cheval of the Imperial Guard included a squadron of two companies of Mamluks for the Belgian Campaign. With the First Restoration, the company of the Mamluks of the Old Guard was incorporated in the Corps Royal des Chasseurs de France. The Mamluks of the Young Guard were incorporated into the 7th Chasseurs-à-Cheval.
During their service in Napoleon’s army, the Mamluk squadron wore the following uniform: Before 1804: The only "uniform" part was the green cahouk (hat), white turban, and red saroual (trousers), all to be worn with a loose shirt and a vest. Boots were of yellow, red, or tan soft leather. Weapons consisted of an "Oriental" scimitar, a brace of pistols in a holder decorated with a brass crescent and star, and a dagger.
After 1804: The cahouk became red with a brass crescent and star, and the shirt was closed and had a collar. The main change was the addition of a "regulation" chasseur-style saddle cloth and roll, imperial green in color, piped red, with a red and white fringe. The saddle and harness remained Arabic in style. The undress uniform was as for the Chasseurs-à-Cheval of the Guard, but of a dark blue cloth.
Mameluco is a Portuguese word derived from "mamluk" (also named Mameluco in Spanish), used to identify people of mixed European and Amerindian descent in South America. In the 17th and 18th centuries, Mameluco also referred to organized bands of Portuguese slave-hunters based at São Paulo, known primarily as bandeirantes.
Mammaluccu in the Sicilian dialect is used to mean stupid, idiot or simpleton.
Mameluk was used in Hungary in the last decades of the 19th century as a nickname for Members of Parliament belonging to the governing "Liberal" party. This party governed Hungary for 30 years (1875–1905) and its members in Parliament fulfilled all wishes of party leader and prime minister Kálmán Tisza in order to preserve their parliamentary seats and accompanying privileges.
Officers of the United States Marine Corps carry a ceremonial Mameluke Sword, and Mamluke swords are used by US army in festivals.
In Italian American Vernacular English, the term "mamalook" is often used to refer to someone who does something stupid. It has roughly the same meaning as the Yiddish term "schmuck." However, mamalook is usually used in a joking way, whereas schmuck is more insulting.
! English | ! Arabic | ! Notes |
Alama Sultaniya | علامة سلطانية | The mark or signature of the Sultan put on his decrees, letters and documents. |
Al-Nafir al-Am | النفير العام | General emergency declared during war |
Amir | أمير | Prince |
Amir Akhur | أمير آخور | supervisor of the royal stable (from Persian آخور meaning stable) |
Amir Majlis | أمير مجلس | Guard of Sultan's seat and bed |
Atabek | أتابك | Commander in chief |
Astadar | أستادار | Chief of the royal servants |
Barid Jawi | بريد جوى | Airmail (mail sent by carrier-pigeons, amplified by Sultan Baibars) |
Bayt al-Mal | بيت المال | treasury |
Cheshmeh | ششمه | A pool of water, or fountain (literally "eye") |
Dawadar | دوادار | Holder of Sultan's ink bottle (from Persian دواتدار meaning bearer of the ink bottle) |
Fondok | فندق | Hotel (some famous hotels in Cairo during the Mamluk era were Dar al-Tofah, Fondok Bilal and Fondok al-Salih) |
Hajib | حاجب | Doorkeeper of sultan's court |
Iqta | إقطاع | Revenue from land allotment |
Jamkiya | جامكية | Salary paid to a Mamluk |
Jashnakir | جاشنكير | Food taster of the sultan (to assure food was not poisoned) |
Jomdar | جمدار | An official at the department of the Sultan's clothing (from Persian جامهدار meaning keeper of cloths) |
Kafel al-mamalek al-sharifah al-islamiya al-amir al-amri | كافل الممالك الشريفة الاسلاميةالاميرالأمرى | Title of the Vice-sultan (The guardian of the dignified Islamic kingdoms the commanding prince) |
Khan | خان | A store that specialized in selling a certain commodity |
Khaskiya | خاصكية | Courtiers of the sultan and most trusted royal mamluks who functioned as the Sultan's bodyguards/ A privileged group around a prominent Amir (from Arabi/Persian خاصگیان meaning close associates) |
Khastakhaneh | خاصتاخانة | Hospital (in modern Turkish: Hastane. In modern Crimean Tatar: Hastahane) |
Khond | خند | Wife of the sultan |
Khushdashiya | خشداشية | Mamluks belonging to the same Amir or Sultan. |
Mahkamat al-Mazalim | محكمة المظالم | Court of complaint. A court that heard cases of complaints of people against state officials. This court was headed by the sultan himself. |
Mamalik Kitabeya | مماليك كتابية | Mamluks still attending training classes and who still live at the Tebaq (campus) |
Mamalik Sultaneya | مماليك سلطانيه | Mamluks of the sultan;to distinguish from the Mamluks of the Amirs (princes) |
Modwarat al-Sultan | مدورة السلطان | Sultan's tent which he used during travel. |
Mohtaseb | محتسب | Controller of markets, public works and local affairs. |
Morqadar | مرقدار | Works in the Royal Kitchen (from Persian مرغدار meaning one responsible for the fowl) |
Mushrif | مشرف | Supervisor of the Royal Kitchen |
Na'ib Al-Sultan | نائب السلطان | Vice-sultan |
Qa'at al-insha'a | قاعة الإنشاء | Chancery hall |
Qadi al-Qoda | قاضى القضاة | Chief justice |
Qalat al-Jabal | قلعة الجبل | Citadel of the Mountain (the abode and court of the sultan in Cairo) |
Qaranisa | قرانصة | Mamluks who moved to the service of a new Sultan or from the service of an Amir to a sultan. |
Qussad | قصاد | Secret couriers and agents who kept the sultan informed |
Ostaz | أستاذ | Benefactor of Mamluks (the Sultan or the Emir) (from Persian استاد) |
Rank | رنك | An emblem that distinguished the rank and position of a Mamluk (probably from Persian رنگ meaning color) |
Sanjaqi | سنجاقى | A standard-bearer of the Sultan. |
Sharabkhana | شرابخانة | Storehouse for drinks, medicines and glass-wares of the sultan. (from Persian شرابخانه meaning wine cellar) |
Silihdar | سلحدار | Arm-Bearer (from Arabic/Persian سلاحدار meaning arm-bearer) |
Tabalkhana | طبلخانه | The amir responsible for the Mamluk military band |
Tashrif | تشريف | Head-covering worn by a Mamluk during the ceremony of inauguration to the position of Amir. |
Tawashi | طواشى | |
Tebaq | طباق | Campus of the Mamluks at the citadel of the mountain |
Tishtkhana | طشتخانة | Storehouse used for the laundry of the sultan (from Persian طشتخانه meaning tub room) |
Wali | والى | viceroy |
Yuq | يوق | A large linen closet used in every mamluk home, which stored pillows and sheets. (Related to the present Crimean Tatar word Yuqa, "to sleep". In modern Turkish: Yüklük.) |
Category:Kipchaks Category:Circassians Category:Circassian people Category:Circassian nobility Category:Ottoman political people Category:Military units and formations of the Ottoman Empire Category:History of Islam Category:Slaves of the Muslim world Category:Muslim dynasties Category:Mamluks
af:Mameluk ar:مماليك مصر bs:Memluci bg:Мамелюци ca:Mamelucs da:Mameluk de:Mamluken el:Μαμελούκοι es:Mameluco eo:Mamelukoj eu:Mameluko fa:مملوکها fr:Mamelouk gl:Mameluco ko:맘루크 hr:Mameluci id:Mamluk it:Mamelucchi he:ממלוכים ka:მამლუქები kk:Мәмлүктер lv:Mameluks lt:Mameliukai arz:الدوله المملوكيه ms:Mamluk nl:Mamelukken new:मम्लुक ja:マムルーク no:Mamelukk nn:Mamelukk pnb:بحری مملوک pl:Mamelucy pt:Mamelucos ro:Mameluc ru:Мамлюки scn:Mammaluccu simple:Mamluk sl:Mameluki so:Dawladii Mamaaliikta sr:Мамелуци fi:Mamelukit sv:Mamluker tr:Memlûkler uk:Мамелюки ur:مملوک vi:Chiến binh Mamluk zh:马木留克This text is licensed under the Creative Commons CC-BY-SA License. This text was originally published on Wikipedia and was developed by the Wikipedia community.
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