Blog: Hipster RunOff

VIDEO: Lana Del Rey sings "Santa Baby" as an Xmas Gift 4 her fans

VIDEO: Lana Del Rey sings "Santa Baby" as an Xmas Gift 4 her fans </embed> Today, may we all play our video games 2gthr in peace... God Bless, #LDR Do they know it's Buzzmas?

Twas the Nite B4 Buzzmas...

Twas the Nite B4 Buzzmas... Twas the night before Buzzmas, when all through the blogosphere Not a buzzband was buzzing, not even a relevant ~9.0 range mindie band. The mp3s were streaming from the blogspots year end lists, In hopes that we could save ourselves from the buzz apocalypse. The alt celebs were tweeting dumb thoughts from their heads, While visions of chart topping sales vibed in their heads. An entry level alt in her Coachella -wave tubetop, and I in my Am Appy tee, Were canoodling in the section commonly referred 2 as [...]

My grandparents challenged social norms by participating in a flash mob at the local Target

My grandparents challenged social norms by participating in a flash mob at the local Target </embed> Digital technology and social media can be liberating for any human being, no matter your age, race, size, color, or religious background. It gives is the opportunity to capture moments 4evr, but these moments become meaningless rituals. Every year, we go to a local retailer to purchase Christmas gifts. But what if I told u that ur mundane reality was ready 2 be challenged? At first, I was confused. Just searching for the Michael Buble/ She & Him Christmas album in the music section of Target. A crappy version of Wham's "Last Christmas" came on. Old [...]

I convinced my parents to turn our house into a Magical Christmas Dubstep Light Show

The Cadger Dubstep Christmas House - First Of The Year (Equinox) by Skrillex
</embed> Every year, my family tries to do something special with out Christmas lights. We'll usually go to Target, Costco, WalMart, and other Christmas specialty popup stores to find the most innovative lighting and lawn sculptures that can make our house the most unique Christmas display in our subdivision. In recent years, I felt like my father had been 'falling off his game.' I took matters into my own hands. I turned our house into a magical dubstep Christmas light show, to the tune of "First Of The Year (Equinox)" by Skrillex . At first, my parents [...]

Top 10 of 2011

Top 10 of 2011 2011 has been another controversial year. We've seen ups, downs, and in-betweens. There will always be an argument about who and what deserves to be the most remembered, highly regarded of the year. I know I'll never forget 2011, and especially these faces. I know you won't. Here's a top 10 of 2k11 that I feel confident standing behind. CONTINUE READING THIS OFFICIAL TOP 10 LIST>>>>>> read more

Girls frontman Christopher Owens visits Santa 2 ask for buzz gifts

Girls frontman Christopher Owens visits Santa 2 ask for buzz gifts Photo via Twitter!/chri55y baby R u there Santa? It's me. The popular buzz human Christopher Owens from the buzzband Girls . I promise, I have been a good buzz boy this year. I made mp3s, made music videos, got shirtless so alt QTs can 'JO' to me, and did my best to release as many memes as possible. I tried my best to stay authentic, staying true to my artistic vision. I promise, Santa. That's why I came to visit you in [...]

James Blake makes boring video for one of his boring songs

James Blake - A Case of You
</embed> In early 2k11, every1 was buzzing hard abt James Blake . But then they realized he only had one decent song and was ultimately compelled to make snooze-wave music that puts u to sleep. He has some new song called "A Case Of You" that is b0ring, so he made a boring new video 4 it with some broad in it. I really didn't follow the video or listen to the song. Basically only made this post to say' thank god 2k11 is over and we can sweep James Blake under the [...]

I Am Carles 'blowout' and/or XMAS-wave final sale x LATERZ x

I Am Carles 'blowout' and/or XMAS-wave final sale x LATERZ x Very Limited Supply left. Not sure when they are coming back. Here are some complimentary 'discount codes' 50% discount code: LATERZ XMAS DISCOUNT 50% off code: XMAS Hornie 4 Carles discount code: Hornie4carles FEAR FACTOR discount code: JoeRogan Order within next 24 hrs for [...]

Cults lead singer Maddie Follin looks 2 HOT 4 TV on children's television show

Cults lead singer Maddie Follin looks 2 HOT 4 TV on children's television show Oh Maddie... I want 2 drink hot cocoa with u Should we go 2 Starbucks? Maybe 'the Coffee Bean'? Maybe even a Ghirardelli Specialty Store... Do u want a peppermint latte instead? Maybe some sort of frappychinos I want 2 drink cocoa with u... Maybe we can just go to Target and buy some Hot Choco mix I promise 2 buy milk Whatever % you prefer So we don't have to be like 'poor ppl' who have to make hot chocolate [...]

Regine Chassagne is BACK looking hotter than evr in "Sprawl II" video

Regine Chassagne is BACK looking hotter than evr in "Sprawl II" video </embed> "Sprawl II (Mountains Beyond Mountains)" was the most controversial song on Arcade Fire 's "The Suburbs" because Regine Chassagne sings on it. Every1 is all like 'she's a terrible singer' and 'she should be kicked out of the band so Win Butler can sing every song', but Win is her husband and that will probably never happen. Plus, somebros consider her to be 'the hottest BB in indie'. This video has to be a reactionary shot to the emergence of Lana Del Rey . The video prominently showcases Regine [...]

Justice puts a naked broad on their single title so that people will talk about them

Justice puts a naked broad on their single title so that people will talk about them Let's face it. Justice 's 2k11 release was a huge flop. No1 even liked it because no1 listens to prog rock. I have no idea what 'prog rock' even is. Might as well just call it 'boring rock.' Anyways, they have some new 'single' called 'on'n'on' that no1 is even interested in hearing, but in order to 'get buzz', they put a nude broad on the 'single cover.' Of course, social networks like FB will be all like 'take it down' and iTunes will be all like 'n0 b00bz allowed.' Really desperate attempt to launch [...]

Avril Lavigne makes YUMMY Christmas cookies! YUM!

Avril Lavigne makes YUMMY Christmas cookies! YUM! If there's two things that I LOVE, it is CHRISTMAS and COOKIES. If there's three things that i LOVE LOVE LOVE it is Avril Lavigne, Christmas, and Cookies.... What happens when u put them all together? You get Avril Lavigne making YUMMY Christmas cookies! Ugh bb! Why didn't u invite me? I love LOVE LOVE making cookies. Honestly, it is fun to bake, and it gets me on my feet. I love following the directions on the back of the Betty Crocker box, working hard to make something that makes my tummy [...]

Lana Del Rey shows off her BANGIN, BLOODY bod in lamestream new music video

No One's Gonna Love You (Paul Epworth Mix)
</embed> Lana Del Rey is 2k11's #1 human meme, widely regarded as indie's #1 whore maven who is using her voice, but more importantly, her body in order to turn heads and get all eyes on her. Her new video "Born To Die" is meme fuel that could start any meme fire, complete with tigers, blood, nudity, an alt dude with a face tat, murder, rape, barely legal sex, and a tiger-on-human beastiality sex scene. I'm not sure if all of those are actually in there, but u have to assume that Lana Del [...]

I met LMFAO.

I met LMFAO. Photo by the cobrasnake I met LMFAO He is my favorite band character He makes me want to dance He makes me want to shuffle His name is 'Redfoo' He seems like a more relevant bro than 'Taboo' from the Black eyed Peas maybe more of a bro 'Party Rockers' might be the greatest song ever written I know how to do the shuffle from that song I also listen to 'Sexy and I know it' and [...]

Complete Buzz Market Analysis of Pitchfork's Top 100 songs of 2k11

Complete Buzz Market Analysis of Pitchfork's Top 100 songs of 2k11 These are the Top 100 songs of the year according 2 Pitchfork Magazine. 100. Thundercat – "For Love (I Come Your Friend) Nvr heard of them 99. Ill Blu – "Meltdown" Who is this? 98. Unknown Mortal Orchestra – "Ffunny Ffrends" I heard they are a lofi band or something 97. Fever Ray – "The Wolf" No1 likes ppl in masks any more 96. Peaking Lights – "All The Sun That Shines" I think this is GVBcore [...]

Who was the best _______ of 2k11?

Who was the best _______ of 2k11? I honestly believe that 2k11 was a very _____ year--in my personal life, in music, and in ________. When it comes 2 my personal life, I accomplished a very important goal: ________________. It made me feel ________. At the same time, I didn't really improve at ____________. I feel __________ about it, but at the same time I understand that life can be _________ sometimes, and you just need to keep _____________ing if you want to make the world a _______ place. My album of the year was ___________ by ___________. It really [...]

I met the buzzband.

I met the buzzband. I went to their show and I met the buzzband. I can confirm that they are human. I touched them. They are real. We had direct, personal interaction. I met the buzzband. There are multiple members in the band. Each of them has a unique personality. They all deal with fans differently One of the members is very nice. We took a photograph. One of the members is aloof. He is okay. One of the members is mean. One of the members was nowhere to be found. [...]

VIDEO: Crazed middle aged man makes death threat against Carles

VIDEO: Crazed middle aged man makes death threat against Carles </embed> I Am Carles is a branded t-shirt experience brought to you by Carles at the popular weblog HIPSTER RUNOFF . It seems as though a crazy middle aged man has made some sort of 'death threats' against Carles . I am not sure why he is vibing out in a parking garage, but I guess that is just where 'bros who wanna get internet attention go' in order to 'go viral' with ppl who care abt stupid internet shit. It seems like this is some sort of original song, a dark tribute [...]

Brooklyn Poet & DJ Tao Lin spotted canoodling with Lana Del Rey

Brooklyn Poet & DJ Tao Lin spotted canoodling with Lana Del Rey Recently, Lana Del Rey was spotted canoodling with relevant AltJew DJ A-TRAK [ link ]. She is truly becoming a top tier alt socialite, and we will see no shortage of pictures of her canoodling with other relevant alt celebs so that blogs can post it and be all like '2 brilliant minds and talents are meeting.' Can't wait 4 festival season! <3 <3 <3 Now, it seems like she has moved on to a new DJ (and writer/poet) Tao Lin . As you may remember, Tao Lin made his [...]

Vivian Girls look BANGIN on cover of some magazine I have never heard of

Vivian Girls look BANGIN on cover of some magazine I have never heard of Link: s/big-takeover-69-vivian-girls -cover-about-to-ship#disqus_th read The Vivian Girls have been back in the headlines this week because their former drummer, Ali Koehler , was ' mysteriously removed from Best Coast and replaced by a middle aged white guy .' You have to feel bad for her, because at the end of the day, even alt celebs are humans who are hunting and gathering for not just buzz bucks, but actual dollars in order to stay alive, and you get the feeling based on her tweets that [...]
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