We Are The History

Gipfelsoli plus x, update by s7ven 17.11.2007 - 14:49
Bild Six years after the G8 Summit in Genoa the trails against protesters and members of the police forces are still continuing. the trials against the police and carabineri have been delayed to benefit from the new regulations of prescriptive periods. The procecutors Canepa and Canciani show strenght in the trials against the 25 activists. Never before in the context of street protest such high charges were asked for.
In Germany activists call for a protest on November 17th. Under the slogan "Against the surveillance state and arbitrariness" people demand that a few people should not get punished for a legitimate and collectiv protest by facing them with specially contructed charges.

Updates: Genoa | Rostock

Indymedia Italy: Liguria | Lombardia | Napoli | Roma | Emilia Romagna | Toscana | Abruzzo
Radio (italian): Ondarossa (stream) | Radio Onda d'Urto (stream)

No Border Camp approaches Gatwick Airport

((i))NoBorders 22.08.2007 - 12:11
As the government started to build a new immigration prison (Brook House at Gatwick Airport, near Crawley, south of London), the No Border Camp is getting closer: Sept 19-24. Among the various actions announced, Saturday, the 22nd, will see a demonstration from Crawley to Tinsley House, the already existing immigration prison at Gatwick, next to the planned site of the new centre. There will be workshops both at the camp and at Goldsmith University the week before, to coincide with the 30th anniversary of the Battle of Lewisham.

Links: Gatwick No Border Camp | London No Borders | Nottingham No Borders | noborder.org | map of European migrant camps | No Border Camp At IMC UK

We are all 129a!

z921 19.08.2007 - 14:15
Four German activists have been arrested on suspicion of being members or supporters of an alleged 'terrorist organisation' [lawyers' press release | de]. The German federal police suspect that Militante Gruppe (MG or Militant Group) was behind several arson attacks against police and army vehicles since the group surfaced in 2001 [Federal Prosecution's press release]. The direct actions are said to have included an attack on German federal police vehicles to protest against their involvement in immigration deportations and another in response to the G8 raids earlier this year. If found guilty, the four could face up to 10 years in prison. Another three men have been accused but not arrested.

A number of solidarity actions have already taken place, including a demo in Berlin last Wednesday (August 1st) and another at the prison where the four are held on Sunday (August 5th). A Germany-wide protest against police repression is planned for September 15th [call], while many solidarity protests and actions are expected throughout the world.

For more information, check this new solidarity blog [en]

G8: More than 10,000 block Heiligendamm

imc-g8 10.06.2007 - 01:25
Bild As hundreds of G8 delegates arrived in Germany, mass blockades interrupted their reaching the summit's venue in Heiligendamm. Over 10,000 protesters blocked most of the routes leading to Heiligendamm, 'breaching' the no-demonstration zone around the fence. Despite the largest security operation in German history since World War II and almost unprecedented repression, protesters managed to cripple the summit on the streets of Rostock and Heiligendamm. Official G8 organisers were forced to call "Plan B", ferrying summit attendees by boat or helicopter, while many were delayed or returned.

G8 is over; the struggles not

05.06.2007 - 17:45
Bild The G8 summit has come to an end and the 8 heads of state, along with their tails, have gone back home, and so have thousands of protesters who were there to make sure they don't get what they want so easily. But while the former will continue with their lies and fucked-up policies, so will the latter with their fights and struggles.

You can see a minute-by-minute timeline of the 2007 G8 protests on the Indymedia Dispatch Ticker [ de | it | fr | es | gr ].

Links: Dissent! Network | Interventional Left (de) | Revolutionary Alliance | Gipfelsoli | Protest Coalition | Alternative Summit | Camps | Move Against G8 | Block G8 | Coalitions | g8-tv.org

G8 Protests: Militarism and War

05.06.2007 - 00:40
Bild The day of action started with an action at the Security Fence to commemorate the 40th anniversary of 1967 war and Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands and protest against the apartheid wall, which was called off because of police restrictions. A demonstration against militarisation and war started with a rally in Rostock-Warnemünde, followed by a march through Warnemünde. Smaller rallies took place at the offices of Caterpiller, EADS and the Hanse Barracks. In the evening, a big demo and short blockades took place at the military airport of Rostock-Laage, where George W. Bush supposed landed.

Tiemline in En | Reports:

Infos für unterwegs | Zentrale Websites: Dissent!-Netzwerk | Interventionistische Linke | Revolutionäres Bündnis | Gipfelsoli | Protestkoalition | Alternativgipfel | Camps | Move Against G8 | Block G8 | Bündnisse | g8-tv.org | Information in english

G8 Protest: Freedom Of Movement And Equal Rights For All‭

((i)) 04.06.2007 - 10:10
Bild On Monday, June 4th, anti-G8 actions and protest focussed on the demands for freedom of movement and equal rights for all. Several decentralised actions took place: a demonstration with several thousand participants at the Immigration Centre in Rostock and another at the Sonnenblumen House in Lichtenhagen, where the Nazis attacked refugees in 1992. These were followed by a big march and rally in Rostock, which police restrictions and delays, but finally made it to the final rally at the city harbour.

Decentralised actions also took place in other cities throughout the world: Dresden | Houston (Texas) | Bern

See the English Timeline for updates Reports: 1 | 2 Pics: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 Videos: 1 | 2

g8-migration.net.tf | no-racism.net | No Lager | noborder.org | Dissent! Migration

Rostock: Tens of thousands protest against the G8

imc-g8 03.06.2007 - 10:04
Bild In the run-up to the G8 Summit next week, tens of thousands of anti-G8 protesters, with several thousands on the Black Bloc alone, took part in the international demonstration in Rostock on 2 June, 2007. With colourful banners and puppets, protesters of different backgrounds tried to draw attention to the bigger problem of capitalism and the 'empire'. Police was very aggressive and provocative, using batons, water cannons and tear gas, not only against the 'bad protestors' but 'normal' ones as well. Violent confrontations were taking place while, on stage, the concert and speeches were trying to continue. Over 100 people were arrested and many injured on both sides.

Reports: [en] 1 | 2 | 3 | [de] 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | [it] 1 | 2 | 3
Pics: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14
Video: 1 | 2 | 3
Audio: [de] 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | [en] 1

Nazi Demos and Counter Actions in Schwerin

(((i))) 02.06.2007 - 21:07
After the ban on both the NPD march and the Antifascist counter-demo in Schwerin, around 150 Antifascists were held in police custody. 41 Nazi buses traveled from Schwerin to Rostock. There were small Nazi marches in several German towns.

The Bombodrom is Settled

RoBri 01.06.2007 - 22:37
Bild At 4pm, Friday 1st June 2007, 700 anti-war activists started a new settlement in two places on the planned bombing range at the Kyritz-Ruppiner Heide. The former command tower was painted in anti-militaristic pink, accompanied by a performance by musicians from "Lebenslaute" and over 100 clowns.

G8 News Roundup - June 1st

circus 01.06.2007 - 22:20
Report compiled from IMC Germany breaking news ticker and newswire reports, 1st June 2007.