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On this page, you will find online versions of publications and other information materials produced by the UNCCD secretariat or in cooperation with its partners.

Latest publication

»  Land and soil in the context of a green economy for sustainable development, food security and poverty eradication
The Submission of the UNCCD Secretariat to the Preparatory Process for the Rio+ 20 Conference
View: English

  1. Publications
  2. FAQs, Glossaries, Important dates (jump to library page)


Issue paper series

»  No. 1 Human rights and desertification
»  No. 2 Securitizing the Ground, Grounding Security
eng  |   spa  |  
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UNCCD Information sheets

»  Committee on Science and Technology (CST): Brief for Scientists
eng  |  fre  |  spa  |  rus  |  chi  |  ara  |  
»  From Land Degradation to Land Health
eng  |  fre  |  spa 
»  The 10-year strategic plan and framework
eng  |  fre  |  spa  |  rus  |  chi  |  ara  |  
»  Fact Sheets
Basic facts about desertification and the Convention

eng | fre | spa | de
»  Explanatory leaflet
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Thematic Factsheets

»  Gender and Desertification
English | French | Spanish
»  Climate change and desertification
English | French | Spanish
»  Migration and desertification
English | French | Spanish
»  Water scarcity and desertification
English | French | Spanish
(back to top)

Policy briefs

»  Migration: UNCCD Policy Brief
»  Land: a tool for climate change adaptation (UNCCD Policy Brief 1)
»  Land: a tool for climate change mitigation (UNCCD Policy Brief 2)
»  Mitigating Climate Change in Drylands – The Case for Financing Carbon Sequestration
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CST Highlights

»  CST Highlights no.1
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»  UNCCD News
»  Newsletter, "Down to Earth"
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Education Kits

»  Interactive web-based version of the Education Kit on Combating Desertification
»  UNESCO teacher's kit
»  Building a more sustainable world through education
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Science Briefs series

»  Land Matters: Enhancing Synergies among the Rio Conventions on Land Use and Sustainable Land Management
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Other publications

»  Land and soil in the context of a green economy for sustainable development, food security and poverty eradication
The Submission of the UNCCD Secretariat to the Preparatory Process for the Rio+ 20 Conference
View: English
»  Global Drylands: A UN system-wide response
Full Report
Summary Brochure
English   |   Korean
»  The Forgotten Billion
MDG Achievement in the Drylands
»  Desertification: a visual synthesis
eng   |   fre   |   spa
»  The Economics of Desertification, Land Degradation and Drought Toward an Integrated Global Assessment
»  The brochure "Measuring the value of land" is released
»  The Essential - 2010 UNCCD CD-Rom
(Some pages may not be properly displayed by Internet Explorer)
»  La gouvernance territoriale et ses enjeux pour la gestion des ressources naturelles
»  African Drylands Commodity Atlas
English | French
»  Benefits of Sustainable Land Management
English | Spanish | French
»  Desertification – Coping with Today’s Global Challenges in the Context of the Strategy of the UNCCD
»  Adaptation - Under the Frameworks of the CBD, the UNCCD and the UNFCCC - Joint Liaison Group of the Rio Conventions
»  Forests - Climate Change, Biodiversity and Land Degradation - Joint Liaison Group of the Rio Conventions
»  Women Pastoralists: Preserving traditional knowledge. Facing modern challenges
»  Opportunities for Synergy among the Environmental Conventions: Results of National and Local Level Workshops
»  Ten African experiences
»  WOMEN OF THE EARTH - Nurturing the future
»  Know risk
»  Promotion of Traditional Knowledge
»  UNCCD Ten years on: 2004 anniversary magazine
»  Down to Earth
A simplified guide to the Convention to Combat Desertification
»  Global Alarm
Dust and Sandstorms from the World's Drylands
»  Prevention and Control of Dust and Sandstorms in Northeast Asia
»  Important Dates
»  Comic strip
»  Rio Conventions Calendar 2009
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