
New America Media partners with ethnic media outlets and journalism schools across the country which serve as regional hubs bringing hyperlocal news content to each other. These regional media hubs form a communications network that bridges diverse communities, help expand our national directory and raise the visibility of the ethnic media sector as a whole.


Ethnic Media Hubs For Hyperlocal News

Our current network include major ethnic media media clusters in California (San Francisco and Los Angeles), Michigan (Detroit), Minnesota (Minneapolis-St. Paul), New England (Boston) and New York.

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Click on a region colored in the above map to go directly to a news hub website.

LA Beez

LA Beez

LA Beez is an online collaboration of ethnic media organizations featuring hyperlocal news content covering the metropolitan Los Angeles area. The LA Beez ethnic news hub is a project of New America Media's Digital Divide Initiative funded by The Ford Foundation. The Ford-NAM Digital Divide Initiative aims to assist ethnic media in improving coverage of their communities and other ethnic groups through citizen journalism and online multimedia development. The goals of this project are to help community media set up a viable, robust online presence with trained contributors who could produce stories more efficiently and comprehensively, and to open up new lines of communication among and between ethnic and immigrant communities.

New Michigan Media

New Michigan Media

"New Michigan Media" is the network of ethnic media in Michigan who first came together in 2006 under the direction of Prof. Hayg Oshagan, Director of Project Ethnic Media at Wayne State University's Department of Communication, and with the assistance of NAM. The New Michigan Media network is working to represent the 150+ ethnic media outlets in Michigan. This initiative has led to newsmaker briefings, conferences, workshops, convenings, and most recently a meeting of publishers from Jewish, African American, Korean, Arab, and Hispanic media to discuss plans for an upcoming conference, a news server, ad buying, publishing a directory, awards, sustainability and other projects.

Twin Cities Daily Planet

Twin Cities Daily Planet

The Twin Cities Daily Planet, a project of the Twin Cities Media Alliance, is a community newswire and syndication service showcasing the best work of the neighborhood and community press, as well as work by independent journalists and the voices of engaged citizens.

The Twin Cities Daily Planet is conceived as an experiment in participatory journalism, built on a partnership between professional journalists and individual citizens. Collectively, the residents of the Twin Cities have far more expertise and insight than can be found in any one newsroom. The premise of the TC Daily Planet is that new technologies are making it possible for these citizens to become more active and powerful participants in the news production process. One goal of the Daily Planet is to harness that community intelligence and enable individuals to share information and work together for the common good.

New England Ethnic Newz

New England Ethnic News

The New England Ethnic News ("Ethnic Newz") hopes to bring together the following siloed elements of the region: voices from different ethnic groups and cultures; the best stories from ethnic media of New England; teens and student journalists, teachers and coaches from UMass Boston and the local mainstream media; news consumers of all kinds; research; links to community, business and government resources; and opportunities to connect across our cultures.

Each week, Ethnic Newz offers some of the best ethnic news stories and opinions in New England. As a digital portal, the New England Ethnic Newswire strives to be not just a window, but a door.

New York Community Media Alliance

New York Community Media Alliance

New York Community Media Alliance is the only association of ethnic and community publications in New York City. Since April of 2000, NYCMA has been providing technical assistance, training, networking opportunities, and advocacy for our members. NYCMA is building a network of freestanding community and ethnic papers to strengthen each other through cooperative action.


In addition to the regional hubs listed above, we also have on-going partnerships with the following Journalism Schools:

American University School of Communication

American University in Washington, D.C.

American University School of Communication is the only professional school in Washington, D.C., that brings journalism, film and public relations together, with an international perspective and a focus on new media -- digital, interactive, and social media. The School of Communication offers MFA, MA and BA degrees in Film and Media Arts, International Media, Journalism, and Public Communication. The School of Communication and New America Media have partnered to map D.C.-metro-area ethnic media, organize a press briefing with local school officials and are compiling an updated regional ethnic-media directory.

Assistant professor of journalism Angie Chuang is incorporating this work into her Race and Community Reporting class, where each student is assigned a handful of ethnic media to contact and profile. They discovered ethic media outlets in DC, MD and VA, from Persian Television to Vietnamese Press.

News In Many Languages

Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism

University of California – Berkeley

On February 15, New America Media and UC Berkeley School of Journalism hosted a one-day workshop for ethnic media.

Community Media Workshop

Community Media Workshop

The Community Media Workshop serves the large ethnic news media community in the Chicago area with a number of trainings and efforts to unite and unify the ethnic news media. It is involved in a campaign called We Are Not Alone or No Estamos Solos, which is an effort to unite the black and Latino news media to tell different and more solution-oriented stories about youth violence. The campaign has shared a new reporting guide, inviting ethnic media to send their feedback to improve coverage on this issue. CMW is also a partner with the Global Press Institute and its work in linking female bloggers from around the world with female bloggers from Chicago's diverse immigrant community.


California State University, Northridge: Department of Journalism

NAM has developed a number of special workshops and panel discussions from covering diversity to immigration issues for both students and working ethnic media journalists.

Columbia University Journalism School

Columbia University, New York, New York

Columbia University Journalism School and professor Arlene Morgan, Associate Dean of Prizes and Programs, have been great allies in helping NAM connect journalism schools with ethnic media across the country. In June 2005, NAM organized the First National EXPO of Ethnic Media in partnership with IPA-NY and Columbia University Journalism School.

LSU Forum on Media Diversity

Louisiana State University: Manship School of Mass Communication

LSU Mass Communicating: The Forum on Media Diversity is dedicated to be the national source of information and scholarship about diversity in both higher education and professional journalism and mass communication.

UGA Grady College

University of Georgia: Grady College of Journalism & Mass Communication

NAM and the UGA Grady School for Mass Communication recently hosted "Ethnic Media Family Weekend" in Athens, GA, following the success of last summer's Atlanta Immigration Summit where ethnic media and immigrant rights groups from across the south came together to discuss how to strengthen communications.

UNLV Hank Greenspun School of Journalism

The University of Nevada, Las Vegas: Hank Greenspun School of Journalism & Media Studies

NAM and the University of Nevada, Las Vegas' Hank Greenspun School of Journalism in Las Vegas, NV have just begun a new partnership to map ethnic media in Las Vegas and Reno. The fastest growing city in America has experienced a boom of New Americans and likewise an explosion of ethnic media. Associate Professor Paul Traudt and graduate student Anthony Springer are already busy collecting a myriad of Chinese, Filipino and Ethiopian newspapers just in their local neighborhood. One featured media which hopes to be more engaged in the new network is the Las Vegas Chinese Daily News.

University of Arizona

University of Arizona School of Journalism

NAM and University of Arizona Journalism School department head Jacqueline E. Sharkey met recently to discuss a partnership to map ethnic media in Arizona and host an Immigration Summit next fall, bringing together ethnic media and immigrant rights groups to discuss the state's immigration issues.

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

University of Illinois – Urbana-Champaign

Brant Houston, Executive Director of Investigative Reporters and Editors (IRE) and a journalism professor at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and NAM have partnered to launch "Ethnic Media Watchdog Workshops" in Atlanta, Chicago, Minneapolis, and New York.

Texas State University San Marcos

Texas State University – San Marcos

Federico Subervi, professor at the School of Journalism and Mass Communication, Texas State University-San Marcos, has been a great collaborator to NAM and instrumental in connecting ethnic media across Texas.

USC Annenberg

USC: Annenberg School for Communication

NAM's Southern California office has been housed under USC Annenberg since 2001. Since then, NAM has had many collaborations with USC Annenberg's Institute of Justice and Journalism and the California Endowment Health Journalism Fellowship on media training workshops and recruitment of ethnic media journalists to these programs.

University of Miami School of Communication

University of Miami School of Communication

Students at the University of Miami School of Communication recently surveyed 50 ethnic media outlets and launched the "South Florida Directory of Ethnic Media" to link media with each other and to local resources. In November 2007 NAM and U Miami SOC hosted a briefing with the Centers for Disease Control on the importance of flu shots.