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    Libyan rebels take Tripoli

    August 22nd, 2011

    Moammar Gadhafi’s men put up little resistance as rebels poured into Tripoli and attempted to storm Gadhaf’s main compound.

    2 of Gadafi’s sons; aif al-Islam and Mohammad have been arrested and are being held but the main man himself is nowhere to be found.

    Rumours have been making the rounds that Gadhafi may be trying to seek asylum in South Africa.

    It’s the end of an era for Gadhafi, who has ruled Libya with an iron fist since 1969.

    He was the only son of a Bedouin herder, Muammar Gaddafi took over the leadership of Libya in 1969 after a coup against the then King Idris I.

    Gadhai was only 27 years old at the time and he was promoted to the rank of colonel, the highest ranking position in the Libyan army. He then made himself the commander in chief of the army and head of the Libya.
    The “mad dog of the Middle East” proved to be not very helpful in the Lockerbie bombing investigations and made enemies the world over.

    But times have changed and Gadhafi is in his last days as a free man. Probably last hours before he is killed.


    Pay to Bid auction sites – Scam or not?

    August 16th, 2011

    Smokoo, Swoopo, Auctionar, MadBid and many other pay to bid auction sites work on a similar model which requires the user to purchase bids in lots of 10 or 20 or more. Each bid is counted when bidding for an item. The items are usually high ticket items such as gaming consoles, laptops, mobile phones and even cars. However in most cases the auction does not end a specific time and time is extended whenever someone places a bid within the closing stages of the auction.

    Problem is, this is extremely shady. Because in order to bid you need to “buy” bids. As do everyone else who wants to bid to win. In the example of an Xbox being sold for only $5, there is no outright purchase price, you have to bid for the item, and bidding does not drivethe price high quickly. It gradually goes up, perhaps by 1c a bid. The idea with these types of auctions is to keep the price down so people continue bidding with the hope of winning an xbox for as low as $7.23

    So you have 100 People who each spend , say $100 each to buy bids to win the Xbox . Their collective bids cost them, those 100 people, a total of $10 000, so Smokoo buy an Xbox for $200 and then “auction” it off by forcing a group of people to buy bids. Not all those people are gonna get the Xbox for $5. One solitary person out of a group of 100 or more who have all put in money to bid, will win it. Just 1. So that Xbox has cost the group of 100 people a total of $10 000. Who gets to keep the $9700 difference? Not you or me, but Smokoo, that’s their business model, they not selling off anything cheaply, they selling bids which on any GOOD auction site should be free to bid.

    Even better is their auctions where you can win packets of bids. So they (smokoo) bundle up $100 worth of bids and you can win it for $5, but whats it cost them? Nothing. its invisible, they dont exist, they just made those bids appear. Yet it costs YOU real money to buy bids to bid towards winning more bids. In essence they are selling you fresh air and you are buying it. Because you will spend hundreds of dollars in bids before you win anything and even if you do, there are 99 people behind you who didnt, but they paid their money towards your prize. And visa versa.

    What you are entering into is nothing but a lottery.


    Top US Cop to battle UK gangs

    August 13th, 2011

    Former police chief will advise UK on how to deal with gangs

    A former New York Police Chief, Bill Bratton, is to become Prime Minister David Cameron’s crime adviser following last week’s riots in the UK.

    Mr Bratton, who has headed the New York and Los Angeles police forces, has assisted the British Government in the past on policing issues and was awarded an honorary title of Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire by Queen Elizabeth in 2009.

    The former Police Chief turned Security expert has not only experience but also shows remarkable progress in areas he has worked in in the past.

    He was quoted as saying:
    “I am looking forward to the opportunity to work with Prime Minister Cameron on those issues.”
    “I think part of what the Government is going to do is, to take a look at what worked and what didn’t work during the course of the last week.
    “My assignment is to focus more on the issues of the American experience dealing with gangs and what we may be able to share with them that might help them to prevent similar activities in the future.”

    11 year old rioters in court

    August 12th, 2011

    A number of very young children have appeared in court in connection with the recent spate of fires, riots and thefts in the United Kingdom.

    An 11 year old boy, from Romford, Essex, admitted being part of a gang of youthsthat robbed a Debenhams store duringthe riots  was given a referral order.

    An 11 year old girl from Derbyshire appeared in court on similar charges but refused to apologize for her actions in the Nottingham riots. Instead she sat smirking at the magistrates. She received a 9 month referral order.


    amy winehouse robbed after death

    August 12th, 2011

    Around 20 people have had access to Amy Winehouse’s house after her death and apparently one of them decided to nick a few things.

    Some of the items reported stolen include copies of unreleased tracks, lyric books, a guitar and letters written by the late singer.

    The items stolen would be worth a small fortune to collectors.

    Amy’s father Mitch is said to be furious over the thefts.


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