Oh my aching sides – all those trade union leaders who backed Miliband as ‘one of us’  and were talking of maybe ditching him and going for Ed Balls  as ‘one of us’ will now be left up shit creek without the paddle. There will be fury among many Labour supporters, resignations, calls for a new party of the left, maybe even some hostile responses on those carefully manicured walkabouts. But the crazed welsh windbag Kinnokio has been let out of the asylum for the day to provide ‘left cover’……..

 ”In politics, division carries the death penalty and they must learn that. Because in the end it’s their own chests they will stab as well as the back of the leader of the party.”   YOU FUCKING WHAT? KINNOKIO YOU ARE BONKERS!

So the Labour Party OXBRIDGE CREW have stitched up the workers party good and proper – RACHEL REEVES  your time will surely come. I reallt cant wait to read Polly Toynbee’s next column where she manages to rationalise support for Balls.

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Whore-Gun-How? (his very name, a striking instance of nominative determinism, encapsulates much of his brief) makes it clear this Monday evening that he intends, irrespective of ‘Mayor,’ to lord it over London’s streets. A rare opportunity to express the responsible response to his totalitarian concept of Total Policing. (In coming months watch out, for example, for more of his Berlin-style mobile walls of steel.) All are welcome:


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Firstly – Stewart is not standing nor is there anyone who has asked him to stand. But Stewart – some have greatness thrust upon them. I’ve been racking my brains for a sparky character who might enliven the dread boredom of  Boris/Ken and Paddick re-run. Someone with a bit of politics and humour outside the far left ghetto who can give as good as he gets and might have wide appeal. Perhapss someone who was a member of the Humannist asociation and the National Secular society. I won’t go on – you know the kinda person. STEWART LEE. Draft stewart Lee. If you know Stewart go and wake him up. If  you see a performance – ask him if he’s standing. To your Facebooks and Twitters comrades. It shall come to pass.

STOP PRESS: Oh fuck me – I should have checked his wikipedia page before allowing a heady rush to consume me. I am indeed indebted to comrade SHARPE   for pointing out to me that Stewart Lee went to fucking Oxford. Can you adam ane eve it – this campaign is now abandoned having lasted for 11 minutes. …is this a record…………but wait…here’s a suggestion from ANON:

‘How about Derren Brown… From Croydon, not Oxbridge (did go to private school but only because his Dad was a teacher there…)

He’s very secular and quite anti-religion…. And he can bamboozle people into voting for him with his Jedi mind tricks’

Yes brilliant Derren Brown could swizzle the results………….bamboozle the opposition into thinking they’d lost….confuse the vote counters….get Boris to admit defeat before the count starts……endless possibilities…..he wouldnt havr to run a campaign just turn up to the count and cause mayhem!


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Thanks to those who suggested places for the CLASS WAR COVERS EXHIBITION -still actively persuing a venue for a weekend show. In the meantime we are setting up an afternoon display of all the CW covers for one Sunday in March with a talk by the man who designed most of the best ones PHIL GARD. Phil will be talking not so much about the politics  behind the covers but about the often comedic and chancy way they came about. One example – the full story behind the Best Cut of All Thatcher cover – who’s hand on the meat cleaver, how did the blood get slashed, who took the photo. Absolutely essential listening for you CW techies and historians out there. Should have date and venue by Monday. As part of this we’ll be blowing up some of the best cover to AO size for sale on the day – and they do look fucking good. The reason  for doing this is because I think there’s a whole generation out there who’ve never seen the early CW stuff. There’s a desire to digitise the whole lot and anyone who’d like to help with this will be welcome. For now though we’d like to digitise all the covers for which we need someone with an A3 scanner. Help  please.

I’m putting the Hospitalised Copper riot  book idea to bed. Thanks to those who offered help. Two problems:  A lot of the photos were subject to copywrite and would have to be paid for with threats of legal action etc. Secondly Hospitalised copper worked in CW because it was funny – picture of coper with wonky jaw and caption – ‘big bummed barry bollock bashed with boulder in bloody battle of the Barrier block’….but apart from a few the riot photos of injured coppers weren’t funny after the first ten – all very commendable of course – but more like photos for trauma surgery! Not a big seller I think……better watch on You Tube.

BOOK OFFERS:  I’ve now got 1,000 copies of ‘BASH THE RICH’ in my front room so here’s an unrepeatable offer:  £1 each for 10 or more to anyone who can collect from South London…..ideal if you’re doing a fundraising bookstall as they retail at £9.99. Also anyone with car out there could deliver sme books from south to west london one weekday?  contact me :


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The two banners say it all…… can dress it up any way you want…….but when it comes down to it………

ooops: the second banner you can only see bit of reads SMASH THE STATE…….


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Constitutional reform is not something anarchists have ever been interested in. However we should be because on the horizon looms the independence referendum – probably 2014 – and the possibility of  an independent Scotland. The bald fact is that if Scotland goes independent THERE WILL NEVER BE ANOTHER LABOUR GOVERNMENT IN ENGLAND. Deprived of their 41 Scots MPs – as against 1 Tory- it will be impossible for Labour to form a majority in England. Our Northern comrades from Newcastle to Sheffield to Manchester and Liverpool will forever be ruled by a southern Tory majority. In such circumstances would the North be a doormat forever?  Or will there be  A RISING IN THE NORTH  to cast off the Tory yoke? I think it might be something our comrades north of the Trent might feel worth getting ready to consider.


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HA! I’m with Comrade Crow on this one – let’s hear for the HS2 which will not only provide a fast service – too late for me though I’ll be long gone – but blight property prices in Wendover and great Missenden – double whammy! Just listen to the Tory whingers down  Ye Olde  Bully Beef Wellington. Ha – love it. They are all going to vote UKIP  to punish all those nice Tory MPs like CHERYL GILLAN who have turned out to be traitors! Yes vote UKIP you dorks – you’ll still be a blighted backwater and NEVER sell your houses……and a UKIP MP will make it fucking worse. Losers! Losers! Let’s hear it for the Iron Horse! I swear on the great McGonnagal that one of them in a  pub said on telly last night….’In my hamlet’………’IN MY HAMLET’….Priceless.


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Too ugly to lead? Ed Miliband, the leader of the Labour party, had his looks brought up in an interview with Radio 4 presenter John Humphrys
This is the question asked of ED by John Humphrys on the Today programme this morning. I think he looks like a ventriloquist’s dummy who has leapt out the case and come  ALIVE!!  but without his master to pull the levers hecan only manage a few phrases like pretty polly….tough choices…tough choices………tough choices………you might be laughing now biut check out HUGO in the film ‘DEAD OF NIGHT’ and remember …he’s already stabbed his brother in the back!


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Danni has been posting on this blog almost since it started and persisted in posting on this site with great integrity to his/her membership of the SP in the face of just copping lots of anti-Trot flak on many occasions. . So I know leaving the SP would not have been easy for Danni….so repect Danni, keep posting and here’s your latest comment:

‘Rod, my statement was purely a comment on unity/disunity, saying that from Ian’s post it sounded like they had managed to be civil and cooperative at least. I’m sure the PCS conference was better attended, and it certainly had more “big names”, but it also had fucking appalling sectarianism from the platform from members of various Trot sects.
I’ve left the SP, like most young people who join Trot groups I got fed up of it. I still broadly agree with them on a lot of issues, but their position on the riots was pure class treachery. I also got fed up of them having the cheek to call groups like NCAFC “front groups” when YFJ is the most transparent front of them all. Specks and planks comrades’


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Women's Action Group members Jean Innes, left, and Bev Potts make their voices heard outside Cineworld in Chesterfield during a protest against the film

Protest outside cinema in Chesterfield yesterday. While southern tories are flocking to cinemas to see the film up north cinemas are empty – in Tyneside only 2%  of seats were booked! The t-shirt worn above  shows that Thatcher’s funeral will be similarly greeted across the class divide.

Here’s a passionate and eloquent comment posted earlier from Patrick of  London Class War which deserves to be read  by all:

‘Margaret Thatcher being glorified like some sort of heroine in a film about her life. Oh yes I remember that Tory bastard, she brought us the Youth Training Scheme, the Poll Tax and was the destroyer of the trade unions. She is responsible for the greed and the wealth made by those as greedy as herself by using the working class as cheap labour. Many a man & woman were given their marching orders, so that they could use the youth of the day to work for little reward under the pretence that they were being given training for a future job. It was cheaper to use a kid out of school, paying £25 quid than have an employee who was paid £150 a week. She is responsible for the destruction of some of our greatest industries, the miners, the dockers, the steel workers, the printers. She privatised everything & even today, several decades on we are still feeling what she started all those years ago. Real social housing was taken away in favour of selling off council housing which has led to the kind of homeless epidemic we see around us every day. Hospitals were closed & sold off, wards sat there empty for months, sometimes years. She is hated & dispised by millions. Unlike Robin Hood she robbed the poor to give to the already rich parasites who still profit at our expense even today. We were not asked what we would like done for the benefit of all in our country & for all. We are forced to bail out greedy bastards every day.

It is good to know that there were good people out there who stood side by side against her, who fought bravely and defiantly against her, her cabinet and her bastard government. We had industries which were the envy of the world & one by one she crushed the life out of them. She sold off all our public services to profiteers who didn’t give a fuck & even today we see on the news, in the papers her lasting legacy with pensioners in privately run old peoples homes, mistreated, abused, assaulted & left to lay in their own shit. Our household bills are through the roof, gas, electricity & even our weekly grocery bills are all sky high. This is what Thatcher left us and I for one would like nothing more than to see the bitch burning on a heap of her own shit.

A state funeral for her? You’ve got to be fucking joking & we are expected to foot the bill? No fucking way. She deserves to be turned into fertiliser, pissed on, squatted over an shit on. She may look frail & pitiful looking now, yet she showed no pity or remorse & we shouldn’t show her any. The sooner she’s gone the better & by the look of the picture above, many will celebrate her demise. It is only a shame she never got what she should of got in Brighton.

Our greatest victory was smashing the poll tax when we had had enough & took to the streets in 1990 we worked together in solidarity & that time has never been forgotten. We can do so again, work together. Groups that before wouldn’t work together sat side by side at the ALARM Conference on Saturday 7th January. The way forward is open to us so we can again form alliances, form organisations all over the UK in towns, in cities for the rebellion that will surely come, if not now then its not far off, because a new generation of kids from working class backgrounds under the present government are being treated in much of the same way we were in our youth.

Our defiance is taking over empty homes, occupying work places, striking & telling the rich scum to FUCK OFF. But before we get started destroying the upper class toff bastards let’s have the greatest celebration ever on the day that THATCHER DIES!!!’



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