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Tuesday Jan 17
7PM Battle of the Ballot Box
Wednesday Jan 18
6PM How would YOU Occupy 2012?
Friday Jan 20
6PM Wintery Blues Tour
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Last Night DIY Parade 2011: Occupy The New Year Hundreds of people participated in the 7th Annual Last Night DIY New Year's Parade on December 31st, 2011 in downtown Santa Cruz. Hundreds more lined Pacific Avenue to watch and document the grassroots New Year's Eve celebration created by the community. The event has become both a homespun, family-friendly alternative celebration and a controversial embarrassment for the city.

Every New Year's since 2005, the DIY celebration has been peaceful, creative, and fun. However, because of its lack of official sanction, civic leaders have opposed the celebration from the beginning. In 2010, police tried to shut down the parade by selectively targeting individuals who participated.

"While the police and civic leaders try to frighten us with the specter of downtown violence, we just want to participate in a communal celebration with our neighbors," said Elizabeth Burchfield. "We are tired of being afraid. It's time to organize together."

imc_photo.gifRead more and view photos | previous coverage: 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010
Cycling Advocates Seek Control of Santa Cruz County Sierra Club On December 8th, the California Coastal Commission voted 10-1 to approve the controversial $5 million Arana Gulch Master Plan. The vote was expected to resolve a fifteen year long battle between cycling advocacy groups and environmental groups that oppose a bike path through the Santa Cruz greenbelt. But in a move that has some long time Sierra Club members crying foul, cycling advocacy groups are running a slate of three candidates for the board of the Santa Cruz County Group of the Sierra Club in the December election. This would be the second cyclist-sponsored candidate slate in two years, and is expected to decide control of the Santa Cruz Group Executive Committee.

The candidates have no prior history of volunteering for the Sierra Club, but do have extensive ties to local cycling advocacy groups. Tawn Kennedy is coordinator of Green Ways to School, a K-12 education project that is funded by a grant through People Power and the Hub for Sustainable Transportation. Greg McPheeters is the immediate past Chair of the Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition, and Mary Odegaard joined People Power in advocating for the King Street bike boulevard. The trio are attempting to unseat the current Santa Cruz Group Executive Committee Chair, Kevin Collins, a long time Sierra Club forestry activist, as well as the Forestry Committee Chair, Dennis Davie, and the Secretary / Treasurer, Mark Sullivan, a local environmental attorney.

A mailer to Sierra Club members touts the experience of Kennedy, McPheeters, and Odegaard in youth outreach, solar energy, and organic farming. But long time Sierra Club activists are concerned about the lack of experience in core Sierra Club conservation activities, which they feel are essential to the Sierra Club mission. The Sierra Club has been active for half a century in Santa Cruz County on forest and watershed conservation, native species protection, coastal advocacy, and zoning and land use, as well as evaluating public and private projects for conformance to local, state, and national environmental laws. The Executive Committee Chair, Kevin Collins, explains that the Sierra Club is one of the few local environmental organizations that does not receive money from City or County and so is free to take positions on politically charged land use and development issues.

Read more | Final Battle in 15 Year Long Arana Gulch Saga? | Friends of the Pogonip | Friends of Arana Gulch
Noise Demonstration at County Jail in Solidarity with the Occupy Santa Cruz Arrestees In solidarity with those arrested when the Occupy Santa Cruz encampment at San Lorenzo Park was raided by authorities the previous morning, community members held a noise demonstration and rally at the Santa Cruz County Jail on the evening of Friday, December 9th. Approximately 50-75 community members brought percussion instruments and five gallon plastic water jugs and proceeded to drum in mass to communicate to the prisoners inside of the jail that they would not give up support of their cause, and also to show the "compassion and fire" felt for those interned, and to stand strong when faced with police repression locally.

By the time the demonstration began on Friday at the county courthouse, five out of the six arrestees had been released. When initially booked into jail, unusually high bail amounts of $25,000-$50,000 were set for the individuals' who faced basic misdemeanor charges. They were charged with "obstructing an officer" even though some of them were only standing on the sidewalk observing the removal of the Occupy Santa Cruz camp, and moving back when authorities suggested they do so.

Prior to the release of five of the arrestees, suggested support for them included showing up at the arrestees' arraignments at 8am on the morning of Monday, December 12 at the Santa Cruz County Courthouse, in addition to calling SCPD Chief Kevin Vogel: (831) 420-5810 (ask for Kevin Vogel), Zach Friend (police spokesman): (831) 420-5818, and Bob Lee (district attorney): (831) 454-2420. It is unclear whether the person still held in custody will be arraigned on Monday, but one of the five releeased was not given a date to appear.

imc_photo.gifRead more and view photos

See also: Calling Deputies "Puppets"--Cause For Arrest? Updates from the War Zone | previous coverage: Occupy Santa Cruz remains committed despite raid by County sheriffs, City Injunction | Marchers Joined by OSC for Protest and Noisemaking at County Jail
Police Raid and Destroy Occupy Santa Cruz Encampment in San Lorenzo Park On December 8th at about 7 a.m., approximately 100 police from across Santa Cruz County outfitted in riot gear raided the Occupy Santa Cruz encampment in San Lorenzo Park. The City of Santa Cruz and Police Department issued an evacuation notice on Monday, Dec. 5th to cease and desist all camping activity on Wednesday, Dec. 7th before 5 p.m.. Occupy Santa Cruz held a general assembly on Wednesday evening, and only a small number of people remained in San Lorenzo Park overnight.

The agencies conducting the raid included the Santa Cruz County Sheriff's Office, police departments from Santa Cruz, Capitola, Scotts Valley, Watsonville and UC Santa Cruz. State park rangers were also dismantling tents inside the park. Employees of First Alarm, a private security and policing corporation, were present as well.

Six people were arrested and are being held in jail. Arrestees are reportedly being held on $25,000 bail each (one exception being held on $50,000) for various charges, including failure to leave the park.

Supporters of those who have been arrested write, "These people urgently need support! There will undoubtedly be court and lawyer fees, along with the possibility of posting bail, so please donate to the legal support fund."

imc_photo.gifRead more and view photos | Support Needed For Occupy Santa Cruz Arrestees | imc_calendar.gifNoise Demo In Solidarity With OSC Arrestees

See also: Santa Cruz Co. Sheriff's Office Dismantles Occupy Santa Cruz Geodesic Dome and Structures at Courthouse | 7 pm: It's When Free Speech Ends | previous coverage: Occupy Santa Cruz Helps Those Fallen Through the Cracks
DIY Community Garden and Park Destroyed in Santa Cruz A community park was established in downtown Santa Cruz on December 3rd when volunteer gardeners gathered at dawn to build raised concrete flower beds, plant shrubs and fruit trees, and build benches. By early afternoon they hung a sign to welcome people to the new community park. "This is an ongoing process of creation," said one of the gardeners, "We'll be planting through the winter. As these new sprouts take root it will be beautiful!"

The community park was subsequently bulldozed on the morning of December 6th by Datum Construction. Community members are asking people who are upset about the bulldozing of the park to contact a list of people and companies. Creating the park was part of an effort to reclaim the commons, to reverse the trend toward privatization of space and give it back to communities.

imc_photo.gifNeighbors Create Do-it-yourself Community Park in Solidarity with Occupation Movement | imc_photo.gifAn Account of the Destruction of a Community Park | Garden Destroyed! Time to Organize!
Empty Bank Occupied in Santa Cruz On November 30th, more than a hundred activists in Santa Cruz demonstrated in front of a Chase bank, before marching to and occupying a vacant bank building at River and Water Streets. A communique handed out shortly after the building was entered states, "This building is being re-purposed in solidarity with Occupy Santa Cruz. Formerly a Coast Commercial Bank, the building was bought by Wells Fargo, closed, and has been vacant for the past three years. The company leasing the building manages foreclosures for Wells Fargo.

"The building is being re-purposed under Federal and State laws surrounding 'adverse possession.' This law states that space is most beneficial to the people who use it. Spaces like this one, reclaimed from the wealthiest 1%, are places where we can seek redress to our grievances."

November 30th: The Repurposing of 75 River St. | imc_photo.gif Photos: Vacant Bank Occupied Part 1 | Part 2 | imc_photo.gifOne Demonstrator Arrested

December 1st: imc_calendar.gif75 River Occupied! Potluck discussion dancing tonight

December 2nd: Occupy Santa Cruz and the 75River group

December 3rd: imc_calendar.gifAncestree Reggae @ Occupy SC! | imc_photo.gif75 River St. Community Center Writes Letter to Santa Cruz Police Department | 75River: A Victory for What Will Be

See also: A Closed Bank Put to Good Use
Students Occupy Hahn Student Services Building at UCSC After effectively shutting down and preventing employees from starting the workday at the Hahn Student Services building at UC Santa Cruz starting at 5am on November 28, students held a rally at Quarry Plaza at noon followed by a general assembly at 2pm. After discussion of agenda items, students reached consensus on holding the remainder of the GA at the Hahn building to support those who were still maintaining the shutdown. At Hahn, it was decided on that the building would be entered and occupied.

The occupation of the Hahn building began at about 4pm, and the general assembly was moved to the second floor balcony. Some students listened to the proceedings from inside the offices. While occupying the building, students utilized conference rooms for working group meetings, and the restrooms were briefly re-identified as "gender neutral." The general assembly was to be reconvened at 7pm so that students could break into specific working groups. The main office cubicle area was eventually transformed into a study area that students used as the evening's general assembly stretched late into the evening. By 11pm, and 4 hours into the resumed GA, students had reached consensus on how to proceed if the police arrived and asked them to leave the building. In addition, the group decided on the location of an encampment should they leave Hahn.

The day of actions at Hahn Student Services was held in solidarity with students who faced police brutality and repression of student free speech at UC Davis. Throughout the day, students maintained their three specific demands, that UC Davis Chancellor Katehi resign immediately, that all police be removed for UC campuses, and that fee hikes be eliminated.

imc_photo.gifRead and view more photos | imc_photo.gifUCSC Students Shut Down Hahn Administration Building | Demands | Purpose and Explanation
Occupy Santa Cruz Helps Those Fallen Through the Cracks Occupy Santa Cruz has been working to address the needs of those abandoned by corporate medical care. In the face of rocketing health care costs, declining county health services, and now exaggerated heath concerns by city officials, members of the local Occupy Movement have been providing basic health services, including first aid, regular meals, and 24 hour sanitation facilities. To address emergency needs, Occupy Santa Cruz has an EMT and other medical professionals on call who respond promptly to medical issues. Occupiers are working with local groups to provide deescalation training and non-violent conflict resolution. Similar to what is offered at other Occupy locations, future plans may include mental health counseling and drug and alcohol treatment.

Since mid-October, Occupy Santa Cruz has a medical working group that stocks first aid supplies, trains potential responders, and has an EMT on-call for emergencies. While people struggle with hunger elsewhere, the Occupy food working group accepts donations of food and feeds hundreds of people at the occupation everyday. Though San Lorenzo Park restrooms are locked at night by the city, Occupy Santa Cruz has three portable toilets and a hand-washing station to address sanitation concerns. For some poorer members in the community, this is their only access to basic medical care, sanitation, and nutrition.

Read more | Occupy Santa Cruz Calls Bullshit | previous coverage: Union Members Rally with Occupy Santa Cruz
Fri Nov 4 2011 (Updated 11/13/11) Free Radio Santa Cruz Resumes Broadcasting
Free Radio Santa Cruz 101.1 FM Seeks New Location for Broadcasting After an eviction from their previous transmitter site, Free Radio Santa Cruz has found a new site and resumed broadcasting. The collectively run, anti-corporate, community supported station has been providing Santa Cruz with alternative programming to counter mainstream corporate and NPR stations since 1995.

The Free Radio Santa Cruz collective is always looking for new members to create original programming. To that end, Uncle Dennis, a broadcast engineer for Free Radio Santa Cruz, is offering a class in radio engineering during the winter quarter of Free Skool Santa Cruz. The class will have lots of hands-on experience, but with the theory of radio and electronics as a basis.

Read more | Free Radio Santa Cruz Changes Frequency to 101.3 MHz
iCal feed From the Calendar:
7PM Tuesday Jan 17 Battle of the Ballot Box
6PM Wednesday Jan 18 How would YOU Occupy 2012?
6PM Friday Jan 20 Wintery Blues Tour
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Ground Zero Gary Under Attack; OSC Re-Emerging; Mayor on Free Radio Tonight! Robert Norse (5 comments)
Thursday Jan 5th 6:03 AM
Occupy Monterey Discusses Next Phase of Occupation Alex Darocy (2 comments)
Monday Jan 2nd 2:37 PM
Last Night DIY Parade 2011: Occupy The New Year! Bradley Stuart (4 comments)
Saturday Dec 31st 11:28 PM
Helping Others: Amplifying Revolutionary Love, #Jan4Foundation, and More @pcvcolin (1 comment)
Monday Dec 26th 7:03 PM
The Unstoppable DIY New Years Eve Parade DIY Community (10 comments)
Tuesday Dec 20th 11:45 AM
Protesters Engage in Civil Disobedience Against Courthouse Curfew via Occupy Santa Cruz (4 comments)
Monday Dec 19th 12:12 PM
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Sunday Oct 9th 8:22 AM
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Wednesday Sep 21st 9:37 PM
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Wednesday Sep 21st 7:07 AM
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GE and the rest of us David Rose
Thursday Jan 12th 6:45 PM
The Haymarket Martyrs Lucy Parsons (5 comments)
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Stop the Public University Tuition Spiral Ralph Nader
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Monday Nov 14th 12:35 PM
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Saturday Nov 12th 8:54 AM
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