Home Insurance

Home Security October 15th, 2011

Home is where we put our heart and mind, where we share the love with all the members of the family.

People do anything to increase their earning, sometimes with big sacrifice, such leaving families abroad, to do the job that provide high salary.

All the sacrifice, were then only for one ultimate reason, to build a warm house, that will provide safety, intimacy between the members of the families and of course to display and keep valuable stuff. And the land of the house itself, also create huge  investment, price will never decrease.

To some people a house, reflect personality and even pride, that’s why its become very important to people’s life.

People will do anything to protect their home. From upgrading their security system – ( any new technology will adjusted just to protect their home from unwanted things), and also now many people sign in for home insurance. With home insurance, believed will give the real protection, if ever unwanted things such damaged by natural disaster, victim of a robbery, or any kind of bad things happen to our home, the insurance will give back what been missing.

Designing Ceramic

Bath Showers January 28th, 2011

LOADING ceramic does look easy. But if you’re not careful, could decrease its durability. In fact, can be dangerous for residents.

In the previous edition was discussed on the tiled floor. This time the procedure will try to install a deeper level. Remember, ceramic tile can be set with various designs. Therefore do not let you either choose a model that does not fit the concept of home.

“Designing a house with ceramic tile floor to be seen where it is. That is, will be placed where. For example, in the bathroom, kitchen, a place that often hit the water, circulation area, and so forth,” said Rina Elandra architect.

From the initial placements, then determined the color, texture, materials, to design the composition of pottery. According to Ir Bambang Sudiatmodjo landscape architect, basically placement ceramics (especially floors) exist in two areas, namely exterior and interior.

“However, the exterior is divided again in circulation and public areas. Furthermore, the interior is the kitchen, bathroom, stairs, also including the circulation and the public,” he said.

For exterior areas, Rina and agreed Bambang said that if the ceramic is selected should be resistant to the weather. In addition, must have very low absorption.

“Generally, the exterior surface of the tiles for the floor berglasur. Kind of ceramics is also suitable for use on walls if you want a different facade,” said Rina.

Consider also when it rains so that the floor tiles got wet. Then, select a ceramic coarse texture and easy to clean.

Furthermore, the definition of public area is tiled floor must have a high level of violence, resistance to abrasion, fluids and chemicals. If you choose a glossy or glazed ceramic, it should be noted quality.

Because if if low-quality, will fade in a short time. Do not forget also circulation. Select type of ceramic is strong, compact, thick, and easily cleaned.

“Given the dirt from outside the home often carried inside. Ceramic floor glossy or semi-gloss may be an option,”Bambang call. Public areas and circulation are also applicable for interior ceramic tile floors.

Because both of these areas is also present in the house. The difference is, just do not need too strong. Therefore, the level of mobility of residents are also not as often as in the outdoor.

For kitchen areas, in addition to using a ceramic floor, can also be made monochromatic by walls. In this space needed floor resistant ceramic materials (liquid) dye, acid-base and fat.

That way, scattered the ingredients for cooking fell to the floor easier to clean and does not damage the ceramic floor. “For the ceramic wall, should and glossy because it has a high resistance to temperature of the kitchen from the stove, sparks and forth from the cauldron of fat when cooking,” said Rina.

For the stairwell, you should choose ceramic that are not slippery. Therefore, ceramic motifs with relief or texture on its surface could be the right option. Can also ceramic tiles with an accessory that is specific to stair mounted in known as bullnose and stepnose.

On the surface there are a number of granule-slip effect. Finally, choosing ceramic tile for the bathroom area. Generally, a very limited extent. This is to create an impression of a field in the bathroom.

“Select the type of with texture on its surface so as not to skid on slippery or wet time and also easily cleaned of moss,” said Rina.

Type of wall tiles are also worthy of use in the bathroom wall. Choose which berglasur and burnish resistant to chemicals. Ready to remodel tile re you?

MATERIAL natural stone in residential increasingly popular. Apparently, the trend “back to nature” is still a favorite of architects. Bored with routine and modernity is one reason.

“Nature is the best teacher. Guidance towards better quality of life feasible. He is also wonderful, making the environment more beautiful and soothing,” she said Evelyn Kit, one of his fans in a residential feel of nature.

Yes, a shop owner natural stone “Nature Decoration” in the region Puri Indah, West Jakarta, was so loved nature. Houses, as well as his store, natural shades. Leafy parks combined rocks on the wall, wrapped around a wooden shades. Splashing water also complement the scent of freedom in one corner of his house.

“Since my youth I was busy with the routine as a career woman. I get bored, want to enjoy a life free like being at the top of the hill,” said Evelyn. According to him, natural stone becomes the easiest way to bring atmosphere in addition to buy various kinds of beautiful plants.

Evelyn also explained that given the aura of natural stone could remove the weariness of a routine. “Sounded cool, until all the natural stone can be customized with any home style, whether minimalist modern and classic house,” he said.

Besides giving an impression of nature, natural stone also foster a dynamic impression. In the Mediterranean-style home, natural stone is usually more dominant presence on the exterior. Floors, walls, stairs, and parks are usually covered with natural stones.

“The colors are very distinctive and rich texture of natural stone make sense. Natural stone can give other shades. Not only psychologically, as well as visually to its owner,” said Januarizkhan, natural stone store owner “Combination Wall” in the number Kalimalang, East Jakarta.

According Januarizkhan, combining several types of natural stone can produce a work of art. For example, using a combination of stone walls Palimanan, Yogya stone, and stone temples. On the interior, natural stone can be present in the dining room or family room. Usually presented to sweeten natural stone in the house garden section. Or materials such as dry bathroom.

“These stones have a different specificity. Depending on the style and color,” said the entrepreneur who pursue the natural stone business since the 1960′s. Natural stone ornaments can be added with water was flowing. If it were so, the atmosphere will be like a flowing river.

Natural stones are now also increasingly diverse. From the explanation of Evelyn in the know that the colors of natural stone is also wonderful for home decorating. So far we only know the brown natural stone, natural colors that are similar to ground color.

Colorful natural stones began to red, white, yellow, green to be able to distinguish the characteristics of a house style. “If the yellow limestone can be used for Mediterranean-style house. For minimalist house can wear white or gray, white or green. So chill remains minimalist but the impression can be,” said Evelyn.

The diversity of natural stone that is now being used as a complement decor Dwi Noviantoro recognized architects. He mentions natural stone which is influenced more and more variants rocks that increasingly come from abroad.

“Actually there is no particular trend in natural stone selection process. We must be concerned is how to combine them with the basic design and harmony in the combination,” he explained.

Its name from natural ingredients, so to put it too must take special steps. In order to appear beautiful natural stone, note the pattern of installation, and finishing of natural stone, the process of installation, and maintenance.

Installation of natural stone patterns were very diverse. However, not all natural stone can be installed with the same pattern. This is due to the physical properties and texture of natural stone vary. Starting with various kinds of finishing up an exotic mosaic of natural stone.

Finishing of natural stone to be installed is also very diverse. Start is made with the lathe, there are ditapah, carving, until there is a cut with cutting machine. “The main thing that must be considered in applying the natural stone is maintenance. Therefore, it is often vulnerable to mildew, so there should be a coating (coating),” said Dwi.

However, the coating should not be made redundant and this depends on the owners tastes. Not a few people who choose not to get a coating of natural stone for more natural shades.

Rooftop is an important component of occupancy. Not only function as protectors of houses, but also reflect the style that brought the house.

So many types of roof truss that you can use to influence the style of the house because the roof of the house. Suppose your house the traditional style, then you can use a clay tile roof. If your occupancy minimalist style, use of concrete roof.

Some problems are common in residential homes due to leaky gutters ceiling collapsed, so the overflow of rain water can not be accommodated in the house. There are also problems that resulted in water leaking roof seeped into the walls, so the walls become moist, dirty or other effects that makes your home is damaged and no longer safe to use.

Then, how do we overcome the impact of natural events? We should pay more attention to making the roof. Do not let the roof of the house is only used as an umbrella, but it does not function as a whole. A good roof is capable of protecting the house from the sun, from a height of rainfall, or for any other weather changes.

We can also use exterior paint. At least the roof of a house can be beneficial in the long term. In addition, it is also an effort to reduce waste impact on the earth.

In addition to the use of exterior paint, we can also use a good set of roof. At least the roof of the house has a series of major effect on resistance of the roof of your house. Use the right frame of the roof had become one of the guidelines to make the house safer and more comfortable.

A good roof is not just good or exciting to the eye, but also serve to protect the house and its occupants to feel comfortable and safe.

Kind of a good roof for occupancy, according to architect Joni Saputra, is a mild steel. Compared to wood and concrete, steel roof has a long durability. In addition, the cost for the project house cheaper than wood. Although cheaper, steel is not losing quality with wood. For instance, says Joni, residential-housing is now using this type of roof because it is lighter than the steel structure of wood.

Implementation of the roof is generally associated with residential style. This is described by the architect Rahadi Rosi. Type of roof tiles that match the style is minimalist houses flat roof because minimalist style tends to simple, so that the curved roof tiles tend to be avoided by the concept of minimalist houses.

For modern-style house, using almost the same roof with a minimalist, which is a flat roof. Modern design that we know are more likely to utilize the materials of glass and metal.

“Although inclined barium glass, yet it does not mean you have to use glass tiles completely, but you can apply it on the roof of the garage,” says Rosi.

“You can use 50 percent fiber glass and the rest of the closed roof at the garage,” he added.

So it is with contemporary residential style. Because of its almost identical with the modern style, then it is no less precarious with the use of modern style. However, there are elements not mix ideally using concrete roof tiles.

The residential style tends to emphasize the elements of classical waves with lots of detail. So precarious is suitable for use is crucial waves.

What is different is the country style residences. This house is difficult to implement because the roof of lightweight steel design will find that wood is the material most suited for the clay roof tiles.

“In principle, the application of tiles to put forward to the owner of the house because it tastes tend to be flexible exterior,” said Rosi.

WHAT if home is not sufficient land to build a hobby room? Do not worry. When the smart home owners take advantage of every corner of his house, hence the desire to build a “space” hobby can still happen.

Now, try to note the corner where the house is still empty and can be used to make the area a hobby? According to architect Dian Puspasari Rica, there are some places that generally provides a corner or a blank area in the house.

First, the area under the stairs. Second, in the corner. Third, the area under the roof that can be used as an attic.

First, the staircase area generally have enough land to make a hobby area. With an area of it, simply place the cabinets to store things related to hobbies, as well as tables and chairs.

Agar peace and comfort will be maintained, which does not use a permanent room divider to separate or mark the difference between a room with one other room. If homeowners want the other family members participated in the hobby, room divider may not be used.

“Sometimes there are some hobbies that can be done with family members. For example a particular craft or hobby of reading by making a small library. If this happens, of course not really necessary to partition the area enough to accommodate family members. More than that, the impression area and familiarity will be even more are created, “said Rika.

If a family member have the same hobbies, Rika recommend that the area under the stairs was quite filled the closet to store goods. Meanwhile, for hobbies, just done on the floor with carpet wear. That way, family members will be more collected.

Next, the usable land is a corner. If the homeowner hobby is reading or listening to music, trying to put a built-in cupboards to put things related to the hobby.

“At his side can put a long sofa to read, and a standing lamp for lighting,” said Rika.

If desired, homeowners can also provide other decorations in the corner area of a hobby to distinguish other decorations in the corner.

“Different Decorating can be created with different wall color selection or as a marker unique knacks area differences. However, these differences must be taken to ensure that fixed line or do not disturb the harmony of color and decor in the room,” he said.

Third space that can be used to create a hobby area of the attic. Usually, the attic used as storage. However, this area can also be constructed to create a hobby room. Simply use the mezzanine floor, then become a hobby room.

“In this place of tranquility and concentration it easy to get because really separate from the other room,” said Rika
