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UNEP Global Environmental Alert Service (GEAS) is a mechanism for identifying, selecting and communicating early warning information on emerging issues to decision makers on a regular basis across the following UNEP's focus areas:

Climate Change
Disasters & Conflicts
Ecosystem Management
Environmental Governance
Harmful Substances
Resource Efficiency

The Global Environment Alert Service continuously scans the scientific literature, analyses results of earth observations and other data sources to produce widely distributed alerts, focussing on policy relevant environmental hotspots, environmental science, and near real-time environmental hazards in an easily understandable format. It takes the pulse of the planet and enhances UNEP's ability to provide regular, science based updates to its member states and the international community on the status and trends of the global environment.

November 2011
Climate Change, Ecosystem Management

Food Security in the Horn of Africa: The Implications of a Drier, Hotter and More Crowded Future

Nearly 44 per cent of the population in the Horn of Africa is already subject to extreme food shortages. What will happen if the population continues to grow and climate change exacerbates the harsh conditions?

August 2011
Environmental Governance, Harmful Substances, Resource Efficiency

The Decommissioning of Nuclear Reactors and Related Environmental Consequences

A few decades ago, it was said that the debate on nuclear power had "reached an intensity unprecedented in the history of technology controversies" (Kitschelt 1986). However, the controversy over nuclear power has resurfaced today with a similar gravity. Advocates point to nuclear power as a much-ne...

July 2011
Ecosystem Management, Environmental Governance, Resource Efficiency

The Rush for Land and Its Potential Environmental Consequence

To feed a global population of 9.3 billion by 2050 (2.4 billion more than today, UNPD 2011) FAO estimates that global food demand will increase by 70 per cent (FAO 2009). Net investment in agriculture needs to exceed US$83 billion per year (50 per cent above current levels) to meet future demand (FA...


June 2011 One Small Planet, Seven Billion People by Year's End and 10.1 Billion by Century's End
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May 2011 Geoengineering to Combat Global Warming
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April 2011 Nine of the ten hottest years on record all in the last decade
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January 2011 Athabasca Oil Sands, Require Massive Investments and Energy and Produce Massive Amounts of Oil and CO2 — Alberta, Canada
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January 2011 Green Economy Vulnerable to Rare Earth Minerals Shortages
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January 2011 Largest Fire in Israel's History Consistent with Climate Change Predictions
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December 2010 Sea-level Rise in the Indian Ocean Differs by Region and Low-lying Pacific Reef Islands can Grow or Shrink in Size Depending on Conditions
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December 2010 Huge Iceberg Breaks off Greenland's Petermann Glacier
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December 2010 Amazonian Deforestation Slowing but May Already be at a Tipping Point Mato Grosso, Brazil
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October 2010 Greening Cement Production has a Big Role to Play in Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions
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October 2010 Pakistan’s Flood of the Century is a Global Disaster
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October 2010 Carp Aquaculture Overwhelms Lake Kolleru Andhra Pradesh, India
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September 2010 Global Mangrove Extent Much Smaller than Previously Estimated
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September 2010 Satellite images record how wildfires have destroyed one million hectares of forests in western Russia
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September 2010 Ancient Water is Used to Irrigate a Desert Murzuq Basin, Libya
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August 2010 Plant Growth Declined Over the Past Decade
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August 2010 Only Scraps of the South American Atlantic Forest Remain Eastern Paraguay
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August 2010 The Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill:the World’s Largest Accidental Offshore Oil Spill
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