A crime yesterday, an unfolding tragedy today.

US responsibility to heal the wound now!

Agent Orange Justice

Statement from John Pilger

"The use of Agent Orange in Vietnam was, by any measure, one of the great crimes of the twentieth century. In village after village, I have seen the result: young people born with terrible deformities. Go into the main hospital in Saigon and see the malformed babies still being born. This poison will run through the water and agriculture of Vietnam for multiple lifetimes. I endorse this important campaign for justice. Nothing is more needed and more urgent."

Art from Vietnam

Why is Agent Orange an issue?

Even though the US war on Vietnam ended nearly 40 years ago, the US’s saturation chemical bombing during that war is still wreaking havoc on the life of at least 3 million people in Vietnam – including the newly born, making them third generation victims. Nobody knows when the congenital deformities, one of many horrific health consequences of the toxic chemicals, will end.

The main chemical in question is nicknamed Agent Orange – a class-one human carcinogen dioxin and some 80 million litres of it and other similar “defoliants” – which the US military sprayed or dumped regularly in some 10% of central and southern Vietnam for 10 years until 1971.

Dioxin is chemically stable, isn’t diluted by water and so it doesn’t easily decompose. It, therefore, still exists in concentrated forms in Vietnam today, penetrating the eco-systems and food chains of parts of Vietnam, enabling it to continue to claim new victims, especially among the younger generations, for the mere fact that people – many of whom are dirt poor and seriously impoverished – live off the land and water systems contaminated by it. Women with dioxin in their blood can pass it on to their offspring, including through breast milk.


Download a pamphlet about AOJ-AVSN

AOJ-AVSN mission statement

Agent Orange Justice – Australia Vietnam Solidarity Network is a new organization being established as the Australian section of the international campaign to hold the United States government responsible for the disaster it created for millions of Vietnamese people as a result of its 10-year spraying of Agent Orange – a chemical weapon – in Vietnam between 1961 and 1971.


Statements of support

We are in the process of collecting statements of support from prominent individuals for this campaign and will upload them onto our website as they arrive.


Resolutions on AO

We are in the process of collecting resolutions of support from trade unions, NGOs and other organizations that are supportive of this campaign and will upload them onto our website as they arrive.


Further general background

You can also login to Facebook to see the Agent Orange Justice - Australia Vietnam Solidarity Network FB page.


agent orange justice Australia Vietnam solidarity network aoj avsn dioxin responsibility international campaign toxic contamination compensation birth defects chemical profiteers defoliant Monsanto Dow Union Carbide boycott