
What you need to know about the GED Test
What you need to know about the GED Test
Adult School teacher gets students prepared for GED test.

GED Math Test Preparation - YourTeacher.com
GED Math Test Preparation - YourTeacher.com
YourTeacher.com - www.yourteacher.com - offers comprehensive GED test preparation featuring a personal math teacher inside every lesson!

GED Test Information : How to Pass the GED
GED Test Information : How to Pass the GED
Passing the GED test requires reviewing algebra, geometry and other basic math skills, keeping up with current events and taking several practice tests to plan out the timing. Prepare for a test to ensure a passing grade with advice from a GED prep tutor in this free video on education. Expert: Kaitlin Haugland Contact: www.tutoringinla.com Bio: Kaitlin Haugland has several years of GED tutoring experience with an impressive rate of success. Filmmaker: Abiy Engida

What Is the GED Test?
What Is the GED Test?
GED Testing Service answers frequently asked questions about the GED Testing process. For more information, visit: www.GEDtest.org Copyright 2010

GED Test-taking Strategies (Part I)
GED Test-taking Strategies (Part I)
This narrated Power Point slideshow gives an overview of the GED test and includes loads of helpful test taking strategies. Developed for GED Week by a group of Virginia Adult Education instructors, these GED Test Taking Strategies will help you do your best on test day. This is a great refresher for anyone who is about to take the GED test.

How Can I Study for the GED Test?
How Can I Study for the GED Test?
GED Testing Service answers frequently asked questions about the GED Testing process. For more information, visit: www.GEDtest.org Copyright 2010

GED Math - Word Problems
GED Math - Word Problems
Recorded on August 27, 2010 using a Flip Video camcorder.

GED Online
GED Online
This promotional spot highlights GED online options at Central Piedmont Community College.

Math Skills & Equations : Passing the GED Math Test
Math Skills & Equations : Passing the GED Math Test
Pass the GED math test by practicing with a calculator, working on basic geometry and algebra and drilling multiplication tables. Learn about the Pythagorean theorem, fractions and decimals to pass the GED math test with instructions from a math professor in thisfree video math lesson. Expert: Jimmy Chang Bio: Jimmy Chang has been a math teacher at St. Pete College for nearly a decade. He has a master's degree in math, and his specialties include calculus, algebra, liberal arts, math and trigonometry. Filmmaker: Christopher Rokosz

How to get your GED
How to get your GED
What's a GED Worth? Check out our classes at passged.com.

High School DIPLOMA vs GED
High School DIPLOMA vs GED
Stupidly,people seem to believe that because you have a high school diploma that that makes you smarter than someone who has a ged.Thats the most retarded thing that ive heard in my life.Just because you have a diploma doesnt mean that you are any smarter than someone who has a ged Also many people will hire someone with a high school diploma before they hire someone with a ged and i feel that is so ignorant.Half of the time people who get their high school diplomas just go through school getting passed from grade to grade without really accomplishing and learning anything

Want to find free GED classes online? Although you are required to take the official exam in person, free GED classes can be taken over the internet to help Just visit www.foresttrialacademy.com

Take a practice GED Math Test at www.mygedlive.com For more go to my site at www.mygedlive.com. To get this question and more practice GED questions, email me at damon@mygedlive.com

GED Math
GED Math
TabletClass Math www.tabletclass.com is the most powerful way to learn math on your own. Perfect for homeschooling, middle and high school math to include algebra, geometry and algebra 2. Also perfect for SAT math review and other test prep needs.

Hope yall get some info out of this and know that there are stories like me and could be you. Anyone that needs advice or help dont be a stranger. I will gladly help anyone that needs it. Oh and heres the link for the book www.tomfolio.com And heres the link of a testing center location finder www.acenet.edu

GED Test Information : Where Can I Print a GED Practice Test?
GED Test Information : Where Can I Print a GED Practice Test?
To print off a GED practice test, visit the official GED Web site, Acenet.edu, or find a GED test prep book at a bookstore or library to avoid printing off more than 50 pages of testing material. Practicing taking this exam, concentrating on the more difficult subjects, with advice from a GED prep tutor in this free video on education. Expert: Kaitlin Haugland Contact: www.tutoringinla.com Bio: Kaitlin Haugland has several years of GED tutoring experience with an impressive rate of success. Filmmaker: Abiy Engida

Can I Take the GED Test Online?
Can I Take the GED Test Online?
GED Testing Service answers frequently asked questions about the GED Testing process. For more information, visit: www.GEDtest.org Copyright 2010

How To Get Your GED
How To Get Your GED
Expand the description and view the text of the steps for this how-to video. Check out Howcast for other do-it-yourself videos from wogelife and more videos in the GED category. You can contribute too! Create your own DIY guide at www.howcast.com or produce your own Howcast spots with the Howcast Filmmakers Program at www.howcast.com Dropping out of high school doesn't have to mean the end of your educational career. You can earn a General Education Development diploma, also known as a GED. To complete this How-To you will need: Practice tests A GED class provider study skills Perseverance Internet access (optional) Sample tests (optional) Discipline (optional) Special accomodations (optional) Step 1: Understand the test Know that the GED is five tests: writing, reading, social studies, math, and science Step 2: Determine your level Determine your skill level in each of the subject areas by taking practice tests. Tip: Find sample practice tests online, or contact a community provider of GED classes. Step 3: Study Study for the GED subject areas where you received the lowest score. Tip: You can study on your own without going to class, but you'll need discipline. Step 4: Schedule an exam Schedule an exam by going through a program or contacting your state GED examiner. Tip: GED testing centers will provide special accommodations if you have a documented learning disability. Step 5: Celebrate Celebrate your accomplishment when you have earned the GED. Thanks for watching <b>...</b>