Thursday, January 12, 2012 Last Update: 10:59 PM ET

U.S. Sends Top Iranian Leader a Warning on Strait Threat

The administration has signaled to Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, that closing the Strait of Hormuz is a “red line” that would provoke a response, officials said.

Campaign 2012

PACs’ Aid Allows Romney’s Rivals to Extend Race

“Super PACs” and changes in how delegates are awarded are helping keep the Republican field crowded.

Inside the Fed in 2006: A Coming Crisis, and Banter

Top policymakers did not seriously consider the idea that problems in the housing market would bring a recession, newly released transcripts show.

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After a Supreme Court ruling that said the squatters had no legal right to remain on the land, the residents made a pragmatic decision to buy the property.
Jan Grarup for The New York Times

Danish Squatters Want to Buy but Not Own

Christiania, an alternative community, rejects landownership, so helpful outsiders are buying shares in the land it’s been living on. Above, members of the group.

Born in Unity, South Sudan Is Torn Again

Bitter ethnic tensions that were set aside in pursuit of independence have ruptured into a cycle of massacre and revenge.

Mayor Confronts Union With Education Proposals

In a State of the City speech, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg seemed to relish diving into controversial ideas.

Video Multiplies U.S. Difficulties in Afghanistan

A recording of Marines urinating on Taliban corpses is likely to weaken America’s position at a crucial moment.

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No Snow, but a Wintry Mix of Opinion

The lack of frozen precipitation in New York City is a relief to some people — no lost power, no snarled commutes, no lagoons of slush. But others miss the season’s rhythms.

Synthetic Windpipe Replaces a Cancerous One

In only the second procedure of its kind, Swedish surgeons gave a Baltimore man a laboratory-made trachea.

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Ringing Finally Ended, but There’s No Button to Stop Shame

Patron X, an audience member whose iPhone alarm interrupted a New York Philharmonic performance, apologized.

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36 Hours: Oaxaca, Mexico

With a radical street art scene and one of Mexico’s most exciting regional cuisines, Oaxaca is as cosmopolitan as it is architecturally stunning.


Frugal Traveler

Christmas season was the perfect time to visit the villages of Trás-os-Montes, in the isolated northeast corner of Portugal.

House Hunting in ... Monaco

The market in Monaco has stabilized since a precipitous fall several years ago, but homes tend to take a while to sell.

It’s Electric. Should It Look Electrifying?

The electric cars on display this week at the Detroit auto show are adopting one of two overriding design philosophies: make it exciting, or make it familiar.

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