books not sent to inmates are offered for sale here to raise money for shipping costs.

The mission of
Books to Prisoners:

  • to provide books to inmates in Illinois by recycling donated books
  • to facilitate a quality volunteer experience
  • to offer a venue for inmates to tell their own stories
  • to educate ourselves and our community about prisons


UC Books to Prisoners is an Urbana Illinois based project providing books to Illinois inmates at no cost by mail as well as through two county jail libraries which we operate.

We are a community-powered volunteer organization with a number of easy ways for you to get involved. No experience is required and whether you have an hour a month or would like to volunteer more often, you are invited to to work with us.

Our volunteers primarily interact with inmates by reading their letters, selecting books from our collection of donated materials and shipping those books directly to inmates in response to their requests. We also staff the two lending libraries located in the Champaign, IL County jails.  If you would prefer to work behind the scenes, we can also utilize your unique skills managing volunteers, coordinating book donations and fund raising, as well as many other education & outreach as well as technical tasks.

January 16 2012  

2012 MLK Day of Service

Monday, January 16 from 1-3 PM

Urbana-Champaign Books to Prisoners
will hold an open public volunteer session.

Join us in honoring the legacy
of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Learn More about this local opportunity

More information about MLK Day of Service (

November 2011  

Welcome Doris, UC Books to Prisoners' Jail Library Chair for 2011 / 2012

Doris Anderchak
BTP 2011 / 2012 Jail Library Chair

As our Jail Library Chair, Doris will coordinate the committes activities including new volunteer recruitment & registration, staffing schedules, process improvement and collection maintenance.

Doris grew up In Chicago but has lived most of her adult life in Seattle, WA. She moved to Central Illinois a few years ago to live closer to family. She finds Champaign Urbana a lovely and interesting community that has been easy to consider her new home.

Doris is a master level counselor specializing in disability issues and has considerable experience in the area of brain and spinal cord injury. Currently she wants to invest her time and energy into volunteer work and is especially grateful to be a part of Books To Prisoners and a member of the IMC.  She feels very passionate about the goals of the program, and very much enjoys meeting so many bright, dedicated and interesting people involved in B2P.  “I am happy to be part of this tribe.”

Sepember 2011  

Help us Promote this sale
Download & Circulate Flyers: 4x4 | 8.5x11

Pages for Pennies
Fall Book Sale

Sep 30th - Oct 2nd, 2011
202 S. Broadway Ave Urbana IL

Friday 4-8pm
Saturday 8-5pm
Sunday 10am-2pm*

Get free books & help us promote the sale
by becoming a fan on Facebook

$0.75 soft covers, $1 hardbacks
*Bag Sale Sunday (fill a bag for $5)

August 2011  

Welcome Lolita Dumas, UC Books to Prisoners' Volunteer Supervisor for the Americorps 2011 / 2012 program year

UC BTP Selects Lolita Dumas
as Volunteer Supervisor

A native of Chicago, Lolita M. Dumas has been a member of the Champaign-Urbana community since 1991. She has worked most recently for the non-profit Family Advocacy in Champaign County (FACC) and, before that, for the Department of Children and Family Services.

In her free time, she has worked with the ACCESS initiative in their community wide effort to reduce the number of young people entering the corrections system. Ms. Dumas served on the interim-governing board of ACCESS that was responsible for the hiring of the current administrative team and has continued her participation with ACCESS as a member of the Cultural Competence Linguistic Committee.

Ms. Dumas holds a Masters of Social Work and has taught as an adjunct professor in the University of Illinois School of Social Work. She has 2 children, Reginald and LaTianna, who are both students at Urbana High School.

May 28, 2011  

UC BTP Presents:
A Day at Stateville
(a play written by men serving
natural life in Stateville Prison )

Saturday, May 28 2011

Event includes:

- Performance
- Discussion
- Potluck dinner
(bring a dish to share)

download pdf

May 2011  

Prison Arts Festival

Monday May 2nd 7-9 pm

Event includes:

- Art work from inmates at the
Danville prison

- Guest speaker Gregory Koger who is
a formerly incarcerated individual of 20 years

- A short film screening