
WRFU Birthday Extravaganza Nov. 13 & 14

You are invited!

Friday, Nov. 13th & Saturday, Nov. 14th

at the Independent Media Center


Celebrating the 4th anniversary of Radio Free Urbana

Community radio by and for the people

The Show                    10pm-12am
Watch the making of a live episode of The Show with Ray Morales*


Audio Skill Shares      11am-2pm
Learn how to make great radio!  All ages, all skill levels

Potluck Dinner            6pm-8pm
Meet-and-greet for radio lovers & past and current members, unveiling of photo gallery, audio scrapbook listening party, and group history of WRFU

birthday flyer small.jpg

Building Economic Recovery Through Local Foods Systems

This week Urbana Public Television presents this lecture by food systems analyst Ken Meter. It airs Tuesday 1/10 @ 7:30 pm, Wednesday 1/11 @ 4:00 pm, and Saturday 1/14 @ 7:30 pm.

Ken Meter is president of the Crossroads Resource Center in Minnesota, a non-profit organization working with communities and their allies to foster democracy and local self-determination. His work integrates market analysis, business development, systems thinking, and social concerns. Mr. Meter's lecture was sponsored by Urbana's Common Ground Food Co-op, and was recorded there by UPTV in September of 2011.

UPTV is the television service of the City of Urbana, providing governmental, educational and public access television for, and by, the local community. It is available on Comcast Channel 6 to over 40,000 homes in Urbana, Champaign, Savoy, Bondville, Philo, Ogden and St. Joseph, as well as in Springfield, Decatur and Danville on ATT U-Verse Channel 99. The complete program schedule is at www.urbanaillinois.us/uptv. Membership is free and entitles volunteers to free video and editing training and equipment use. For more information, contact UPTV at 217-384-2452 or at uptv@urbanaillinois.us.

General Assembly meeting of OCCUPYCU

Please join us this Friday, January 6th at the Champaign Public Library, Room C, Robeson Pavilion, from 6 to 9 p.m. for the first meeting of 2012!
This meeting is open to the public and all are welcome. Come and see what Occupy is all about!

For more information see also:

IMC Weekly November 14th: Transgendered and students

ACLU Urges House Judiciary Committee to Consider the End Racial Profiling Act

November 4, 2011
10:37 AM


Sandhya Bathija (202) 675-2312; media@dcaclu.org

ACLU Urges House Judiciary Committee to Consider the End Racial Profiling Act
Discrimination in Law Enforcement Must End

WASHINGTON - November 4 - Racial profiling is something many Americans deal with on a regular basis that Congress should end by passing the End Racial Profiling Act. The House Judiciary Committee is hearing testimony today as a first step in that process.

“Before there was even a name for it, racial profiling has been engrained in our country’s law enforcement practices,” said Laura W. Murphy, director of the ACLU Washington Legislative Office. “But racial profiling not only goes against our Constitution and our country’s value for equality – it also hinders law enforcement officials from doing their job.”

Throw Them Out With the Trash: Why Homelessness Is Becoming an Occupy Wall Street Issue

by Barbara, Ehrenreich

As anyone knows who has ever had to set up a military encampment or build a village from the ground up, occupations pose staggering logistical problems. Large numbers of people must be fed and kept reasonably warm and dry. Trash has to be removed; medical care and rudimentary security provided -- to which ends a dozen or more committees may toil night and day. But for the individual occupier, one problem often overshadows everything else, including job loss, the destruction of the middle class, and the reign of the 1%. And that is the single question: Where am I going to pee?

Occupy Colleges: Student Supporters Of Occupy Wall Street Continue To Show Solidarity, Demand Loan Forgiveness

by Amanda M. Fairbanks

NEW YORK -- Thursday afternoon, in concert with the Occupy Wall Street movement, students from nearly 150 college campuses across the country will participate in their second protest in as many weeks.

Occupy 217's Solidarity March & Rally

Date: Saturday Oct. 15 

Time: 11:30am

11:30 People will meet at WEFT on 117 N. Market St in Champaign. Occupy 217 and other supporters will march to Westside Park. People should dress weather appropriately, bring some snacks, blankets, an open mind, musical instruments, etc.. If anyone has any ideas for things to do at the rally bring those as well.

‘Bank Transfer Day’ Causes Credit Union Buzz

Credit unions are a great help for working people who need affordable finanical services, no matter how little you make or what your credit history is. There are many to choose from in the local area.

by Jim Rubenstein

Even with most credit unions closed for Columbus Day there was plenty of online buzz, and uncertainty, about what the credit union industry role might be on “Bank Transfer Day,” the latest event surfacing from the “Occupy Wall Street” protests.

Occupy217 website

An ad-hoc UCIMC group has just put up a local site for posting OCCUPY info & events for Champaign, Urbana, Central Illinois :



Seeking others interested in co-organizing!



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