Don't Buy War Freeze Flash Mob & Police Brutality at Barton Creek Mall


CodePink Austin, along with allies from Veteran's for Peace and Women in Black staged a Don't Buy War "freeze" at Barton Creek Mall on Saturday, December 3rd.  The strategically chosen mall location was between the Santa photo station and the Gamestop store, which prominently advertises the 'Modern Warfare 3' video game.

  The goals were to raise awareness about the continuing wars on Iraq and Afghanistan, to educate shoppers about the costs (both human and economic) of the wars, and to dissuade parents from purchasing war toys. The creative action was well received by shoppers, and several veterans approached the group to thank us.
All was peaceful until mall security and APD arrived, and an APD officer brutally attacked a young woman who had joined the group spontaneously. She was seriously beaten and ended up with three cracked ribs and bruises all over her body!

Produced for Austin Indymedia by Jeff Zavala.
A ZGraphix Production.


Austin Transgender Day of Remembrance Vigil

 The International Transgender Day of Remembrance vigil was held at City Hall on November 20, 2011. The event remembers people who have been murdered due to anti-transgender prejudice. The event honors those who have been killed and raises public awareness of hate crimes. More information about the event can be found at and through the Transgender Education Network of Texas at


                Tracy Duvalis Kriese of PFLAG

Click here for more photos.

38 Arrested at Occupy Austin



On Saturday night, October 29th, the city of Austin decided to take down Occupy's food table with dozens of cops, then powerwashing the whole of city hall forcing everyone to deconstruct and move all belongings. This night resulted in 38 arrests for criminal trespass.

For more information:

Occupy Together - Global Day of Action

 On October 15, 2011 at City Hall and the Capitol, Occupy Austin joined the Global Day of Action for the 99%.

Click here for more video and pictures.

Occupy Austin 10/6/11

Occupy Austin Day 1- Photo Gallery October 6, 2011

October 6, 2011 - Occupy Austin on Thursday at City Hall



Click here for more pictures.

Workers Defense Project Protests E-Verify!


Watch Video Here.

On Wednesday , September 14th Workers Defense Project and allies gathered outside U.S. Representative Lamar Smith's office in Austin, TX to protest his proposed E-Verify Law/Legal Workforce Acy bill.  The E-Verify Law/Legal Workforce Act would require all employers to verify the documentation status of potential employees electronically as a pre-requisite for work. This would be devastating to immigrant communities around the US and would wind up pushing those who already make low wages further into poverty and into the underground economy, working for employers who care even less about labor and human rights than they already do. Congressman Lamar Smith, who has an office in Austin, is one of the supporters of E-Verify. It is important for us to show Lamar Smith that the residents of Austin are opposed to this unjust and discriminatory law. Join us outside of Lamar Smith's office here in Austin to demand justice for immigrants!

Protest organized by Workers Defense Project.

If you would like to learn more about E-Verify please visit:

Photography by Jason Cato. Video produced for Austin Indymedia by Jeff Zavala.

A ZGraphix production.




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