January 20, 2012

"Everyone has a plan, until they get punched in the mouth"

So said Iron Mike Tyson.

Words to live by.

How are YOU taking the hits?

With your hands on head or on the trigger of a gun?

January 16, 2012


As long time readers might know, I have a major love jones for the NEW YORK FOOTBALL GIANTS.
So, yesterdays' ass kicking of the Green Bay Packers was very enjoyable. What really surprised me, however, was that I am on the road (ummm... my name IS Nomad) and spent the game in a Pennsylvania watering hole, surrounded by Eagles fans. And I didn't get into any fights!!!!!!! And I even played peacemaker breaking on up! Say what you will, but $5 Yuengling pitchers must bring out the Martin Luther King in me!

January 13, 2012


I've had a couple of business setbacks today- suck city. Is it because it's Friday The 13th? And, since the world is supposed to end this year- wouldn't it make sense that it would end on a Friday The 13th?

Yeah- sure...

It's the 21st freakin' century and we're still afraid of this nonsense...

From Medical News Today:

The Friggatriskaidekaphobia phenomenon is a phobia for Friday 13th, a superstition that has existed for hundreds of years in virtually every corner of the world. In India's movie industry, they try to avoid releasing new films on Friday 13th because of a fear it will do badly. Even stock markets around the world tend to see less activity on this date. Typically, airlines also report a drop in passengers.

Between 17 and 21 million Americans have a phobia of Friday 13th, according to the Stress Management Center and Phobia Institute in North Carolina.

According to the Dutch Centre for Insurance Statistics, fewer accidents and fires occur on Friday 13th, probably because people are more careful or just stay at home.

January 9, 2012

Redd Kross Live

And here's some Redd Kross live! 

From 1982 (30 years ago?????!!!!!)

2008 (give or take a year)

Redd Kross (as Red Cross- the original spelling of the band) performing mega old school - the songs from their first album Born Innocent:

and lastly, as the second greatest power pop band ever:

January 6, 2012

More Redd Kross Rarities

Hey kave kids, here's some more cooler than thou stuff from Redd Kross!

Here's a quick Redd Kross story. Back in the 80's around the "Teen Babes From Monsanto" era- RK played a NYC show with the Circle Jerks, Toxic Reasons and DOA. I still have the poster from the show. So me and Davey snuck backstage (it was at this old theater/club called The Ritz- now known as Webster Hall). We were pretty "enhanced" and struck up a convo with the bros McDonald that focused mainly on mushrooms, stealing liquor from our parents stash and of course "Kiss Meets The Phantom Of The Park". After awhile we noticed that there were girls around so we 2 obvious Noo Yawkers started hitting on the gash, making up stories about how we were surfers from Redondo Beach in Cali. The girls called us on our shit and I had to improvise, saying I used an ironing board as a surfing device because I was just so fucking punk rock.

We did not get laid.

But it was a bitchin' show.

Covering The Carpenters... so sweet!


Redd Kross paying tribute to Shonen Knife

Quid pro quo- Shonen Knife does a tribute to Redd Kross: