Two Generations

Two Generations

Some photographs and images from tonight’s opening of the “Two Generations” exhibition of artists from Red Gate Gallery in Beijing, currently in Sydney for Chinese New Year. It’s at Sydney Town Hall for the next two weeks – do yourself a favour!

The Return Of Pork Boy

The Return Of Pork Boy

I am not entirely sure why, but I’ve struggled to find BBQ Pork in Perth. I’ve been to quite a few Asian eateries and have looked through the menu without any sign of BBQ pork. Lots of seafood. But no pork. I have specifically asked at a couple of places, only to be told, “No, … Continue reading »

The Iron Ladies

The Iron Ladies

It was a very “Engish” day for me, as I read a book about The Queen and saw a movie about Margaret Thatcher. The book about the Queen by Robert Hardman was a recommendation of a recommendation by a friend of a friend who apparently said something about how it’s a really terrific “behind the … Continue reading »

Stockholm Porn

Stockholm Porn

I indulged in a bit of “Stockholm Porn” tonight. I spent the day catching up with my friend Lucinda who I haven’t seen in a number of years. We first met (and shared a house) in the late 1980s when we lived and worked in Bourke. In the time since, we have kept in semi-regular … Continue reading »

Three Hours

Three Hours

I took my first work-related phone call from the Eastern States at about seven o’clock this morning. Even though it was in my diary, and I’d planned for it, I was still fairly bleary eyed. Still, I think I managed to make sense of it all. I think I also made sense when I took … Continue reading »

Boy and Bear

Boy and Bear

Although for a while I was thinking “Boy & Bear” would be a good name for our team for the pop trivia night at Yaya’s, in the end it was probably best to go with “Le coqs sportif”. “Boy & Bear”, of course is the name of a highly successful Australian pop group at the … Continue reading »

All is quiet on New Year’s Day

All is quiet on New Year’s Day

As I caught the train to Il Lido, I couldn’t help but notice the number of men wearing ties and women wearing fascinators. “Is this Melbourne Cup Day?”, I thought to myself, wondering if, wearing a nice new shirt and a reasonably expensive pair of jeans was somewhat under-dressed for New Year’s Eve in Perth. … Continue reading »

A little bit of Sweden in Perth

A little bit of Sweden in Perth

It’s mid-afternoon in Perth, and I’m back in my room with the fan on maximum rotation trying to cool down after an interesting and busy day. I started the day off with a coffee, a smoked salmon baguette, and an apple strudel at a Swedish cafe. Even in Perth, there’s a little bit of Sweden, … Continue reading »

The Motorbike Frog

The Motorbike Frog

Last night I encountered the sight and sound of the Motorbike Frog which apparently is the “most commonly encountered frog” in the South-West of Western Australia. I was in a backyard at Fremantle along with two colleagues and their respective partners, and we were have a really, really lovely time eating a wonderful meal, drinking … Continue reading »