Our mission is to show Drupal Themes (Drupal 6)

Where to Buy the Best Drupal Hosting?

There are many of you looking to buy the best quality Drupal shared hosting or the best quality Drupal hosting of some other web hosting type. If you are still reading this, you might be the one. What actually are you looking for? We will try to help you to choose among the top quality Drupal web hosting providers and make you satisfied with your choice. Why don’t we just say “The best Drupal hosting is such-and-such”? Because, the best Drupal hosting is not the same for everyone. How is that? It would be the same as if you are looking to buy the best vehicle, or even better, to buy the best computer. If you are lucky enough, or better informed, and you know, for example, that you need not just any type of Drupal hosting, but you need shared Drupal hosting? In that case you know that you need not just any vehicle (or computer), but you need a car (or personal computer – PC). This metaphor should illustrate how complex this question is.

Below is the table with selected web hosting providers. The table compares the shared hosting plans (shared hosting packages), which support the Drupal CMS.

Drupal 6 Themes at Drupal Theme Garden

Drupal 6 is released. Some of existing Drupal web sites are upgrading to new Drupal 6 version (Drupal 6.1 is actual release), but others are still not. Many new Drupal sites are released on Drupal 6, but some others are still being released under the Drupal 5 (Drupal 5 latest release is Drupal 5.7). One of the main reasons why all Drupal sites are not upgraded or released under Drupal 6 are themes. This, of course, does not apply to the Drupal sites based on professional custom designed Drupal themes. The lack of Drupal 6 themes will not last for a long time. So far, few dozens of Drupal 6 themes are released already. We would like to give thanks to all those who already contributed the Drupal 6 themes, and to invite all other Drupal theme developers to contribute their GPL Drupal 6 themes to the Drupal community. We also invite all Drupal theme developers who maintain Drupal 5 themes (or Drupal 4.7 themes) to port the existing designs to Drupal 6.

Drupal Theme Garden Statistics

Few days ago, in a expectation of Drupal 6 release, we celebrated the first birthday of Drupal Theme Garden. By this occasion we are disclosing many interesting statistical data, gathered in a past year. The statistics shown here is based on the phpMyVisites installed on our server.

This statistics has a substantial weight due to our exceptional popularity in Drupal community and very high traffic. We are actually very proud of actual figures. For example only in a Q4 2007, we had a 75260 visitors and 709683 page views.

Furthermore, the statistics shown here is based on representative sampling in a scope of Drupal CMS developers and users. The results are not relevant in terms of internet population as a whole.

Happy Birthday, Drupal Theme Garden

drupal theme garden, first birthday

We are very excited about the first anniversary of Drupal Theme Garden. Today, it is one year of this website, and it is good moment to analyze what has been done since the release.

Drupal Hosting


People who are looking for the Drupal hosting for the first time will find this article exceptionally useful. However, more experienced Drupalers might also find it very helpful. The article is structured into following sections:

themegarden.org published

We have found the Drupal Theme Garden very useful in the past. Since the Garden is closed now, we decided to provide new space for showing various themes in all its glory. Initiative to do that resulted in this site.

To begin with, we tried to make site similar to original one. However, we certainly plan to introduce an improvements in the future.

Themes you can try here are made for Drupal 6 and can be downloaded from the themes page on drupal.org.

You can also try themes for Drupal 5 and themes for Drupal 4.7.

All themes are shown as is.

themes.drupal.org closed down

Since you are here, you probably know about Drupal. It is content management system, released as open source. Drupal powers large number of sites on the Internet, like

  • community sites
  • personal web sites
  • intranet and corporate sites
  • more

Drupal supports themes, enabling control of look and feel to site administrator and even users. For some time drupal.org run the Theme Garden as a kind of Drupal themes beauty exhibition. Unfortunately, with release of Drupal version 5.0, this site was closed down.

Style Preview Blog

Standard filtered HTML offers quite a few formatting tags. Using tags, items can be put in the list:

  • You can emphasize your words, or make them strong.
  • You can cite Albert Einstein saying that "The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits.", and you can even paste famous code snippet printf("Hello world!\n");

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