- published: 05 Jan 2010
- views: 4729
Xie Jun (simplified Chinese: 谢军; traditional Chinese: 謝軍; pinyin: Xiè Jūn; born October 30, 1970, Baoding, Hebei) is a chess grandmaster from China. She had two reigns as Women's World Chess Champion, from 1991 to 1996 and again from 1999 to 2001. Xie is only the second woman to have two reigns, the other being Elisabeth Bykova.
Xie Jun is married to her former coach GM Wu Shaobin.
At the age of six Xie began to play Chinese chess, and by the age of 10 she had become the girls' xiangqi champion of Beijing. At the urging of government authorities, she soon began playing international chess. Despite indifferent training opportunities, Xie became the Chinese girls' chess champion in 1984. In 1988 she tied for second–fourth places at the World Junior Girls' Championship in Adelaide.
At the age of 20 Xie won the right to challenge for the women's world title, and in 1991 she defeated Maya Chiburdanidze of Georgia, who had held the title since 1978, by a score of 8½–6½. In 1993 she successfully defended her title against Nana Ioseliani (winning the match 8½–2½). She lost the title to Susan Polgar of Hungary in 1996 (8½–4½) but regained the title in 1999 by defeating another championship finalist, Alisa Galliamova (8½–6½), after Polgar refused to accept match conditions and forfeited her title. In 2000, FIDE changed the format of the world championship to a knock-out system, and Xie won the title again, beating fellow Chinese player Qin Kanying 2½–1½ in the final.
JJ Lin (traditional Chinese: 林俊傑; simplified Chinese: 林俊杰; pinyin: Lin Jun Jie) is a Singaporean singer, songwriter, record producer and actor based in Taiwan. JJ Lin was managed by Ocean Butterflies from 2003 to 2009. He is managed by Warner Music Taiwan. Lin won Best New Artist for his work on his debut album Music Voyager at the 15th Golden Melody Awards in 2004.He won Best Male Mandopop Performer for his work on his 10th album Stories Untold at the 25th Golden Melody Awards in 2014.
Lin was born in Singapore and studied at Anglo-Chinese School (Independent) and Saint Andrew's Junior College before completing his National Service with the Singapore Armed Forces.
In addition to English and Mandarin, Lin sings in Hokkien and Cantonese using romanized pronunciation system, and has released his songs in Cantonese. In Taiwan, he was awarded the "Best New Artist" award in the Taiwan Golden Melody Awards.
He is well known for his songwriting skills. He has written songs for various musical artists while he was still a trainee under Ocean Butterflies. His notable compositions include "Remember" (記得 Jì Dé) for Taiwanese singer A-Mei, A-Do's "Let Go" (放手 Fàng Shǒu), Harlem Yu's "What's Wrong With You?" (幹嘛你看不爽我 Gàn Má Nǐ Kàn Bù Shuǎng Wǒ), Comic Boyz's "Heart of Superman" (超人心 Chāo Rén Xīn).
謝 軍 Xie Jun - 相思 Thinking of Each Other
Judit Polgar's Top Games: Xie Jun vs Polgar
Great Chess Games -- Anatoly Karpov v Xie Jun 1
林俊傑 JJ Lin - 那些你很冒險的夢 Those Were The Days (官方完整 HD 高畫質版 MV)
林俊傑 JJ Lin - 浪漫血液 The Romantic(華納Official 高畫質HD官方完整版MV)
Famous Chess Game: Waitzkin, J. vs Xie Jun | San Francisco-1995
林俊傑 JJ Lin – 不為誰而作的歌 Twilight (華納 Official 高畫質 HD 官方完整版 MV)
BEST REACTION TO A LOSING LEG? China's Xie lights up the Betway WCOD
对话20110903 华商领袖郭鹤年Xie Guomin-HD高清完整版
Only Love - Budi Xie
Want to improve your Chess game? Then check out these great Chess products: http://astore.amazon.com/4thewin0f-20 Jun (2401): white pieces Polgar (2442): black pieces 1988 Thessaloniki, Round 1 Jun resign in 53 moves 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 e6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nc6 5.Nc3 Qc7 6.Be2 a6 7.O-O Nf6 8.Kh1 Nxd4 9.Qxd4 Bc5 10.Qd3 h5 11.f4 Ng4 12.Qg3 b5 13.Bxg4 hxg4 14.Qxg4 Bb7 15.Qe2 b4 16.Nd1 Ke7 17.Be3 Bxe3 18.Qxe3 Rh4 19.h3 Rah8 20.Kg1 g5 21.fxg5 Bxe4 22.Qf2 f5 23.gxf6+ Kf7 24.Qe3 Bxg2 25.Qg5 R4h7 26.Kxg2 Rg8 27.Qxg8+ Kxg8 28.Ne3 Qc6+ 29.Kg3 Qd6+ 30.Rf4 Rxh3+ 31.Kxh3 Qxf4 32.Ng4 e5 33.Rg1 Kf7 34.Rg2 Qf3+ 35.Kh2 d6 36.Rg3 Qf4 37.c3 bxc3 38.bxc3 Qd2+ 39.Kh3 Qxa2 40.Rf3 Qd2 41.Kh4 e4 42.Re3 Qg2 43.Kg5 Ke6 44.c4 a5 45.Kf4 Qf1+ 46.Kxe4 Qxc4+ 47.Kf3 Kf5 48.Re5+ Kg6 49.Re7 Qd3+ 50.Kf4 Qf5+ 51.Kg3 Kh5 52.Rg7 a...
Chess game Anatoly Karpov play Xie Jun.
在愛面前 我們都無所遁形 透視忐忑、扒開隱藏、揭開傷痕 那些還沒學會 讓我們下次開始學會 12首 與愛並進 的濃烈詩篇 林俊傑學不會Lost N Found one + one情人節限定版 情感滿溢 CD+DVD 2/14 盛情改版 新歌演唱會資訊: 活動名稱:『富邦信用卡summit林俊傑2012 We Together新歌演唱會』 活動時間:2012年02月27日 19:00 活動地點:新北市政府前廣場 那些你很冒險的夢 詞Lyricist:王雅君 曲Composer:林俊傑 當兩顆心開始震動 當你瞳孔學會閃躲 當愛慢慢被遮住只剩下 黑 距離像影子被拉拖 當愛的故事剩聽說 我找不到你單純的面孔 當生命每分每秒都為你 轉動 心多執著就加倍心痛 那些你很冒險的夢 我陪你去瘋 摺紙飛機碰到雨天 終究會墜落 太殘忍的話我直說 因為愛很重 你卻不想懂 只往反方向走 當愛的故事剩聽說 我找不到你單純的面孔 當生命每分每秒都為你 轉動 心有多執著 就加倍心痛 我不想放手 你鬆開的左手 你愛的放縱 我白不回天空 我輸了累了 當你再也不回頭 那些你很冒險的夢 我陪你去瘋 摺紙飛機碰到雨天 終究會墜落 太殘忍的話我直說 因為愛很重 你卻不想懂 只往反方向走 你真的不懂 我的愛已降落
[ ♬ 數位音樂平台] iTunes : http://smarturl.it/JJLin_Genesis KKBOX: http://kkbox.fm/La0ooC myMusic: http://smarturl.it/BraveNewWorld_mm Omusic: http://smarturl.it/BraveNewWorld_om Spotify: http://smarturl.it/BraveNewWorld_sp ▶ 浪漫血液 來電答鈴下載資訊: 中華電信用戶: 手機直撥700→按4→輸入828233 遠傳電信用戶: 手機直撥900→按4→輸入286344 -------------------------------------------- 我的浪漫沒有盡頭 相信愛 能復活失去的所有 --- 誌於新地球曆前2年 浪漫血液The Romantic:新地球三部曲之二 一首關於「新地球」疑問的解答 「無論再苦 還是動心 / 無論再難 還是努力 / 服從感性 抗拒理性 / 不願活著心卻死去 / 用赤裸 去熱情 / 不預留餘地 W o / 在我身上 流著浪漫血液 / 什麼傷口 都會痊癒 / 熾熱的渴望 是勇氣 / 在我身上 流著浪漫血液」 由姚若龍老師填詞的「浪漫血液」是專輯中錄音耗時最久,讓JJ覺得最難唱的一首歌,其相當難詮釋的「一」韻,以及必須演繹三段式全然不同的聲音張力表現,儘管已貴為金曲歌王,仍然是一首需要最多時間錄唱的一首歌。除了Vocal的表現非常具有挑戰性,音樂也同樣具有巧 思,從開頭以柔緩的鋼琴以及沈穩的Vocal作為登場,漸漸加入一些迴響效果的電子音色,再以吉他、鼓、貝斯做出頗具張力的band sound,在後段的過場部份,加入突顯合聲的巧思,也增加歌曲氣勢,讓「浪漫血液」一曲,可以兼具多重浪漫性格的情壞,從溫柔和緩的浪漫...
[Event "Pan-Pacific Tournament"] [Site "San Francisco"] [Date "1995"] [Round "4"] [White "Waitzkin, J."] [Black "Xie Jun"] [Result "0-1"] [ECO "C54"] ***Sources and Citations: Chess App "ChessMaster Grandmaster edition": http://Chessmaster.com Channel & Playlist Description from wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/ Specially thanks to "Totol Hossain": http://twitter.com/MobDB *** The Road to be a chess master: Explained Chess video courses 30 days full free access: http://goo.gl/Iop6vw
[ ♬ 數位音樂平台] iTunes: http://smarturl.it/jj_me KKBOX: http://kkbox.fm/la0C0T myMusic: http://smarturl.it/M.E_mm Omusic: http://smarturl.it/M.E_om Spotify: http://smarturl.it/M.E_sp ---------- 林俊傑 JJ Lin 實驗專輯 《和自己對話 From M.E. To Myself》 首創 實驗概念 3D "聲"歷其境 「戴上耳機,我們一起經歷 "愛"」 2015.12.09 開始預購 | 2015.12.25 正式發行 ---------- 「一年前的今天我開始了一個全新的旅程,我下了一個決心 - 卸下了對於流行音樂的包袱,重新定義我與自己的音樂。 我問了自己一個問題:音樂製作的過程,還有什麼是我還沒嘗試過的? 於是我開始了這個計畫。我希望把我內心深處許多說不出來的感觸,用琴聲,用旋律,用自己的聲音表達出來。希望這樣的舉動,能夠讓我看到一個從來未見過的自己,跟那個一直躲在自己心裡某處的自己 聊聊天,談談心。 我發現,我很久沒有好好 跟自己對話 了。」~~JJ LIN ---------- 從心出發 林俊傑以愛撰寫深刻情感 “聲”歷其境 用耳朵聽一場音樂電影 【預購A:耳機概念限定版】 產品內容:CD + SMG*JJ LIN 聯名概念耳機 (CD+SMGxJJ Lin Headphones) 【預購B:實驗記實BD限定版】 產品內容:CD + 錄音記實Blu-Ray Disc (CD+BD) ---------- ▌首波真情流露主打「不為誰而作的歌」▌ 從TRACK1的調音進入整張專輯的open,第一個場景,發生在非常浪漫的音樂廳,選擇了他出生的新加坡,濱海藝術中心...
Xie was the story of the night as he entertained the Frankfurt crowd with his brilliant celebrations.
Well I want you to notice
To notice when I'm not around
I know that your eyes
See straight through me
And speak to me
Without a sound
I wanna hold you
Protect you
From all of the things
I've already endured
And I wanna show you
To show you
All the things
That this life has in store for you
I'll always love you
The way that a father
Should love his daughter
When I walked out this morning
I cried as I walked to the door
I cried about how long I'd be away from
Cried about leavin' you alone
I wanna hold you
Protect you
From all of the things
I've already endured
And I wanna show you
To show you
All the things
That this life has in store for you
And I'll always love you
The way that a father
Should love his daughter
Sweet Zoe Jane
Sweet Zoe Jane
So I wanted to say this
'Cause I wouldn't know where to begin
To explain to you what I have been through
To explain where your Daddy has been
So I wanna hold you
Protect you
From all of the things
I've already endured
And I wanna show you
Show you
All the things
That this life has in store for you
And I'll always love you
The way that a father
Should love his daughter
Sweet Zoe Jane