The Bathroom Wall

With any tavern, one can expect that certain things that get said are out-of-place. But there is one place where almost any saying or scribble can find a home: the bathroom wall. This is where random thoughts and oddments that don’t follow the other entries at the Panda’s Thumb wind up. As with most bathroom walls, expect to sort through a lot of oyster guts before you locate any pearls of wisdom.


There is a God!

And he is a plumber. The Bathroom has been flushed.

Thank you Reed.


Course, that still leaves what happens when the new plumbing acquires a big drip…

Wait, what am I saying?

Ingeborg Esbrandt said:

Hey, nice post :) - well, even though I came via Google searching for “justfaces spreadshirt” wondering why this post came up on top??? Greetings xoxo

Spammer alert!

To make one point about the previous thread. John Kwok wrote:

“Sorry Jim, but your invocation of the Ground Zero Mosque controversy is not helpful here. Incidentally there are many Muslims and Muslim Americans who oppose its construction, simply because they recognize that building it near Ground Zero is needlessly offensive to the families of the victims and the survivors of the 9/11 attack. Some of the most prominent critics - who are Muslim Americans - include Wall Street businessman Mansoor Ijaz (who tried to assist the Clinton administration in extraditing Osama bin Laden from the Sudan) and former United States Navy officer Dr. M. Zuhdi Jasser.


If you are going to call Miss USA, a Muslim American, Rima Fakih, a bigot, then be my guest. Same is true for those two prominent Muslim Americans I had mentioned. Or other Muslim Americans who, like them, have spoken out against building the “Cordoba House” Islamic Center (Of course I am also against it, but am definitely not a bigot.).”

Unless YOU are a practicing Muslim your opposition to this cultural center is pure bigotry, so your saying that you’re “definitely not a bigot” is false. Your ruse of hiding behind the Muslim-Americans’ backs is the same as of the racists who think that using the n-word is OK because so many African-Americans use it. If you are a Muslim, well then, I find your views on the issue just silly, not bigoted.


You can’t possibly know what I know.

mrg said:

DS said: Kris has certainly demonstrated that he doesn’t deserve anything more.

Actually, I was suggesting we all insult and abuse DH. If he wants to invite it, why not oblige?

We already tried that on Kris. You can only call someone an @$$hole, a bastard and crazy so many times before it gets tiresome. What’s the point of bashing me?

Kris has called me a liar for stating the obvious facts about him. We can all see what he has done, so why would he deny the stunts he has pulled? He is the one who invaded our space to attack the cause of the blog, yet he expects us to be tolerant and respectful of him no matter what he says? There is no law or principle I know that demands any such thing.

Kris said:

What you said about me is a complete lie. I didn’t start the insults and attacks. You and your asshole buddies here did. And trying to con FF with lies about me and that swill about respecting people you and they (“we”) don’t agree with is yet another one of your acts of deliberate dishonesty. You and most others here wouldn’t know what respect is if it hit you like a freight train going 60 miles per hour.

Since the statements you make about me are false, you’re a deliberate liar, according to your own standards for others. Of course your standards for yourself are completely different. How convenient for you.

The ONLY reason you and most others aren’t now viciously attacking FF is because she said she’s a woman. Even then, some of you have been pretty blunt to her, and especially rude before she said she’s a woman, even though she has been nice the whole time.

My questions to her are not an attack or a trap. They are sincere. You are grossly misrepresenting me and are just showing yourself to be the hypocritical, dishonest, delusional liar you are.

You are a seriously fucked up lunatic with delusions of godhood who needs a good ass kicking.

By the way, Mr. theological agnostic, unitarian, universalist, dis-honorable, bushido, liberal, un-scientific pseudo-skeptic, what are you going to add to or subtract from your self-created, self-serving, bogus religion tomorrow?

You just keep piling up your lies and hypocrisy Dale. You said “You do what you like, but I’m done with Kris for good.” yet you’re still bashing me and lying about me.

You also said you respect people with whom you disagree but then you say “I went after him anyway.” when you first saw me here. When I first came here I didn’t say anything that warranted you going after me.

Plus, you said you respect people with whom you disagree but then you say “I’d go after Ann Coulter if that bitch showed up here too.” So much for you respecting people you disagree with.

As usual the things you claim about yourself, and me, are false, which makes you a chronic LIAR, according to your standards for others.

You admit to slamming me a lot but of course you try to make it look like you’re a saint for doing so. Whether you or anyone else here ever accepts it or not, I’m just giving you and others shit back because you and/or they started it, either with me or someone else who didn’t or doesn’t deserve it.

I didn’t escalate the situation. You and your fellow, lying, arrogant hypocrites did.

It really cracks me up to see you guys acting exactly like some of the creationists you hate and condemn so much. You accuse and attack them for not listening and having closed minds, and for playing what you think are ridiculous games, but you do the same thing. Congratulations, you have become your enemy.


I haven’t lied about anything, you jackass! The simple fact is that you have invaded Panda’s Thumb and have been a disruptive force from the beginning and have played us like suckers. I’m not fooled by you and no one else is. Even if you were insulted by one or two people in the beginning, you could have ignored it and just responded to the ones who were being positive to you, like flowersfriend has been, but instead you started throwing shit at everyone who dared to reject your tactics. We insulted you because that seemed to be what you liked, but I get tired of that after a while. You don’t, appearantly.

If you seriously think you have made ANY positive contributions to this community here, you are even more delusional than most Creationists!

Dale Husband said: What’s the point of bashing me?

None whatsoever, but since any comments to a troll are going to produce nothing but bashing in response, that leads to what the point of the comments was.

John often fails to read for comprehension. A poor highschool education , no doubt.

Ghrom said:

To make one point about the previous thread. John Kwok wrote:

“Sorry Jim, but your invocation of the Ground Zero Mosque controversy is not helpful here. Incidentally there are many Muslims and Muslim Americans who oppose its construction, simply because they recognize that building it near Ground Zero is needlessly offensive to the families of the victims and the survivors of the 9/11 attack. Some of the most prominent critics - who are Muslim Americans - include Wall Street businessman Mansoor Ijaz (who tried to assist the Clinton administration in extraditing Osama bin Laden from the Sudan) and former United States Navy officer Dr. M. Zuhdi Jasser.


If you are going to call Miss USA, a Muslim American, Rima Fakih, a bigot, then be my guest. Same is true for those two prominent Muslim Americans I had mentioned. Or other Muslim Americans who, like them, have spoken out against building the “Cordoba House” Islamic Center (Of course I am also against it, but am definitely not a bigot.).”

Unless YOU are a practicing Muslim your opposition to this cultural center is pure bigotry, so your saying that you’re “definitely not a bigot” is false. Your ruse of hiding behind the Muslim-Americans’ backs is the same as of the racists who think that using the n-word is OK because so many African-Americans use it. If you are a Muslim, well then, I find your views on the issue just silly, not bigoted.

Malchus said: A poor highschool education , no doubt.

Oh Bob, I can hear the howls now: “Set phasers to SLAUGHTER!”

Kris said:

Mike Elzinga said:

With a troll’s profile ready at hand, and with sufficient discipline on the part of the regulars, that could be cut to zero.

Profile ready at hand? What exactly does that mean Mike? Ready for what or whom? Do you have printed profiles of all the people you’ve labeled as trolls and hand them out to passersby on street corners? Or, do you create a profile file in your computer containing your intricate and exhaustive (LMAO!) calculations and determinations about each alleged troll and somehow send a copy of it to everyone on Earth to warn them of impending doom? Or, do you only dispense it to other regulars here who are able to contact you personally and who request a copy because they let you do their thinking for them?

Or, do you just think that your stupid ‘profiles’ actually matter, when in reality they actually don’t? Do you really believe that what happens on this website, or your asinine profiles, or what you do with them, matters one iota to the vast majority of the people on Earth? Get over yourself Mike.

Hey, if you have my profile handy, why don’t you post it here? I could use a good laugh.

Your “profile” is a person who needs attention and does not even try to get it by behaving in any consistent or coherent fashion. You are a manipulative jerk who takes ANY response from others and uses it as an excuse to attack. You bash us for not being tolerant enough of Creationists, while stating Creationist fallacies yourself. Then you turn around and deny being religious and question why certain others who are Creationist take their religion so seriously. Such strange behavior is pathological in the extreme.

Gee, this website seems VERY important to you, considering how much time you spend here.

You are either crazy or a fraud, Kris.

The fun thing about the BW is that the trolls either have to cave in and respond on the BW – which they don’t want to do – or pass up responding – which they REALLY don’t want to do.

Kris said:

Whatever you do, don’t even consider that when people come here and sincerely want to ask, discuss, debate, learn, and/or contribute in some way, that when they’re mercilessly insulted and attacked and erroneously lumped into your hated group of ID/creationists, they just might not like it and may fight back, and especially when they offer reasonable explanations of their words and the explanations (and the person) are ignored, misinterpreted, misrepresented, slammed, bashed, and ridiculed by you and the rest of the mindless haters here. Yeah, don’t even consider that for a second. You and the other haters and bashers here are way too perfect to have to consider such things. It’s never your fault.

Your track record is too well known here for us to consider that you are sincere about anything. You are even WORSE than the average Creationist troll because you keep going back and forth between acting non-religious and acting like a Creationist. You cannot be both, so you must be bullshitting us. Nobody here can take that seriously.

Expressed violent thoughts a number of times?? Yeah Mike, I would thoroughly enjoy kicking your ass and the asses of anyone else who has called me a liar, but I haven’t “expressed violent thoughts a number of times” in the way you’re implying. You’re the one who needs a psychiatrist, along with some others here. If you’re considered sane, I’d rather be considered crazy. And comparing me or anyone else you simply don’t agree with to a serial killer just helps show how paranoid and delusional you are.

If you don’t like being called a liar, stop being one. At least I have ALWAYS told the truth about YOU.

DH, a very minor issue here: the first part you cited above was addressed to me, and personally I find it amusing to watch such comments fall into a hole of resounding silence.

However, as far as the rest goes, carry on.

mrg said:

DH, a very minor issue here: the first part you cited above was addressed to me, and personally I find it amusing to watch such comments fall into a hole of resounding silence.

However, as far as the rest goes, carry on.

Oh, did you want to answer him here first? Be my guest. But I figured I’d just make a note of ANY inappropriate thing Kris says elsewhere and post it here, answer it here, and wait for Kris to take the hint and stop attacking us everywhere else and just slam people here.

Dale Husband said: Oh, did you want to answer him here first? Be my guest.

Why would I want to do that? But if my own rejoinder is indifference, I can at least politely ask that the effect not be spoiled.

Kris threatens: “I would thoroughly enjoy kicking your ass and the asses of anyone else who has called me a liar,…”

Lotsa bluster; everybody’s collective asses are exposed right here.

Mike Elzinga said: … everybody’s collective asses are exposed right here.

AARGH! I am so outa here!

Kris said:

Mike Elzinga said:

mrg said:

Serial killers are maybe a bit much of a comparison.

The point was the sociopathic needs of such an individual. This troll has expressed violent thoughts a number of times. But a psychiatrist would have a better handle on this that I.

I think people like attention; it’s just a question of what kind of attention. When I was the factory contact guy in my corporate life, a colleague in marketing told me that it was true I put up with a lot of abuse – I did – but added: “People thank you sometimes.”

And they did. I get thanks on occasion for my current efforts as well – not often, and maybe thanks aren’t the be-all and end-all of the effort … but on the other side of the coin, if nobody ever thanks me, what reason would I have to honestly believe what I was doing actually did anyone good?

Now take the negative mentalities that show up here … does anyone ever thank them for what they’re doing? It’s obvious it never happens, and just as obvious that they haven’t any expectation that it will.

They still want attention, and lacking any concept that they will ever be praised, they have no alternative but to be disruptive. If one cannot build, then they can only take satisfaction in destruction.

Yeah; you are pointing out common desires that nearly everyone has. But sociopaths also know this and manipulate these.

But I suspect most of us can simply walk away from these kinds of manipulations when we have other things to do that are satisfying; and I suspect most of the moderators here on PT do in fact have other things vying for their attention.

Hell, I’m retired and I can’t get through everything I want to get through in a week. The only reason I even show up here is that the PT topics are often very interesting, and I have a high speed connection that allows me to look in from time to time when I happen to be working on my computer. So most of the time I’m multitasking up a storm when I’m here.

Expressed violent thoughts a number of times?? Yeah Mike, I would thoroughly enjoy kicking your ass and the asses of anyone else who has called me a liar, but I haven’t “expressed violent thoughts a number of times” in the way you’re implying. You’re the one who needs a psychiatrist, along with some others here. If you’re considered sane, I’d rather be considered crazy. And comparing me or anyone else you simply don’t agree with to a serial killer just helps show how paranoid and delusional you are.

Whew! Glad I never called Kris a liar. I only called him a coward and a bully.

Mike Elzinga said: Lotsa bluster; everybody’s collective asses are exposed right here.

So it’s like “one of these days Alice, POW! To the mooning”?

Another collection of Kris’ delusional rants.

Kris said:

And of course your insulting comments, and the insulting comments by the other hypocrites here, don’t violate any of those rules you posted, eh?

Apparently, all that matters here is that any insults have to be aimed at creationists or anyone who doesn’t blindly and viciously attack them right along with you guys/gals.

Giving you back your own shit isn’t allowed. Questioning you isn’t allowed. Having a mind of my own isn’t allowed. Calling you on your bullshit isn’t allowed. Anything less than total devotion and obedience to you and your creationist hating ‘cause’ isn’t allowed. Hypocrisy, by you and your cohorts, is allowed, and encouraged.

Kris said:

And of course you and others going on and on about “trolls”, and repeatedly posting “DNFTT”, isn’t “SPAM”. Yeah, whatever.

Why do you think that a “dissenter” is automatically a “troll”? You’ve said you’re a Christian. Would your Christian God approve of your insulting, hypocritical, hateful behavior?

Kris said:

Maybe, just maybe the moderators are getting wise to the hypocrisy and other bullshit you and others are guilty of.

Now STFU spamming troll.

How do you like your own shit thrown back at you?

Panda’s Thumb is a blog made for defending evolution and promoting proper science education, and since Kris was the one who invaded the blog to spew both Creationist arguments that we were expected to “tolerate” (like we are supposed to tolerate falsehoods?) and then claim to be non-religious at other times, why shouldn’t we regard him as unwelcome, inconsistent and disruptive? Why shouldn’t we treat him like he is the enemy, when that’s all he has ever acted like since he arrived here?

An example of hypocrisy would be us invading and attacking ID promoters on Uncommon Descent. I’ve never done that, and never will. Maybe Kris can go over there and drive the ID people crazy for a while, to prove to us once and for all that he is an equal-opportunity critic, and not a bigoted Creationist concern troll.

Kris the creationist wrote:

“If, however, “descent with modification” is defined as showing that speciation (evolution) occurs and/or occurred, then that’s a different ballgame, and requires greater evidence. While a lot of evidence points to a persuasive probability that descent with modification, including divergence/speciation, occurred throughout(?) the history of life, there’s a lot more work to do to before it can reasonably be said that it has been established close to 100%, and I’m not sure it can be reasonably said that it can be established ‘empirically’. Many inferences have been and have to be made, and inferences are a matter of opinion.”

This is of course incorrect. I already posted a link to a web page entitled:

29+ Evidences for Macroevolution

If Kris wants to discuss the point, he can do so here. Maybe someone will want to discuss it with him. Unless of course he is just plain chicken shit.

DS said: Kris the creationist wrote:

You might just leave a short bland note on the original thread to invite him to come to the BW for discussion. He’ll ignore it, of course, but that works too.



All the spamming at The Immune System Cross-examination Still Burns, and other forums, is very unChristlike, don’t you think?

Makes you wonder if these anti-science creation-supporters are Christians? (Never known a real creationist who wasn’t.)

It’s funny how trolls stubbornly resist being prodded to direct their comments to the BW. They know that once they do, they don’t have any real nuisance value any more: “What’s the point of trolling, then?”

Kris huffs and puffs and squeaks “What are you afraid of?” hiding behind his mommy’s apron. Afraid to mix it up on the big kid’s playground, he’ll sit in the sandbox and cry.

Poor widdle Kwis! Mean old scientists call you out on your stupid shit? Maybe if we ignore the little wanker he’ll go back into the closet and play with himself.

Geeze, I’m beginning to miss FL! I tell you, the neighborhood is going to hell.

I knew the asshole was chicken shit. All he haas to do is come here and provide a better explanation for the 29 different independent data sets that are all consistent with common descent. Until he does, I guess he will just be someone who believes in evolution but not in common descent. Yea right.

Everyone should remember, he had his chance to discuss science, he chose to quote mine and insult instead. He can cry all he wants to now, but everyone is wise to his crap.

D P Robin Even bad sites can be a help because it prepares you for the stupid arguments these people are likely to raise. I read creationist writings for a number of years so I would know what to expect and be able to answer it when it arose. I quit when it became obvious that all they ever did was repeat the same lies over and over. You’ve read one Morris or Wells and there is no reason to waste your time anymore.

Merry Christmas and may God Bless!

IBelieveInGod said:

Merry Christmas and may God Bless!

If we really were blessed, you would go tend to your family, and stop bothering us with your lie-filled rants and annoying gotcha-games for Jesus.

IBelieveInGod said:

…may God Bless

And maybe not.

DP Robin has asked me to address Paul Burnett’s “serious question”, so let’s do so:

As was pointed out in another recent thread, somebody needs to explain to the fundagelical frootloops that if “academic freedom” is invoked when creationism versus evolution is discussed, “academic freedom” should also be invoked when discussing abstinence versus birth control, capitalism versus communism, heterosexual marriage versus gay marriage, etc…explain both sides fairly and let the children decide.

Whattaya think, Floyd, IBIG, A-clast, et al? Let “academic freedom” ring throughout the curriculum, or just when discussing the miracles of creationism?

Okay, sounds good. Let’s talk.

Here’s the main problem DP: Paul Burnett failed to specify why his expanded “academic freedom” proposal, would pose ANY problem to anyone other than you secularist “frootloops.”

For example: it’s the gay activists, not the evangelical Christians, who oppose GLAAD and Exodus giving equal-time presentations on gay marriage at the public school assemblies. They don’t want academic freedom at all.

The gay recruiters utterly FEAR and DREAD Paul Burnett’s common-sense notion of “explain both sides fairly and let the children decide”, just as you evolutionists fear and dread it.

Can’t let the students hear the whole story from both sides, and ESPECIALLY not the young questioners and strugglers. Can’t have them hearing that genuine change, genuine choice, is possible. Can’t have them seeing actual young adults who are already experiencing such change. Can’t let them hear that the messed-up mantra “once gay always gay” is refuted.

Legalized gay marriage can be shown as utterly toxic using EITHER secular arguments or religious arguments, and there’s literally no shortage of sources to choose from. Including speakers who can point out the exact inner problems that same-sex-attracted youth already know about, and call attention to finding a way out.

Same for “academic freedom” regarding abstinence, or even capitalism versus communism for that matter. Evangelicals simply do NOT fear doing equal time “academic freedom” gigs on Paul’s expanded list issues. Why should they? How many kids are gonna pick Communism over Capitalism when they hear what about those gulag games that the Russian and Chinese commies have historically played?

So let’s just be honest, since you asked. It’s YOU, and people like you, who would deny a free and open in-school debate on these additional topics. It’s YOU, and frightened secularists like you, who would insist that school students be exclusively exposed to only one side of the story on the topics Paul proffered. Academic freedom, critical thinking, and public two-sided rational debate in front of public school students, “throughout the curriculum” as Paul said, is what YOU fear, not me.

Does that answer your question, DP? How about you Paul?


Extra Credit: If your high school alma mater invited both you and me to conduct a one-hour open debate, in front of the students and faculty, on any of the topics mentioned in Paul’s snippet, would you participate? Or would you decline the invitation? Hmm?


Legalized gay marriage can be shown as utterly toxic using EITHER secular arguments or religious arguments, and there’s literally no shortage of sources to choose from.

Like the way good Christian Heterosexual Newt Gingrich’s previous failed marriages were?

It does not sound fair and balanced to spend the majority of the curriculum lying teaching that the other side is a bunch of evil, God-hating monsters who are suffering from an evil, anti-God disease that can only be cured through loving Jesus and brainwashing.

Then again, you do not give a literal damn about fairness, balance, truth, or accuracy, FL. But, your pitiful attempts at propagating this illusion makes you look pitifully pathetic, on top of being blatantly hypocritical.

Flawd the Damnd said:

Legalized gay marriage can be shown as utterly toxic

I’d suppressed the knowledge of your revolting sexual bigotry, Flawd. You really are a sorry excuse for a human being.

BTW, how’s it going with your repudiation of faith killing? I bet you’re still standing tall with the murderous loons in Oregon, right?

I thought so.

FL calibration.

FL has confirmed he believes that the god directed slaughter of children and selling of daughters as sex slaves as plainly described in the inerrant bible (see below) are examples of the unconditionally loving and ethical morals of his inerrant bible god (FL has no problem with these passages).

Ezekiel 9:5-6 ‘As I listened, he said to the others, “Follow him through the city and kill, without showing pity or compassion. Slaughter old men, young men and maidens, women and children,…” ‘

Exodus 21:7-11 “And if a man sells his daughter to be a female slave, she shall not go out as the male slaves do. If she does not please the master who has selected her for himself, he must let her be redeemed. He has no right to sell her to foreigners, because he has broken faith with her. If he selects her for his son,…”

From a morals and rationality perspective, FL’s ability to hold these contradictory positions should be considered when interpreting all of FL’s posts.

I bet FL’s idea of “teaching the strengths and weaknesses of Evolution” would be as follows:

1) Teach that Evolution is not only false, but all examples of it are evil hoaxes staged by evil, God-hating scientists who worship Evolution as an evil demon-god.

2) Trot out as many debunked Creationist objections, ignoring the fact that they have all been debunked, or exposed as lies.

3) Teach that Charles Darwin was the father of Evil, high priest and homosexual lover of Satan, and was made into a bible.

4) Teach that Evolution is the root of all evils in the world, having inspired Slavery, Racism, Nazism, Communism, Antisemitism, Homosexuality, Atheism, Satanism, Islam, Murder, Democrats, Liberals, and itchy, tacky-looking Christmas sweaters.

5) Teach that Intelligent Design is really a science and not at all religious in nature, though, FL will conveniently forget to explain why or how beyond mentioning his fabled “3 plank theory.”

6) Teach that FL’s personal interpretation of the Bible is the only way to Salvation, and God will punish anyone for even the slightest disagreement with death by fire, then an eternity of rape and barbeque sauce in Hell.

7) Neglect to teach the “strengths of Evolution,” as a) it would contradict everything FL has taught so far, b) FL dismisses all “strengths of Evolution” as being the evil pipedreams of evil, God-hating scientists, and most importantly, c) there would be no more time in the school year to do anyhow.

rob said:

FL calibration.

FL has confirmed he believes that the god directed slaughter of children and selling of daughters as sex slaves as plainly described in the inerrant bible (see below) are examples of the unconditionally loving and ethical morals of his inerrant bible god (FL has no problem with these passages).

Ezekiel 9:5-6 ‘As I listened, he said to the others, “Follow him through the city and kill, without showing pity or compassion. Slaughter old men, young men and maidens, women and children,…” ‘

Exodus 21:7-11 “And if a man sells his daughter to be a female slave, she shall not go out as the male slaves do. If she does not please the master who has selected her for himself, he must let her be redeemed. He has no right to sell her to foreigners, because he has broken faith with her. If he selects her for his son,…”

From a morals and rationality perspective, FL’s ability to hold these contradictory positions should be considered when interpreting all of FL’s posts.

Ironically, while FL believes people should be punished for homosexuality, he hypocritically feels that it is unfair to kill people for eating pork, shellfish, or meat with dairy, or kill people for wearing polyester, despite the fact that the Bible clearly advocates such punishments.

Two quickie notes:

”…FL believes people should be punished for homosexuality”

Don’t forget Stanton, you have indicated that you’re against “Lying For Jesus”, so be careful not to indulge here.


Extra Credit: If your high school alma mater invited both you and me to conduct a one-hour open debate, in front of the students and faculty, on any of the topics mentioned in Paul’s snippet, would you participate? Or would you decline the invitation? Hmm?

How would you answer this particular question?


FL said:

Two quickie notes:

”…FL believes people should be punished for homosexuality”

Don’t forget Stanton, you have indicated that you’re against “Lying For Jesus”, so be careful not to indulge here.

Unlike you, I do not use my faith in Jesus as an excuse or reason to lie.

You revel in your bigotry, and you declare in your so-called lesson plan that homosexuals are evil and have “toxic” relationships. Do you think we should give you the benefit of the doubt to assume that you do not want homosexuals punished or removed from society? Like the way they punish homosexuals in places like Uganda or Nazi Germany?

Extra Credit: If your high school alma mater invited both you and me to conduct a one-hour open debate, in front of the students and faculty, on any of the topics mentioned in Paul’s snippet, would you participate? Or would you decline the invitation? Hmm?

How would you answer this particular question?

I would decline. After all, you repeatedly demonstrate that you are not interested, at all, in debate, intelligent or otherwise. All you are interested in is looking for a captive audience to preach your Lies For Jesus at.

I also noticed you didn’t say anything about my educated guess at how you would teach “critical-thinking skills” about Evolution. I based it from what you’ve told us in your trolling, after all.

Flawd the Damnd said:

Two quickie notes…

So Flawd, still masturbating over fantasies of hell? How’s your vision of us atheists roasting on barbecue spits?

You’re a sicko, pal. Have you ever been arrested?

How’s your vision of us atheists roasting on barbecue spits?

Well, lately it seems I’ve become more liberal about such things. I’m now willing to accept that maybe you’ll get a choice of Heinz 57 or even Kraft Sandwich-Spread, if you prefer.

But perhaps it’s not MY vision of hell that you would want to discuss. A science-loving person like yourself may prefer a more serious, science-based treatment. So here’s a reprint of a recent story from the Telegraph’s science correspondent Robert Matthews. See what you think about it:[…]_of_hell.htm

Have you ever been arrested?

No. But I did get a parking ticket last year.


Why should this come as a surprise? The Government has asked science journals to censor all criticism of evolutionary theory for years for fear that it will trigger a public backlash. Little by little the truth, which is out there, is slowly coming out.

What are you going to do now, FL?

You’ve just confirmed that your idea of “fair and balanced teaching of critical-thinking skills” is to preach lies, bigotry and propaganda.

What sort of self-respecting college or university would deign to accept a student who was taught that science and evolution are synonymous with Satanism? Besides unaccredited Christian diploma mills, that is.

Atheistoclast said:

Why should this come as a surprise? The Government has asked science journals to censor all criticism of evolutionary theory for years for fear that it will trigger a public backlash. Little by little the truth, which is out there, is slowly coming out.

Oh, good. We’re awfully proud of your getting your articles published, then! Not only did you do exemplary *science*, you managed to sneak it past those awful, mean, old government censors. Power to the people!

co said:

Atheistoclast said:

Why should this come as a surprise? The Government has asked science journals to censor all criticism of evolutionary theory for years for fear that it will trigger a public backlash. Little by little the truth, which is out there, is slowly coming out.

Oh, good. We’re awfully proud of your getting your articles published, then! Not only did you do exemplary *science*, you managed to sneak it past those awful, mean, old government censors. Power to the people!

Each article Atheistoclast publishes is one step closer to coming into academic power, when he can then round up all of the people he hates, and have them publicly tortured and executed for his amusement.

So either Joe has not published any articles that actually challenge modern evolutionary theory, or there is no conspiracy as he claims. EIther way, he is once again shown up for the lying hypocrite that he is. Man, this guy can’t even seem to keep his story straight.

Flawd the Damnd said:

How’s your vision of us atheists roasting on barbecue spits?

Well, lately it seems I’ve become more liberal…

So Flawd, how come you’re not trumpeting the good news? Cindy Jacobs says she miraculously reversed a hysterectomy! There’s your proof!

Except for the utter absence of any evidence for the claim, of course.

Flawd, do you believe that a hysterectomy can be miraculously reversed? Of course you do. You don’t even need to wait for a report on Unsolved Mysteries.

You’re a gullible, murderous fool, Flawd, because you swallow such crap whole and you stand shoulder to shoulder with the faith killers in Oregon.

FL said:

How’s your vision of us atheists roasting on barbecue spits?

But perhaps it’s not MY vision of hell that you would want to discuss. A science-loving person like yourself may prefer a more serious, science-based treatment. So here’s a reprint of a recent story from the Telegraph’s science correspondent Robert Matthews. See what you think about it:[…]_of_hell.htm

From the article:

“One comforting finding to emerge from the few cases Mr Lawrence has tracked down is a lack of any link between negative [Near Death Experiences] and a misspent life.”

Doesn´t that undermine your argument that accepting evolution leads to damnation?

Roger said:

FL said:

How’s your vision of us atheists roasting on barbecue spits?

But perhaps it’s not MY vision of hell that you would want to discuss. A science-loving person like yourself may prefer a more serious, science-based treatment. So here’s a reprint of a recent story from the Telegraph’s science correspondent Robert Matthews. See what you think about it:[…]_of_hell.htm

From the article:

“One comforting finding to emerge from the few cases Mr Lawrence has tracked down is a lack of any link between negative [Near Death Experiences] and a misspent life.”

Doesn´t that undermine your argument that accepting evolution leads to damnation?

A lot of things undermine FL’s alleged argument that accepting evolution leads to automatic damnation.

Like, for example, the Bible never says so, or that Charles Darwin never was an atheist even after writing “On the Origin of Species,” or that all books ever written about Evolutionary Biology say absolutely nothing about being or become evil, or that there are hundreds of millions of Christians who have absolutely no problem with accepting Jesus Christ as their Savior, while simultaneously assuming that evolution is true and occurs.

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