"Bad times, hard times, this is what people keep saying; but let us live well, and times shall be good. We are the times: Such as we are, such are the times."

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

SAVE THE DATE A CSFI round-table discussion on Greece. December 14, 2011, 6:30pm-8:15pm.

"Greece: The musical... "  Or not. A round- discussion on what Greece means for the eurozone, and vice-versa. With Emilios Avgouleas (University of Edinburgh), George Handjinicolaou (ISDA) and Richard Segal (Jefferies).
To be held on Wednesday, December 14, 2011, from 6:30-8:15pm.
At Watermen's hall, 16-18 St Mary-at-Hill, London, EC3R 8EF.
*Please note: This is an evening meeting*
Who knows what will have happened to Greece by December 14? Indeed, who knows what will have happened to the euro? To the eurozone? Or even to the EU? There is (I suppose) a faint chance that the problem will have gone away entirely – and a rather better chance that the can will have been kicked a bit further along the road. But the betting must be that the crisis that has been triggered by the profligacy of previous Greek governments (or, if you prefer, by German snake-oil salesmen who unloaded BMWs and Mercedes-Benzs galore on to unsuspecting Greek 'peasants') will be with us still.
Either way, the problem of Greece (and potential solutions) are well worth a look. I am, therefore, delighted that we have been able to put together a distinguished panel to kick off what I am sure will be a lively discussion:
 - Emilios Avgouleas  has just been elected to the chair of international banking law and finance at the University of Edinburgh. He is currently the professor of international financial markets at the University of Manchester and, before that he worked in the field of financial markets as a senior associate with Clifford Chance and Linklaters, and as a partner with a major Greek law firm.  - George Handjinicolaou is deputy CEO of the International Swaps & Derivatives Association, and its regional head for EMEA. He has just returned from a two-year "sabbatical" in Greece, where he was CEO of TBank and Vice-chairman of the Capital Markets Commission. Before joining ISDA (for the first time) in 2007, he ran a hedge fund, and before that, he was a managing director at Merrill Lynch, responsible for the global fixed income emerging markets business.  - Richard Segal is a European credit strategist at Jefferies International, which he joined earlier this year. Prior to that, he was a strategist at Knight Libertas and Renaissance Capital. He is one of the leading authorities on the sovereign debt market in London.

I am (literally) a paid-up philhellene – but you don't have to be a member of the Anglo-Hellenic Society to feel some sympathy for the Greeks. If you (or a colleague) would like to show a bit of empathy (and also, perhaps, find out how to make a buck out of the current unpleasantness), please let us know by emailing sophie@csfi.org or by calling the office on 020 7493 0173. As usual, wine and sandwiches will be provided.

Many thanks,
Andrew Hilton

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London W1J 7AB
United Kingdom

2 snorts of derision:

UNITED RACES and The Holy Book of Racial Government. said...


"Those lazy, dark eyed, dark haired Melanochroi need to be strictly managed for the greater good of the White Race."
Say the White Supremacist Racists

Is the problem of Greece lazy Greeks?


gstrbtr said...

"(or, if you prefer, by German snake-oil salesmen who unloaded BMWs and Mercedes-Benzs galore on to unsuspecting Greek 'peasants')"

HA fucking HA!!

Regarding the matter at hand, I like to believe that everyone's actions affected (to different extents) the current situation.
Even the German ruling class that you so much want to vindicate.

If you think that lobbying, mass media ownership and all the other thingies that play a major role in our modern "democracies" and the respective outcomes of the "elections", have nothing to do with the current situation then please, by all means continue enlightening us of how bad the greeks are (this most probably aimed at Manos and not Mr.Hilton ).

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