
What Next for Corporate Accountability in Mining?

On October 27, 2010, the Canadian Parliament voted down Bill C-300, the "Responsible Mining Act". In the absence of any meaningful government measures to make Canadian mining companies responsible for their actions, the victims have taken to the courts.

On November 8, 2010, an association representing Congolese citizens filed a class action against Anvil Mining Limited in a Montreal court, alleging that by providing logistical assistance the company was involved in human rights abuses, including the massacre by the Congolese military of more than 70 people in the Democratic Republic of Congo in October, 2004.

On November 25, 2010, the Ontario Court of Appeal heard the appeal of the Ontario court's dismissal of three Ecuadorian villagers'...

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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

News Alert: Protests against Osisko Mining suggest company lacks the social license to operate at Famatina gold project in La Rioja, Argentina.

Monday, January 9, 2012

News Release: The Panamanian Environmental Advocacy Centre (CIAM) observes that the Investment Agreement between Canadian company Inmet Mining Corporation, owner of the subsidiary Minera Panamá, and South Korean companies Kores and LS-Nikko Cobre Inc. violates Panama's constitution. The proposed open-pit Copper Panama project also poses tremendous threat to a protected area, which the non-profit group will continue to defend. 

Friday, January 6, 2012

While Toronto-based Inmet is widely distributing news of the approval of its ESIA by Panamanian environmental authorities in order to pave the way for further investment in the project, the company is ignoring a decision made one day earlier by the country's Supreme Court of Justice to maintain the protected status of the area.