Tuesday, February 14, 2012

i am a woman

and if you have a cross in one hand and a penis in another- you don't get to make my choice as to whether or not i get to procreate...

by the same token, if you have a vagina as part of your anatomy, then you need to get your head out of your ass and take action because whether you believe it or not- women's rights in america can and will be taken away as a power control....

and the folks around the world take quite a bit of heat from our opinion makers for doing the exact same thing while we stand idly by here...

Sunday, January 15, 2012

sanity or lack thereof

i am beginning to think that i am losing my mind again...yeah, whatever peanut gallery...i think i have been spending too much time with my old tv shows and movies and not enough time attempting to assimilate into the current american culture because, quite frankly, i have no frame of reference for it...

perhaps it has always been this way and i have been blissfully ignorant- which, i am willing to admit is true anyway...but i do admit to being confused by the shouts of american exceptionalism being mingled with the 'hey but they do it to us' in regards to war, torture and desecration....

not particularly sure how that gels....but in a country where a bunch of folks fervently believe in shoving their fantasy religion down everyone's throats, well, i shouldn't expect anything else...are we really that obtuse that we proclaim to the world how far above everyone else we are while rolling around in our own piss?

let me tell the folks who are crying foul and supporting the marines who pissed on the enemy; the folks who are standing up for the troops who rape and torture and murder innocent civilians in the middle east and around the globe wherever we have bases of operations....here's the deal...

don't lecture me to lay off being critical of this behavior until you start genuinely supporting the troops- by that i mean not by flag waving and supporting behavior that is not only disgusting but immoral- war or no- support them by pushing the government and fellow taxpayers to insist on paying the folks and their families on time; support them by standing by this country's pledge to provide housing and medical care to them and their families---decent medical care not the subpar bullshit that is passed off onto our veterans...; support them by pushing for our government not to invade foreign countries simply for profit- then we wouldn't have to worry about these folks being brainwashed into thinking that other human beings are objects to be pissed on...