Profile Builder version 1.1.13 is officially out

Even though we released a few hot-fixes since v.1.1.6, it’s been a long time since we released a new big update for our ever-growing plugin…but wait no more, v.1.1.13 is finally here!

For those who just met up with WordPress, Profile Builder is WordPress registration done right; it lets you customize your website by adding a front-end menu for all your users, giving them a more flexible way to modify their user-information or to register new users.

Although we added a few new things (like 1 more custom redirect, and some usable parameters in the userlisting), the main feature we worked quite a lot on is redesigning the plugin’s functions from custom PHP functions to WordPress functions. This should solve a lot of the black avatar issues we read on the forums about.

We added the possibility to have a user defined meta-key name. When you add a new extra field you still get the custom_field_x default meta-name, but now you can change it according to your liking.

A few other useful things we added include filters (you can see a sum of them here), and a userslisting parameter [wppb-list-users visibility="param"] where param can be: public (so that anyone can view the userlisting, even visitors not logged in), or restricted (only logged in users can see it).

A few things we would like to mention regarding this version:

  1. The .mo and .po files in any language other then English are most of the time out-of-date as these are supplied to us from our users. If you have a translation you made (or updated) and want to share it with the rest of the community, you can send it to This also regards any future updates of Profile Builder.
  2. Depending on the kind of update you make (automatic or manual) we saw that there were cases when the meta-names didn’t appear in the extra fields table. We built in a function to solve this, and to preserve the backwards compatibility with other versions of the plugin, but if you see some columns are missing (even though the column-heading is there), please make sure you deactivate and reactivate the plugin and see if that solved your issue.


There was a minor bug regarding the way one could insert html links into the “agree to terms and conditions” checkbox, which is now fixed with a proper text-display. Version 1.1.14 should be available for download.

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Understand how to create triangles with CSS

I’ve been creating css shapes for a while now, but just recently I’ve been starting to wonder how does the technique actually work and why.

You can find a good collection of css snipets here. Most shapes use css 3 properties but there are a few useful ones that do not require css 3 so you don’t have to worry about browser compatibility.

How to create a triangle with css

#right-triangle {
   width: 0;
   height: 0;
   border-left: 60px solid red;
   border-top: 30px solid transparent;
   border-bottom: 30px solid transparent;

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Q&A about Akismet with Pete Davies


Pete Davies is a Business Engineer at Automattic and you’ll probably find him writing articles on the Akismet blog.

Akismet is an anti-spam filter for comments. If you visit the website, Akismet is described as “possibly the best way in the world to protect you from web spam”, which from my experience is not far from the truth.

However, with over 9 million websites that use Akismet on a daily basis, questions about privacy and differences between the personal and commercial account are bound to appear and Pete was really open to answer a few of them.

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WordPress Developer Tools

WordPress Developer Tools

WordPress Developer Tools

During the last 3 years while providing web-design and development solutions to our clients over at Reflection Media, we’re tried our best to optimize our processes and development time by reusing code, creating a database of often used code snipets and constructing generalist plugins when possible.

While this didn’t always work out as expected, we’ve tried to push for these goals to the best of our abilities and tried to “Do The Right Thing” as often as possible. Out of our efforts we ended up with two cool projects: BareSkin – a WordPress Starter Theme and Custom Field Creator – a easy to use class to create Meta Boxes for posts, pages and custom post types.

By building these WordPress Developer Tools we hope to save time and energy on our projects and create a solid base for more complex themes and plugins.

Both projects are in a ALPHA stage but stable enough to be of real use to you as well. I’ve been using both of them in client projects and I’m really happy on how they turned out.

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What Is WordPress?

Ever now and again the question arises with new clients that aren’t really tech savvy: “What Is WordPress?”

What I’m hopping to achieve with this post is to drop the technical jargon for a minute and explain in down to earth words what is WordPress , how can it help you, what is, what’s a theme and why do you need plugins.

What is WordPress?

WordPress is a FREE web software that anyone can use to create and update a blog or web-site. You can install WordPress on your web-server (or hosting account) and then use the user interface to create pages, upload images or write articles.
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Profile Builder version 1.1.6 has arrived

The latest version includes a few small, but important features if you wish to customize the plugin.

For those who just met up with WordPress, Profile Builder is WordPress registration done right; it lets you customize your website by adding a front-end menu for all your users, giving them a more flexible way to modify their user-information or to register new users.

We’ve also put together a short presentation video where you can see Profile Builder in action.

Now back to features. Firstly, we have completed the front-end registration plugin with a password recovery page. Just like every other page, this feature includes a shortcode ([wppb-recover-password]). Use this, with fully customizable emails and messages to skip the default WordPress forms all-together.

Also, by using the new (and now complete) custom redirects, your users will only have access to where you want them.

The second biggest feature of this release is the fact that you can mark the fields (both default and extra) as required. This means the user can’t register without having completed these fields, and neither can he delete this info later on from the edit profile page (the information can be modified but he/she won’t be able to submit the new data if it’s not filled out properly).

NOTE: at the moment this feature only works on the front end, but using this in conjunction with the custom redirects, your users won’t have access to the dashboard anyway.

Last but not least, I would like to mention the most important feature of this release: filters, the crème de la crème for all plugins.

We redesigned the plugin and added to every notification/content/values a filter to let you easily customize the layout for your own needs, without the fear of loosing the data after a new update.

You can find a detailed list of all the filters here.

We hope you enjoy the new features, and if you have any questions, just post a new topic over at the forums.

Also, there have been many interesting feature requests, which will be included in the next release(s), so stay tuned!

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New update for Profile Builder Pro available!

The first major update since the launch of Profile Builder has finally arrived!

For those who just met up with WordPress, Profile Builder is WordPress registration done right; it lets you customize your website by adding a front-end menu for all your users, giving them a more flexible way to modify their user-information or to register new users.

This update-pack was long awaited by a lot of users, especially since it took us a while to code it, test it and release it; so from now on we will focus mainly on more, smaller updates rather than fewer and bigger ones. But enough with the technicalities, let’s see what we got:

1.) New custom fields:

  • Datepicker
  • Country Select
  • Timezone Select
  • “I agree to terms and conditions” Checkbox

2.) Addons:

New features (from now on) will come as an addon pack, meaning they are present in the plugin core, but not active until you activate the one(s) you need. They can be found in a side-tab named “Addons” (intuitive, isn’t it?). Here you can activate whichever you need, and once active it/they will be listed in the side-tab also. This is done so for those who don’t need it, so it won’t complicate their experience with Profile Builder.

The addons added this update are:

  • User-Listing
  • Custom Redirects

The User-Listing feature is basically a short-code, [wppb-list-users]. Once added, head over to the back-end and activate the addon (if you haven’t done so already). There, under the User-Listing tab you will find some settings, regarding user-listing options. These set by an administrator will become the default settings in the front-end for every visitor/user to see. They can be temporarily overwritten by the visitors (locally), if they wish to do so, but they will revert to the settings the administrator saved once they close and reopen their browser.

The Custom Redirects are just that: you can set up the pages a visitor sees after he registered or logged in or if he tries to access the wordpress login page or the wordpress register page. Besides the fact that you can activate the “Custom Redirects” addon, you can also chose which of these four “actions” to activate (individually).

3.) Register a user with a certain role:

The old register shortcode was [wppb-register], and after registration the user created was (by plugin default) subscriber. I used the expression “plugin default” because it didn’t use the settings set up in the back-end of your wordpress installation, it just registered the user as subscriber.

But now this downside was taken care of: when placing the register shortcode, be sure to add the role=”user_role_name” parameter next to it, like so:
[wppb-register role="user_role_name"].

Thus, to register every new user as an editor, just use the following shortcode:
[wppb-register role="editor"]

Don’t worry in case you get it wrong, this won’t create a new user-role. Instead it falls back to the wordpress role set up in the back-end, and in case something should happen (not set up, or what not) it falls back to subscriber.

4.) More translations:

  • norvegian (thanks to Havard Ulvin,
  • czech (thanks to Martin Jurica,
  • dutch (thanks to Pascal Frencken,
  • spanish (thanks to redywebs,

We would also like to thank for anyone else who sent their version of the localized Profile Builder, and apologize we didn’t mention them here, but fear not: they are still listed in the readme file!

Last but not least thanks to all our users, who suggested really cool ideas, that were implemented in these new features, with the rest to come in the next update(s).

Apparently there were some hidden bugs, one where the user tried to register and kept getting the “you need to agree to the terms and conditions before signing up” message even though there was no active Terms and Conditions checkbox. The second one was in the redirecting process after registration; it didn’t redirect all the cases (both when a user signs up and when an admin creates a new user). Both of them are fixed and version 1.1.5 was issued.

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WordPress Automatic Updates Based on Folder Name. Is That a Problem?

Automatic Updates are great. They are one of the best if not THE best feature WordPress has. I’ve loved it since it was introduced in 2.7 (2.5 for plugins) and it’s something that really makes my life easier.

If I’m not mistaken, WordPress automatic updates for themes and plugins are based on the folder name first and then on the name of the plugin and theme.

Things aren’t perfect in the land of WordPress Updates.

You see, two years ago I released a child theme for Thematic called Commune. It has over 10.000 downloads and a lot of people are using it for their blogs.

A month ago, another theme called Commune was approved on the Theme Repository. Since it had the same name as mine, it issued an automatic update.  One of the users of the Commune Child Theme saw the update and clicked it. After all, it had the same name, it came from WordPress, what could there go wrong?

As you probably suspected the update overwritten the Commune Child Theme and activated the theme. You could say the user was quite surprised and unhappy:

Hi Cris – just updated Commune @ & the format is ruined ): no menus, columns & widgets gone… HELP! (twitter status)

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Profile Builder Pro is WordPress Registration Done Right

Let’s face it. WordPress default registration process is no good. Hard to customize, hard to integrate it in your theme and not that user friendly.

Profile Builder Pro is WordPress Registration Done Right

  • Super easy to customize. Chose from the default styling it comes with or just add css to your theme and you’re done.
  • Include the log-in, register and sign-up forms anywhere you want. – In any page, template or widget.
  • Custom Avatar for your users. You don’t have to modify your theme to make this to work. It will work by default with the get_avatar function no matter where it’s used. (bbPress is also supported)
  • Custom Profile fields for your users. Ask your users to select their age, enter their favorite movies, etc.
  • NO-SPAM, NO-CAPCHA. Since the registration forms are in unique pages they fell off the radar of automated bots that create spam accounts. (You still have to protect the default wp registration form with a capcha. For more details, please read the following post)

What else is there?

Why, I’m glad you asked. We’ve got Priority Support, Automatic Updates, Proper Documentation and did I say we have Priority Support? We’re going to help you integrate Profile Builder Pro in your site like it was custom built from scratch.

Still not enough?

We have plans for some pretty nifty Addons for Profile Builder Pro users in the future:

  • User Profile Pages and User Archive Listing.
  • Login With Facebook and Twitter.
  • Super Simple Paypal Payments.

What about the license?

Profile Builder Pro is released under GPL license (same as WordPress). You’ll pay for Automatic Updates, Access to Support Forums, Documentation, Access to future Addons and what’s more important, YOUR payment will help us continuing our work and put food on our family’s table. Fair to say that you can use this plugin on as many WordPress sites as you see fit.

Credits & Thanks

  • Thanks to our beta testers. You’ve been more then a valuable asset to get this plugin up and running.
  • Thanks to Justin Tadlock (from his page templates of user registration, edit profile and login this plugin we got the idea and initial code to make this work).
  • Thanks to Derek Herman (we used the UI from his plugin Option Tree).
  • Thanks to everyone who downloaded and used the Basic version from
or learn more
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Profile Builder Beta

There’s a new version of Profile Builder WordPress plugin. It features the following new features:

  • New interface
  • Create Extra User Fields (like birthdate or education level)
  • Add avatar upload for users and automatic integration with any theme that uses get_avatar()
  • Shortcodes for login, register and edit profile to use in pages and widgets.
  • Select what fields appear in the register and edit-profile pages.
  • Select if the admin bar should be present on the front end for user-groups.
  • Select if to use the default css or not.

You can sign up for the beta from this page: Profile Builder beta

The new interface was borrowed from the awesome plugin OptionTree created by Derek Herman

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