War On Want

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Upcoming events

War on Want's upcoming events are listed below — accounts of our recent events can be found here.

Fuel on the Fire Book Tour: Oil and the occupation of Iraq

Saturday 28 January 2012 | Hexham

In December 2011 the last US troops finally withdrew from Iraq, after nearly nine years, leaving a broken country and a host of unanswered questions. Oil has been one of the taboos of the war, despite its central role in Iraqi politics and economy. The talk will explain how strategic interests in oil lay behind the war, though not in the way most people thought, and how oil shaped the politics of the occupation. And it will share the inspiring story of Iraqi trade unions and other civil society groups how struggled against the occupiers' agendas.

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Taking back our economy: Making it work for the 99%
An evening of short films and speakers

Tuesday 31 January 2012 | Rich Mix, 35-47 Bethnal Green Road, London, E1 6LA

Three years after the collapse of Lehman Brothers, governments are squeezing communities to ensure business as usual for an increasingly feral elite. Ordinary people are asking: Is it time to build an alternative, sustainable economy that really serves our interests? Amid the rise of strikes and resistance everywhere and the growing global Occupy Movement, 6 Billion Ways is hosting an evening of informative and inspirational films and analysis, about the economic crisis and what we, the 99% are doing about it!

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War on Want's Annual General Meeting

Saturday 24 March 2012

Our annual meeting for War on Want members. Click below to find all the information you require about elections to the Council of Management and the other business of the meeting. If you aren't yet a member you can join here.

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Comedy Gig 2012

Tuesday 1 May 2012

Our annual Comedy Gig is back! Big names and big laughs guaranteed. Check back for more details soon.

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