Get Active

If you live in a block of flats e.g. "George House" OR your house has a name .e.g "Dale Farm Cottage"
The street address, the number of your dwelling plus the street that you live on. If you live in a block of flats, put the flat number then the street. Example 1: 10 England Street Exanple 2: Flat 7, England Street
Optional: Please fill in the district where you live.

An activist pack contains : * 200 leaflets, please distribute them. * ReferendumNow petitions - please get your family, friends and workmates to sign them. * 5 Voice of Freedom newspapers. Please sell them and post back a cheque for £3.75 (The price of 5 Voice of Freedom's).
If you are new to the party, you may also want to order an infopack.
Please state how far you can drive in miles.
If you have a decent broadband connection at home, that is good enough for voice use (Skype, MSN, Yahoo), please check "Yes".