

The British National Party launched its 2010 General Election manifesto in Stoke-on-Trent on St. George's Day 23rd April 2010.


The introduction from British National Party Leader Nick Griffin reads:


"The British National Party enters the 2010 general election with one of the most comprehensive and detailed manifestos in its history."


"The BNP is proud to campaign on a number of issues which set it apart from all other political parties, namely the conflict in Afghanistan, the immigration invasion of our country, the threat to our security posed by Islamism and the danger of the European Union to our sovereignty."


"The BNP is also the only party to map out realistic and sensible budget cuts which will bring the deficit under control — without cutting front line public services to the British people."


"In addition, the reader will find unique and innovative policies within this document which range from a solution for the housing crisis to restoring British industry, and from building our nation’s IT infrastructure to constitutional reform to guarantee our peoples’ liberties and freedom."


"The word 'democracy' appears in the title of our manifesto for good reason. It represents our desire to preserve this great institution. It is also a warning that democracy is under threat from the European Union and mass immigration, both of which threaten to extinguish all of our traditions and culture.
The word “freedom” appears in the title to alert readers to the fact that civil liberties and personal freedoms in modern Britain are under attack."


"In the name of “fighting terrorism,” the old-gang parties have introduced draconian laws which have usurped many of our traditional freedoms — while the old-gang parties themselves are to blame for the threat of terrorism hanging over our country."


"The word 'security' appears in the title because the BNP believes in the sanctity of life, limb and property. This means safe neighbourhoods with vibrant, cohesive communities; it means security of long-term employment, devoid of the fear that industry, commerce and employment will be transferred to the Third World."


"The word 'identity' appears in the title because the BNP believes in genuine ethnic and cultural diversity and the right of all peoples to be free of colonisation and rule by others — including the indigenous people of these islands."


"The BNP is committed to putting the interests of the British people first. I invite you to review our policies and make your choice."


To download a PDF copy of our manifesto please CLICK HERE