Archive for big society

Emma Goldman

Posted in Comment with tags , , , , on October 20, 2011 by theroguetrooper

I will be honest I just stumbled on this piece.   It is worth sharing

“But what about human nature? Can it be changed? And if not, will it endure under Anarchism?

Poor human nature, what horrible crimes have been committed in thy name! Every fool, from king to policeman, from the flatheaded parson to the visionless dabbler in science, presumes to speak authoritatively of human nature. The greater the mental charlatan, the more definite his insistence on the wickedness and weaknesses of human nature. Yet, how can any one speak of it today, with every soul in a prison, with every heart fettered, wounded, and maimed?

John Burroughs has stated that experimental study of animals in captivity is absolutely useless. Their character, their habits, their appetites undergo a complete transformation when torn from their soil in field and forest. With human nature caged in a narrow space, whipped daily into submission, how can we speak of its potentialities?

Freedom, expansion, opportunity, and, above all, peace and repose, alone can teach us the real dominant factors of human nature and all its wonderful possibilities.

Anarchism, then, really stands for the liberation of the human mind from the dominion of religion; the liberation of the human body from the dominion of property; liberation from the shackles and restraint of government. Anarchism stands for a social order based on the free grouping of individuals for the purpose of producing real social wealth; an order that will guarantee to every human being free access to the earth and full enjoyment of the necessities of life, according to individual desires, tastes, and inclinations.

This is not a wild fancy or an aberration of the mind. It is the conclusion arrived at by hosts of intellectual men and women the world over; a conclusion resulting from the close and studious observation of the tendencies of modern society: individual liberty and economic equality, the twin forces for the birth of what is fine and true in man.”
― Emma Goldman, Anarchism and Other Essays


Posted in photography with tags , , , , on October 16, 2011 by theroguetrooper

An open letter to David Cameron

Posted in Comment with tags , , , , , , , , on October 12, 2011 by theroguetrooper

Dear Mr Cameron

I see your friends in America believe they have foiled a plot to bomb a restaurant in Washington where the Saudi ambassador to the US usually eats.  Notably your friends in the White House are accusing the Iranian state of funding this and in doing so “breaching international norms”.  I note you Mr Cameron already back the US in whatever action deemed necessary.

Let us if you will stop and think for a minute.  Iran is made up of millions of people.  They go to work, go to school, college, university, the markets, the shopping malls (yes they do have them in Tehran) and the mosque (just like you wish we would all go to church and submit to the will of god).  Those ordinary people in Iran right now have nothing to do with the actions of their government just like we have nothing to do and no real say in the things you get up to.  Those ordinary people in Iran (just like your favoured “squeezed middle” here) grow up, fall in love, get married (in some cases) have families, some will fall in love with someone of the same sex and be hounded everyday because of the ideas and influence of some geriatric theologian.  Some look after their friends,elders and the disabled or campaign for their rights.  Some fall out of love, have disagreements, some of them write music, some will write poetry, some will teach, some will build houses or drive taxis.  Others will bake bread or nurse the sick.  All of those ordinary people over in Iran will play some part in the day-to-day life of that country, just like we do here.  Some will do better than others, some will need a helping hand or someone to listen to their fears.  They like the rest of us require food, clothes and shelter in order to function at a decent level.

The ordinary people of Iran are just like me and my family and friends, so lets not have a march to war and kill hundreds and thousands more innocent people than already have been killed across the globe in these wars of falsehood.  Lets not murder and maim hundreds and thousands of more innocents simply because you and your pals in the USA don’t like their particular system of governance.  If you have caught the so-called terrorist plotters then you have caught them.  Leave the ordinary people alone.  They have their daily lives to attend to, why should bombs rain down on them? Why should they bear the brunt of your sanctions?  What have they done to deserve any attack.  What have they done to be forcibly isolated form the rest of the world and turned into pariahs?  Is their crime merely that they were born and bred in Iran?   The people you are after will be tucked away in bunkers just like you would if the boot was on the other foot.  There is nothing brave about war, nothing good will come of it only the murder and slaughter of the innocent.

Be brave, make a stand for peace.

Under The Nose

Posted in photography with tags , , , , , , , , on February 28, 2011 by theroguetrooper

Sometimes we spot things, sometimes we miss them.  If we look too hard we spot nothing.

Which of course would be sheer baloney

If we don’t love with our hearts

Our brothers & sisters will miss out

Our kids will abandon their toys

And we will think these things alone.

Denzil :: Seldom #1

Posted in deep house mix with tags , , , , , on February 14, 2011 by theroguetrooper


denzil :: seldom

deniz kurtel -the l word feat jada (guy gerber’s  countryside mix)
moodymanc – snore
discrete unit – shake your body down
daniel kyo - synecdoque
taras van de voorde – 1998
moodymanc - dubba dub
karol vx11 & mb valence – red suit
scope – 6.15 in the morning
maya jane coles - humming bird
bas amro – sunday rut
lee burridge & matthew dekay - wongel

recorded @ lovebunker 13::02::2011

Reflection #1

Posted in Comment with tags , , , , , , , on January 31, 2011 by theroguetrooper

January 2011



So we come to the end of the first month of the New Year.  It has been month that is for sure.  The scene is set for quite a year I feel.  The uprisings in Tunisia, Sudan and Egypt, the wikileaks affair, cuts beginning to bite at home, the ongoing student protest, the suggested anxiety and economic uncertainty at the Davos World Economic Forum and a growing sense the line has well and truly been drawn.  

Noting discussion across various social media, I came across the question being asked if they can do it in Egypt why we can’t do it here?   It was pointed out that nobody riots in winter.  Now if said in jest or not it begs the question could we be in for a long hot summer?  My own experience of how the cuts will bite certainly points to this, it seems by the end of June public services will have been stripped bare and will hardly be recognisable.  If we look at this in a certain way the condemolition gang could actually have unwittingly set in motion something that will feed into ideas of popular dissent.  Public services and in particular social work acts as form of policing in that the task of any social worker is not only to support but to regulate the behaviour of individuals and/or families already excluded from the mainstream.  By stripping this back to the bare bones they are in effect removing a very subtle form of policing, without which they cannot hope to maintain the consent social work and related professions serve to maintain. 

Mervyn King calls for pay restraint while the bankers continue with the obscene bonus culture.  The people who create the problem are rewarded handsomely for their sterling work and the ideological assault gathers pace.  Private companies will be given massive sweetener to run the NHS, paid for of course by the tax payer.  They will tell us time and time again the NHS is failing and is beyond repair.   Writing in The Times on the 29th Cameron sought to reinforce the big lie by claiming the NHS will sicken if we don’t modernise.  What he really means is this “I have some super rich chums who helped install me in number 10 and I really must reward them for that” Just four banks Barclays, HSBC, Standard Chartered and Lloyds are expected to post huge increases in profits totalling £25 billion plus yet the value of the houses people have bought have fallen for the fourth month in a row.  I wonder what plans the condemolition gang have for maintaining order……once the reality of their hatchet job really starts to bite at the squeezed middle.

Goebbels famously said if you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it people will eventually come to believe it.  So there is a financial mess, the NHS is failing, schools are failing, the poor and the immigrants are renting houses in central London they have no right to occupy paid for through the benefit system.  Joseph Goebbels it seems would be proud of the condemolition gang.  They have with the help of their media friends (excepting of course the rather Stalinist BBC) done a sterling job in working the great lie into the nations consciousness.

Now I know this reflection is preaching to the converted but hey, you have to get these things out, the personal becomes political, we all, each and every one of us has a part to play because it may the Stalinist public sector first in line for the harsh austerity treatment but this will affect the oh so precious private sector in time and then all that pent up rage of those highly opinionated Daily Mail readers (who let’s face it are so wound up they are potentially more worrying than anything home grown Muslim fanatic) could well and truly be released.

The private sector the darling of those good old free market apologists who will tell us time and time again austerity is for the good of the nation and lead to the global capitalist wonderland the path to nirvana.  Notice how Osborne was quick to cut headline corporation tax.  The truth is the private sector is a hotbed of tax avoidance; clever accountancy and a licence to be breaking all the rules whilst at the same time pour scorn on the public sector as a cumbersome monolith.  The public sector may be cumbersome and wasteful, but the private sector? Give us a break; it’s a platform for corruption, poor working conditions and low pay without benefits, nothing more nothing less.  The private sector will not lead us to a better world, it will fail to pick up the slack in the “job” market it will fail and this wraps up my reflection for January 2011.

Cameron et al may well wish to reflect on this “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie” 

And that came from a Nazi for fuck sake.

Anarchy & Peace.

Land of hope and glory.

Posted in Land of hope & glory with tags , , , , , , on October 27, 2010 by theroguetrooper

So today I got the news I was expecting.  I have been expecting it for a while now.  It started to really bug me around May this year, just after the general election.  This election was different, this one wasn’t about a clash of civilizations it was about a clash of ideologies.  Anyway, today I got the news I have been waiting for.

For the last six years I have been a  contract worker, a not so public sector job working in the arena of social care, in the third sector,  you know, the space occupied by the social enterprises.  I have been working with children & young people, specifically those who are in the care of the local authority, prior to that with the homeless, those released from prison and those in need of a helping hand.  I would be one of the first to admit the system doesn’t always achieve what it is meant to and to some it could be seen as a waste of money creating dependency rather than independence.   I even agree that it needs a radical re-think, but today I got the kick in the balls I was waiting for.

Today though was different.  Today I found out what I already knew.  My job is to go, there is no money.  Even though I was expecting it, it was a blow. In fact it fucked me up.  My job is going because another person or group of people who will never encounter me or the world I occupy have made decisions, that  in effect, will not affect them in the same way they affect me.  I am trying not to get angry as I write this, I am trying to express the overwhelming feeling of helplessness that hit me around 9.30 am this morning and the subsequent numbness I have felt since.  It really isn’t about policies, class, privelige, belief or position.  It’s about how it makes you feel.  It makes you ask questions you normally avoid.  It makes you wonder why you bothered in the first place and so it goes. 

Today a journey began.  I haven’t chosen this journey it has been chosen for me.  There is no choice but to get a move on and take it on the chin and that is accepted m’lord.


It needs to be said and repeated whenever wherever that we are not all in this together. 

We are pretty much on our own when it comes to it, save for those few people who are really close to us and will, when push comes to shove be there for us, but in the main it is sink or swim.  Some will no doubt say it could be a blessing in disguise, what I will say at this point is that it certainly focuses the mind.  Suddenly all the things you take for granted come into a very sharp focus.  Everyday things like your mobile phone contract and your  car insurance become mountains and stormy waters and that is why I am trying to write about it.  It’s about the little things sir, it is about how you cannot see what you are doing to me and many more like me. 

Land of hope and glory?  We shall see shall we?

Random shots from the hip

Posted in photography, Pictures with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on October 24, 2010 by theroguetrooper

Pictures tell more than words, they capture things we often miss, irony, the actions of others, moments of beauty and humour.  Snapshots of everyday life caught as it happens to tell the stories words often cannot.  It’s the little things we miss that make the world go round.  Little brother is keeping an eye on big brother reminding us of the beauty that exists all around us if only we care to stop and have a look.


Posted in Comment, ideas...., society, Speakers Corner with tags , , , , , on September 15, 2010 by theroguetrooper
“It is impossible for capitalism to survive, primarily because the system of capitalism needs some blood to suck. Capitalism used to be like an eagle, but now it’s more like a vulture. It used to be strong enough to go and suck anybody’s blood whether they were strong or not. But now it has become more cowardly, like the vulture, and it can only suck the blood of the helpless. As the nations of the world free themselves, the capitalism has less victims, less to suck, and it becomes weaker and weaker. It’s only a matter of time in my opinion before it will collapse completely.” – Malcom X

L11 Fry-Up #3. Ok. This Time?

Posted in eclectic mix, ideas...., Music, Yob with tags , , , , , , , , on August 25, 2010 by theroguetrooper

L11 Fry Up #3 – OK. This time?

zoundz – dirty squatters
here & now – this time

poison girls provide an interlude (bomb song)

adam & the antz - zerox
urban dogs – new baptism
killing joke – nuclear boy (peel session)
joe strummer & the mescaleros - get down moses
spearhead – yell fire
stiff little fingers – doesn’t make it alright
rdf – unknown soldier
vex – world in action
alternative tv – do me right
dead kennedy’s – we’ve got a bigger problem now
rezillos – somebody’s (gonna get their head kicked in tonight)
ausgang – king hell
yeah yeah yeahs  – heads will roll
buzzcocks – just lust
the kinks – you really got me
the who – the seeker
disposible heroes of hiphoprisy - hypocracy (is the greatest luxury)
icons of filth – fucked up state

Get it here

Ok. This Time?  I make no apologis for posting this mix.  It has been sat on the hardrive for a while.  It reflects music from various times that for some reason or another I would enjoy on a desert island.  Memories are great things.

I thought about writing a little bit about each selection or making some lousy attempt at describing “the journey man”.  Then I thought balls to that who would really give a fuck anyway when the truth is there was no plan or anything else.  I just did it for something to do after a day being dehumanised at work so all I can say is “if you like a lot of chocolate on your biscuit join our club”.


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