Archive for the Speakers Corner Category


Posted in Comment, ideas...., society, Speakers Corner with tags , , , , , on September 15, 2010 by theroguetrooper
“It is impossible for capitalism to survive, primarily because the system of capitalism needs some blood to suck. Capitalism used to be like an eagle, but now it’s more like a vulture. It used to be strong enough to go and suck anybody’s blood whether they were strong or not. But now it has become more cowardly, like the vulture, and it can only suck the blood of the helpless. As the nations of the world free themselves, the capitalism has less victims, less to suck, and it becomes weaker and weaker. It’s only a matter of time in my opinion before it will collapse completely.” – Malcom X

Real Crime and the Television.

Posted in Comment, ideas...., society, Speakers Corner, Yob with tags , , , , , , on August 16, 2010 by theroguetrooper

Real crime on the telly, not petty crime or any other crime but “real crime”.  You know proper crime, big stuff, dangerous stuff, mad shit.  It was once the stuff of fiction. Not anymore though.  Now it is right there in front of you whenever you want it, real crime at your fingertips.  A caught on camera need for speed TV super cop bonanza.  Anyway it makes you think or at least it makes me think.  Watch any reality TV cop show and you left with the sobering reality that there is a perverse logic going on.  As each programme seeks to out cop each other so the need for ever more action.  The greater the action the greater the glamour.  The greater the glamour the greater the attraction and so on.  Thug life legitimised from the backwaters of broadcasting commercialising the lowest common denominator for mass consumption.

Mass consumption fuelled by the age of digital supermarkets.  A vast never-ending shopping mall.  The future arrived faster than we could read the words in the science fiction novels.  Being a kid in the 1970’s you often wondered what things would be like in the year 2000.  As a teenager in the 1980’s the impending nuclear doom took the place of any kind of wonderment about the future.   2000 came and went.  We just kind of drifted into it didn’t we?  Innovation is more than normal and so the pace of change is relentless.  But real crime on TV?  What the fuck is the point of this?  To frighten us? To make us behave?  I am not sure it is.   I am thinking this is actually designed to appeal. 

 That is why I think it contains a perverse logic.  The quest to create the ultimate caught on camera need for speed TV super cop bonanza glamorises and to an extent legitimises crime and the thug life as much as it tries to demonise it.  Police & Thieves in the street?   Oh yeah !!!

Rogue Trooper


Is This England?

Posted in Comment, Pictures, Speakers Corner with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on July 17, 2010 by theroguetrooper

St George on the breeze courtesy of Doris Cakes.


Keep Out !!!!!


There is a cat in there somewhere….

Take a seat, make yourself comfy !!!!!!

No electricity Monseiur !!

The boot on the Boot.

Little brother watching big brother …..

So is this England?  With all this talk of,  in the first instance, broken society and then the big society I thought rather than write yet another polemic (lol) I would try and catch it in pictures.  They are saying don’t ask what your country can do for you but rather what can you do for your country.  Fair enough but we don’t need to told this, not by some over-priveliged gang of boys who went to school together!  Is this England?  This is England indeed warts and all….the big bad broken society where you will find love, beauty, hope and a sense of humour in the unlikeliest of places

It is enough to drive you up the wall…

But even McDonalds in the background cannot detract from this unexpected oasis

Even the swan likes it..!

Progressive communication systems required, urgently !!

A ride, now that’s a good idea.  Let’s go.

We were talkin’ about scooters the other week, these two rolled up when we were having a pint.

Round and round and round and round we go.

Lookin’ a bit pasty there Elvis lad.

I couldn’t believe it either!

Southport in summertime.

Indeed !!!

So is this England?  Yes it is England.  A snapshot over twenty-four hours.  I am still asking myself the same question as when I started.  Is there a big society waiting to emerge?  Over a relatively small section of England I noted all manner of contradictions.  Travel a few yards and travel across real extremes.  So this is England and that big society, that is nothing more than the dream of little Englanders.

Update…I note Mr Cameron will be launching his Big Society right here in Liverpool on Monday 19th July 2010.  Let us see just how this big idea pans out.  I will be watching with interest Mr Cameron, after all I have always been community minded.

Bird Song

Posted in Comment, ideas...., Speakers Corner, squat, Uncategorized with tags , , , on April 26, 2010 by theroguetrooper

Monday evening we get in from the first day of the weeks work, the dog wants a walk, the sun is out and it is cool.  Once all the errands are done we take to the garden to take in the last hour or so of sunshine.  In doing so we miss the early evening news, we enjoy a beer, the dog brings a ball, and the cat skulks off to a corner as the indica sets in.

In the near distance you can hear the last of the rush hour traffic making its way up and down the East Lancs road.  Cars pull up in the street outside, the music is scouse, funky, donk and the odd bit of that stuff they call r’n’b.  People are chattin’ on mobiles in the street outside and dogs are barkin’.  Early evening chaos you might say.

Straight up out of the blue a blackbird breaks into song just over the back there.   Every other sound begins to merge into a distant rumble, the bird song takes over.  We listen; it takes over, just for a minute it takes over.  It’s beautiful.

 It got me thinkin’…. as long as the birds are singing we are still ok, let’s make it count.

Doris Cakes takes on The Rogue Trooper

Posted in Comment, eclectic mix, ideas...., L11 Fry-Up sessions, Music, Speakers Corner with tags , , , , , on April 18, 2010 by theroguetrooper

Sundays !!! What can ya do on a Sunday, go to church or go the Asda, head down the boozer and drink beer, relax, walk the dog, mend the fence and if you’re feeling flush, go for a carvery where ya try to get ya head around the fact you have a few free hours left before another week  of work.  Still the gravy was awesome !!!

 Another five days of mind numbing boredom when individuals with spirit and identity engage in a battle of wits with conformity, regulation and the omnipresent feeling the new Stasi are in situ cleverly dressed up as political correctness.  Watch out for the mono-culture it doesn’t arrive with a grand opening and special offers all round.

To counter this here at the Love Bunker we simply throw down some grooves as a homage to yet another weekend.  Friday evening is propbably the most spiritual time of the week here, it’s like opening a door and seeing nirvana stretch out infront of oneself.  After roughly forty hours of some of the most negative energy one could possibly encounter the weekend becomes  a mecca of time and space, and so it goes…..

This time Doris Cakes arrived to take on the Rogue Trooper and we managed to catch it all on tape.  We have to say this turned out be quite a nice blend of suitable Sunday afternoon/early evening and bbq  musics.  The Rogue Trooper felt Doris rushed some of her starts, whereas Doris felt The Rogue Trooper didn’t really quite get her paradigm.  Ah we like to put a bit of love out there sometimes……..his name is Roger I tell you !!!!!

Musics supplied and gratefully received by Debussy, Scott Matthews, Joe Bennett & The Sparkletones, the Jam, The Mob, Nouvelle Vague, Joy Zipper,  Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Bombay Bicycle Club, Echo & The Bunnymen, Adam & The Antz.

Enjoy this, we had a ball making it.


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