New Internationalist

Haiti two years on: beyond relief, beyond belief

Haiti two years on: beyond relief, beyond belief

Haiti is not just recovering from the earthquake but from the political and economic interventions of recent decades, says Phillip Wearne.
Death by spider - deforestation in Pakistan

Death by spider - deforestation in Pakistan

A strange phenomenon is a new danger for already depleted forests.
A harsh winter for China's discontented

A harsh winter for China's discontented

Shuang Gho on the plight of those who dare to complain against abuses by the authorities.
The Arms Trade infographic

The Arms Trade infographic

Shocking facts and figures.
Can Zambia stand up to China?

Can Zambia stand up to China?

Is the money flooding in from China doing any good?
Is the European Union damaging to democratic rights?

Is the European Union damaging to democratic rights?

Read two opposing arguments and join the debate.


Horror flick: Mrs T at the multiplex

Forget Scream, The Exorcist and Jaws: The nightmare on Downing Street is coming to a cinema near you.

Haiti two years on: beyond relief, beyond belief

Haiti is not just recovering from the earthquake but from the political and economic interventions of recent decades, as Phillip Wearne explains.

Sumatra: this land is my land

Daniel Pye reports from Indonesia on a dogged resistance by rural communities to plantation companies’ violent land-grabbing.

Counting kids in Sierra Leone

The country’s first headcount of street children is complete. Now the government must act, says Gabriella Jozwiak.

Iowa: Republican for a day

Attending the state caucuses makes for an uncomfortable, but fascinating, day out, as Mark Engler discovers.

Death by spider: deforestation in Pakistan

A strange phenomenon is worsening an already dire situation for the country’s trees, says Syed Hamad Ali.

Can Zambia stand up to China?

Many Zambians feel that the flood of money from China has done nothing to improve their lives, as Andrew Bowman reports.

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Another New Year is Possible

David Ransom knows of no better way to celebrate New Year than as the anniversary of the Zapatista insurgency in Chiapas, Mexico, in 1994.

Nigeria’s fuel subsidy: the spark that lit the fire

By cutting the fuel subsidy the Nigerian government has snatched away the main benefit to the people from the country’s oil wealth, says Sokari Ekine.

Chevron found guilty in Ecuador… again

But it won’t be long before they come up with another excuse, says Mike G from the Rainforest Action Network.

Best of the web: most read 2011

Just in case you missed them, the top 10 New Internationalist blogs and features of 2011.

Christmas in a devastated land

This year, 25 December was about survival, not celebration, for the people of northern Mindanao in the Philippines, says Iris Gonzales.

Podcast: Mark Schuller on Haiti after the earthquake

Mark Schuller, an expert on the relief effort after Haiti’s 2010 earthquake, talks about the positive and negative aspects of NGO relief work in the two years since.

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