George Mason University's
History News Network

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HNN Teacher's Edition:  For High School and Grade School

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News at Home

What Speaker Boehner Should Tell House Republicans About Compromise
Walter G. Moss

News Abroad

Was 2011 Really the "Year of the Protester"?
Jeffrey Wasserstrom

Hamas is Making History by Reaching Out to Sunni Islam
Nimrod Hurvitz

Agent Orange is Still Killing People in Vietnam and America
Fred A. Wilcox

Historians & History

"Did Alan Singer Actually See the Exhibition?" A Response from a Curator at the New-York Historical Society
Richard Rabinowitz

Does Anybody Remember the Battle of An Loc?
Thomas Fleming

Culture Watch

Why is Penn State Playing Football in the Midwest Anyway?
Carl Abbott

On Lonesome Highways: Haunted by History, an Interview with Writer/Photographer James A. Reeves
Robin Lindley


Review of Stephen Greenblatt's The Swerve: How the World Became Modern
Jim Cullen

Review of Steven J. Ross's Hollywood Left and Right: How Movie Stars Shaped American Politics
Jim Cullen

Saturday, December 31, 2011 - 19:08

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Up Front

NEW Most Popular Articles of 2011 Published by HNN

HNN Hot Topic: North Korea

Questions People are Googling

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HNN Special: National Council for the Social Studies Annual Meeting 2011

All stories by HNN correspondent Craig Thurtell

How to Teach Students to Think Like Historians

Arne Duncan Exhorts Teacher “Troublemakers”

What's Wrong with School Reform: Interview with Diane Ravitch

News at Home

It’s Not Such a "Wonderful Life" This Holiday for Homeowners
Robert E. Wright

What Will the Democratic Left Do in 2012?
Lawrence S. Wittner

Channelling George Washington: A Carnival of Buncombe
Thomas Fleming

Can American Trains Achieve Steam Speeds in the Modern Era?
Jim Loewen

The Words That Mattered In 2011
Ian C. Friedman

Historians & History

Why Today's Politicians Love Teddy Roosevelt
Rosemarie Ostler

Culture Watch

On Christopher Hitchens, Atheism, and Inanity
James Livingston

How the New England Patriots Use Sound Business Strategy to Win Football Games
Louis A. Ferleger

2,400 Years Later, Greek Vixen Lysistrata Rides Again, This Time on the Basketball Court
Bruce Chadwick


Review of Richard Borkow's George Washington’s Westchester Gamble: The Encampment on the Hudson and the Trapping of Cornwallis
Thomas Fleming

Review of Steven M. Gillon’s Pearl Harbor: FDR Leads the Nation into War
Luther Spoehr

Sunday, December 18, 2011 - 15:12

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Up Front

Newt Gingrich the Galactic Historian
Ray Smock

HNN Hot Topics: Newt Gingrich

Occupy: You Can’t Evict an Idea
Ruth Rosen

Questions People are Googling

More Questions


News at Home

Theodore and Barack in Osawatomie
Walter Nugent

Occupy Should Remember: The Public Blamed the Protesters for the Kent State Shootings
Christine Lamberson

Miss USA and Mr. FAA: Our Latest Drunk Drivers
Barron H. Lerner

News Abroad

The Remoteness of 1 Percent Wars
William J. Astore

Historians & History

The Gift of Anguish: An Interview with Psychiatrist Nassir Ghaemi on Leadership and Mental Illness
Robin Lindley

How Do Staid Museums Navigate a User-Generated World?
Bill Adair, Benjamin Filene, and Laura Koloski

Culture Watch

J. Edgar Fails to Deliver the Historical Goods
Aaron J. Stockham

Bonnie & Clyde Shoot Up America in the Great Depression
Bruce Chadwick

A Cold Christmas for this "Christmas Carol"
Bruce Chadwick

For Thomas Jefferson and Maria Cosway, It’s Love on the East Side
Bruce Chadwick


Review of Anna Reid’s Leningrad: The Epic Siege of World War II, 1941-1944
Murray Polner

Review of Russell Banks's Lost Memory of Skin
Jim Cullen

Sunday, December 11, 2011 - 20:31

HNN Donation Drive: Support HNN Like You Mean It

If you support the kind of quality journalism HNN provides now is the time to show it.

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Up Front

Newt Gingrich the Galactic Historian
Ray Smock

HNN Hot Topics: Newt Gingrich

The Day of Infamy—How Japan’s Hollow Victory Spelt the End for Hitler
Rupert Colley

Pearl Harbor Roundtable

Pearl Harbor: Seventy Years Later
Hiroshi Kitamura

Remembering Pearl Harbor with Japanese and American Teachers
Yujin Yaguchi

The Road to War between the U.S. and Japan was Paved by Irreconcilable Worldviews
John Gripentrog

Another Sort of Pearl Harbor Infamy for Japanese Americans
Greg Robinson

Remember 9/11, Forget Pearl Harbor?
Emily S. Rosenberg

Questions People are Googling


News at Home

Why Does the 99 Percent Let Athletes, Executives, and Movie Stars Get Away with Huge Salaries?
Walter G. Moss

Will The Occupy Movement Fade Now That Most of the Occupations Have Been Cleared?
Mark Naison

Penn State and Violence Against Men
Jim Loewen

Save and Preserve Our American System
Vaughn Davis Bornet

News Abroad

Revisiting a Massacre in Lebanon's Civil War—Were Lebanese Christians Responsible?
Franck Salameh

Historians & History

Fairy Tale History at New York’s (un)Historical Society
Alan Singer

A 1978 Critique of Gaddis on Kennan
Michael H. Hunt

The Sad Lives and Demise of Stalin's Sons
Rupert Colley

Culture Watch

Merry Christmas to All: the American Theater Recycles Films of the Past for Historic Holiday Cheer this Season
Bruce Chadwick


Review of Craig Mark's and Ron Tannenbaum's I Want My TV: The Uncensored History of the Music Video Revolution
Jim Cullen

Review of Thomas A. Kohut's A German Generation: An Experential History of the Twentieth Century
Murray Polner

Sunday, December 4, 2011 - 15:09

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