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Who didn’t see the Greek referendum coming? US and European markets have fallen following Monday’s announcement of a Greek referendum.
Britain’s Child Beggars – a fine solution? The recent Panorama documentary “Britain’s child beggars” stated profits of £100,000 per year per child, some as young as 4, are made…
Chinese growth… When i read that Chinese growth had slowed, I thought – “Hmm!”, then I read the article…
Dr Doom – Double Dip Recession a Foregone Conclusion Dr Doom [Nouriel Roubini - who predicted the 2008 financial crisis], has warned of a double dip recession…
Lucky dog!! Monty Slater has enough credit to keep him in comfort for the rest of his life…
Police & paperwork One of Labour’s lasting legacies from its years in power was the explosion of red tape, form filling and the ticking of boxes. But just how big a problem is it?
The truth about drugs Drugs are a major issue in Scotland, and yet our politicians have been scratching their collective heads for 30 years and have drawn a blank…
Trams are not a funding priority Labour’s Malcolm Chisholm branded the council’s plan to terminate the tram line at York place as ‘unacceptable’. Really?
How good is Blair’s memory? Blair has published his memoirs, but how will they compare with the memoirs of the late Robin Cook?

Mev Brown

I have worked with the homeless for the last 9 years in Edinburgh, am a guest columnist with the Edinburgh Evening News and a regular contributor to the Police Professional magazine.

I rejoined the Conservative party in June after an absence of 6 years.

In this website and in my articles, I hope to present a mix of real life experience and good old-fashioned common sense into politics. And if there is one thing our politics needs now, more than ever before, it is common sense.

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In The Media

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Britain’s Child Beggars – a fine solution?

Britain’s Child Beggars – a fine solution?

The recent Panorama documentary “Britain’s child beggars” stated profits of £100,000 per year per child, some as young as 4, are made...

Police & paperwork

One of Labour's lasting legacies from its years in power was the explosion of red tape, form filling and the ticking of boxes. But just how big a problem is it?

The truth about drugs

Drugs are a major issue in Scotland, and yet our politicians have been scratching their collective heads for 30 years and have drawn a blank...

Horror of heroin

Inspector Rebus fans will be familiar with his references to "the dark underbelly of Edinburgh, far removed from the Edinburgh tourists see". Well, here is an insight...

begging for change

Brits are one of the most generous nations when it comes to giving for good causes. But...

English NHS heading the wrong way

A recent report showed that of 6 industrialised nations, the American system was the worst, while the UK’s was second best after Germany. The reforms proposed by the coalition will clearly move the English NHS toward the American model, with disastrous results being the only possible outcome for patients and taxpayers alike. FOR THE FULL [...]

Housing Problems

Housing has been a contentious issue for decades, and with the conservative coalition set to cut housing funding by 50%, this seems set to continue. What effects the housing market, and why isn’t it a political priority?

SOB – Save Our Buses

The council is desperate for money, and there are persistent rumours they will sell of Lothian Buses.

Trams are turning into an albatross

Edinburgh Council is obsessed with securing funding for the trams, possibly at the expense of jobs.

Trams are not a funding priority

Labour’s Malcolm Chisholm branded the council’s plan to terminate the tram line at York place as ‘unacceptable’. Really?

How good is Blair’s memory?

Blair has published his memoirs, but how will they compare with the memoirs of the late Robin Cook?

Tackling knife crime

  Cowardice, a powerful word in the English language. What strikes me about most, if not all, thugs is the gap between image and substance: the image of the “hard man” with “street credibility”, versus the reality of a coward. As a society, if we want safe streets, we need to stop promoting these thugs [...]

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Bookies comments

Bookies comments

Some of my best political bets have been with the Conservatives...

‘Nasty party’ warning to Tories

Conservatives still seen as too narrow-based, conference told

Body blow for Murdo Fraser

Why do the Welsh Conservatives have 9 MPs, while Scotland has 1?

Bonnie Prince Charlie or Gen. Custer?

So far the Conservative party leadership debate has been dominated by the issue of what the party should be called...

Ruth Davidson backs faith schools

Ruth Davidson, one of the three Scottish Conservative leadership candidates, said she would like to see more faith schools in Scotland.

Jackson Carlaw: Tory MSPs will be forced to stand down

Tory list MSPs will be forced to stand down after 3 terms if they fail to win a constituency seat under a radical plan proposed by Jackson Carlaw.

YouGov finds “positive” reaction to Murdo Fraser’s idea

Murdo Fraser has proposed a new centre right party stating that the Scottish Conservatives are “not fit for purpose” – but does the public agree?

The Irish are taking an interest

The Irish are taking an interest in the Tory leadership race

Carlaw backs SNP minimum price proposals

Jackson Carlaw has back the SNP's proposals on minimum price on alcohol

Davidson launches leadership campaign

Ruth Davidson is the third candidate to throw her hat into the ring

Scottish Tory leadership favourite ‘to split party’

Murdo Fraser has grabbed the headlines with a "bold" plan...

Carlaw first to declare

Jackson Carlaw is the first to declare his candidacy in the Scottish Tory leadership campaign.


It seems the folks in Burdiehouse have a few issues with the council

A small victory!

I called the council today...

Today, Southhouse…

I've talked to residents about everything from blocked drains to trident.

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Topics de jour

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Who didn’t see the Greek referendum coming?

Who didn’t see the Greek referendum coming?

US and European markets have fallen following Monday's announcement of a Greek referendum.

Chinese growth…

When i read that Chinese growth had slowed, I thought - "Hmm!", then I read the article...

Dr Doom – Double Dip Recession a Foregone Conclusion

Dr Doom [Nouriel Roubini - who predicted the 2008 financial crisis], has warned of a double dip recession...

Should Greece default?

According to a leading economist, Greece must default and return to the drachma - but will the politicians allow it?

We must send the council a message

Edinburgh Council, after all that has gone before, is considering raiding the emergency fund to keep the trams project afloat...

Rats and sinking ships

Like rats leaving a sinking ship, political supporters of the trams are jumping overboard...

They should have stood for election

Capital Rail Action Group has called for the tram project to be completed at any cost, as it is: "the will of the Scottish parliament". Really?

Time’s up

Today was the day the first trams were meant to be rolling down Princes Street. If you were inclined to make a bet on the trams - when do YOU think they will be running - if ever?

SOB – Save Our Buses

The council is desperate for money, and there are persistent rumours they will sell of Lothian Buses.

Trams are turning into an albatross

Edinburgh Council is obsessed with securing funding for the trams, possibly at the expense of jobs.

Trams are not a funding priority

Labour’s Malcolm Chisholm branded the council’s plan to terminate the tram line at York place as ‘unacceptable’. Really?

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Did You Know

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Lucky dog!!

Lucky dog!!

Monty Slater has enough credit to keep him in comfort for the rest of his life...

Liberals and Chimney sweeps…

The Lib/Dems have been Tory bashing at their annual conference - but perhaps they should check their facts first.

Will Wallonia split from Belgium?

Will Wallonia split from Belgium? After 450 days without a government, there are increasing signs that it will.


Last Modified

  • Who didn’t see the Greek referendum coming?
  • Britain’s Child Beggars – a fine solution?
  • Bookies comments