New Dalston Library Set to Open in January

The first new library to be built in Hackney for over 20 years is set to open in late January.

The brand new Dalston CLR James library will be a state of the art facility. It will feature separate adult and children's libraries, a teen zone and a 'quick picks' area. There will also be a wide range of books, study materials and online reference, as well as education facilities. The new building will also house Hackney Archives.

You can find out more about the Council's libraries on the Hackney Council website.

Council Opening Times and Refuse and Recycling Collections

Full details of Hackney Council's opening times and the revised schedule for refuse and recycling collections over the festive season is available on the Council's website here.

Hackney Energy Advice Line

The Living in Hackney Scrutiny Commission, which Daniel is a member of, held a meeting in December to discuss Fuel Poverty, to better understand what the council and its partners are doing to promote affordable warmth. We heard about Hackney’s Energy Advice Line, an important and award-winning service which is available to all residents, regardless of tenure.
The advice line provides information about easy ways to save money by using less energy, fuel switching, insulation and draught proofing, and is completely independent (thus giving better advice than the lines funded by energy companies).  It can also provide practical advice about using heating controls, reading bills and getting out of fuel debt.
The number to call is 0800 281 768.

Fundraising for Children's Play Area in Abney Park

The Abney Park Trust has launched a funding raising initiative to pay for new play equipment and outdoor furniture for the children's' play garden in Abney Park.

The play area is used to provide educational support for programmes of arts or environmental-based activities for local children.

The area is now enclosed by a Heras fence, which the Trust can open and close for access by families. However, funding is need for further improvements including the installation of basic wooden play equipment and rustic-style furniture.

You can find out more here.

Clissold House and Café Due to Open on 3 January 2012

Hackney's ambitious project to develop Clissold Park and restore the historic Clissold House is due to be completed in January 2012.

Clissold House and its new cafe will open to the public on 3 January.

The House will include a new café, beautifully restored function rooms and smaller meeting rooms for private hire and community use.

Free guided tours will be offered throughout January and February 2012. Bookings for tours and function rooms in the House are been taken now. You can find out more here.

Proposed Changes to Hackney Homes Tenancy Agreements

A number of changes have been proposed to update the Hackney Homes conditions of tenancy. These changes include new legislation and also best practice.

If you are a Hackney Homes resident you should already have received a consultation form through the post in order to have your say on these new conditions.

If you have not received the form you can pick one up at your local neighbourhood housing office.You can also complete the form online if this is more convenient.

The new conditions of tenancy are available in full here. And you can fill in the consultation form here.

If you require further information on these changes please call 020 8356 2060 or email Or visit your neighbourhood housing office.

Hackney Homes' Garden Swap

Hackney Homes has launched a Garden Swap initiative. The idea is to join people up to help each other to look after and spruce up their gardens. If you have a garden and are unable to look after it, you can sign up to Garden Swap and Hackney Homes will match you up with someone who will help. If you don't have a garden, you can donate your time to someone else.

For more information and to get involved see or pick up an application form from your local housing office.

Festive Feast - Christmas Events at Stoke Newington Town Hall

Stoke Newington Town Hall is hosting a wide range of Christmas events this year as part of the Festive Feast.

Events coming up this week and next include:
  • Hackney Proms - Elements of Surprise, Vivaldi's Four Seasons on Sunday 18 December from 11.30am
  • Classic Christmas Films on 19 December. Disney's A Christmas Carol will be showing from 11am and A White Christmas at 2.30pm and 7pm
  • London Gay Men's Chorus Christmas Cracker on Tuesday 20 December at 8pm
All the details are online here.

Nominations for Active Residents Awards Close Tomorrow

The Hackney Homes Active Residents Awards recognise people that make a positive difference to their community.

If you know someone in your community who is making a postive difference, you can nominate them for an award in any of the following categories: Young Resident of the Year (under 25); Resident of the Year and the Ron Devoti Award for Services to Hackney.

You can make a nomination in a number of ways. You can pick up a nomination form from your local neighbourhood Housing Office, download a nomination form, fill in an online nomination or email your nomination.

The deadline for nominations is Friday 16 December. Winners of the Awards win prize money to go towards community initiatives.

Councillor Walkabout - Saturday 15 December

We will be visiting Queen Elizabeth's Close this coming Saturday to meet with residents, to discuss the local area and to address any issues that residents may have concerns about.

We shall arrive at 11am and will try to meet as many residents as possible. This is part of our ongoing work to visit residents across the ward and to make sure that everyone always has an opportunity to raise any concerns with their local Labour Councillors.

If would like to raise anything with us, you can also email us ( or or make any appointment on 020 8356 3373.

Published and promoted by Luke Akehurst for Hackney Labour Party on behalf of Edward Brown and Daniel Stevens, all at 52 Aden Grove, London, N16 9NJ.