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Communication, Education & Public Awareness

What's New?

The CEPA Toolkit is now available in:

What is biodiversity and why should we be concerned about it?
How can we use the biological resources of the planet in a way that ensures that they are available for generations to come? What does the Convention on Biological Diversity do to preserve the web of life? How do the programmes of work of the Convention contribute to the objectives of conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and equitable sharing of the benefits from the use of genetic resources?

The Programme of Work on Communication, Education and Public Awareness, or CEPA, aims to assist Parties, educators and civil society to provide answers to these questions for a variety of audiences. Emerging from Article 13 of the Convention, the programme of work seeks to:

  • Communicate the scientific and technical work of the Convention in a language that is accessible to many different groups;
  • Integrate biodiversity into Education systems in all Parties to the Convention;
  • Raise Public Awareness of the importance of biodiversity to our lives, as well as its intrinsic value.

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  • United Nations
  • United Nations Environment Programme