
Dans le débat sur les liens entre démographie et développement, J.P. Guengant, chercheur et auteur de Comment bénéficier du dividende démographique ?, répond à nos questions. Selon lui, l'explosion démographique que connaît l'Afrique, et inédite dans son histoire, pourrait grêver lourdement ses perspectives de développement.

Explosion démographique
bamboo picture

In China, AFD gives priority to innovative projects that we will be able to reproduce in other countries, particularly in Africa. An interview with Sandrine Boucher, Director of AFD’s Beijing agency.

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China: Objective Climate
Metrocable de Medellin


Aerial tramway in Medellin, Bus Rapid Transit system in Curitiba... The continent is at the cutting edge of innovation in urban mobility. Two AFD experts explain how the Latin American approach has revolutionized the way urban mobility is designed and how AFD is supporting this revolution.

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Designing cities

Join AFD in celebrating its 70th anniversary!
AFD is launching a nationwide photography tour
in association with Magnum Photos,
and wants you to attend this special event.

Find out the dates on our website


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Photo Tour 70 Years

How does AFD work to protect the environment? How does it manage the impacts the projects it finances have on the environment? Anticipating the conference “Reconciling poverty eradication and quality of the environment”, Tiphaine Leménager, an AFD expert, answers our questions. Watch the video interview (in French)

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Development and environment
Bogotá’s historic city center is closed to cars on Sundays

AFD gives a voice to those who, through their commitments as professionals, politicians, members of associations and citizens, guide transformation in developing and emerging cities and come up with responses to the expectations of the people who live in them.


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Developing Cities

In 2010, over sixty NGO projects were cofinanced by AFD. Catherine Bonnaud, Head of Partnerships with NGOs, answers our questions and makes a review of AFD’s NGO activity.

►Read the interview

Partnership with NGOs
Last issue of Savoirs communs

studied through two
determinants of development :
food sovereignty and peace.
Find out more in the last issue
of Savoirs communs,
realized with the CCFD.

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Savoirs communs


AFD is marking 23rd World AIDS Day by reiterating its commitment to fight against mother-to-child HIV transmission. 


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World AIDS Day

 “For every dollar spent on family planning, four dollars are saved in the water, sanitation, education and health sectors…”.

Two AFD experts explain why health is an essential lever for development.


►Read the interview

Health & AFD

Development in motion

Publications News