Syrian armed forces march toward protesters in Homs (AFP)

What's at stake in Syria?

The uprising in Syria is being hammered by state repression--while Western governments seek to manipulate the movement to their own ends.

Millions of Egyptians celebrate as Hosni Mubarak is toppled

Read our Internet pamphlet on the "Revolution in Egypt," featuring eyewitness reports from Cairo and articles on the background to the struggle.

A bigot through and through

No matter what he says about war and civil liberties, Ron Paul isn't a candidate anyone on the left should support.

Locked out at American Crystal

Some 1,300 union workers in three states are demanding what they deserve--and refusing to let a profitable corporation get its way unopposed.

What's in a newspaper name?

An Oakland activist tries to make sense of the complaints that he's been getting from a certain East Bay newspaper.

A Manifest Destiny massacre

The slaughter of hundreds of Lakota women, children and men 121 years ago marked the end of the "Indian Wars."

Taking on Philippines Airlines

The fate of the labor movement in the Philippines hangs on the outcome of an airline employees' union struggle.

Welcome to the civil-liberties-free zone

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel (Kevin Gebhardt)

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel wants to set up his own personal police state ahead of the NATO/G8 summit meeting in May.

Enforcers for the global 1 percent

Chicago will host the elite of the global elite in mid-May as the Group of Eight meets alongside the NATO military alliance.

Take a stand for the ILWU

The labor council for the Longview, Wash., area is calling for protests against the first scab ship loaded at the EGT terminal.

Longview's call for solidarity

Occupy Longview is calling on activists everywhere to support the ILWU's fight against union-busting on the docks.

The fight to fund our universities

If University of Michigan President Mary Sue Coleman was serious about states investing in higher education, Occupy UM wouldn't have to mic-check the regents.

Christmas in the radiation zone

Angry that they have not received accurate information about the radiation threat, the people of Fukushima have taken matters into their own hands.

Find out about the activities of the International Socialist Organization
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Occupy Wall Street and the unions

U.S. company arms Egypt's tyrants

The U.S. awarded a military contractor $395 million to build tanks for Egypt's military dictators--but it can't find a dime for workers in Detroit.

Resisting the Egyptian army's crackdown

Egypt's military rulers have escalated a deadly crackdown against those standing up for democracy and justice--but the revolution has not been silenced.

Who produces the wealth?

Capitalists' profits come from the unpaid labor of workers--which is why socialists say that capitalism is organized theft.

West's new confrontation with Iran

The USS John Stennis, recently deployed to the Persian Gulf (Kenneth Abbate)

Tensions are escalating again in the Persian Gulf region over U.S.-led military and economic threats against Iran.

Lessons for Occupy from Iowa

Occupy activists turned out during the Iowa caucuses to protest banks and corporations, and the politicians who serve them.

The Republican bigotry contest

The Republican primaries are getting underway--in a race in which the candidates have gone out of their way to take the most extreme right-wing positions.

Indiana's war on labor

Republican lawmakers are pushing legislation that would turn Indiana into an anti-union "right to work" state.

Postal unions under the gun

Congress delayed a vote on legislation that could result in some 120,000 layoffs of postal workers--but plans for massive cuts remain.

Socialists answer state attacks

Egypt's Revolutionary Socialists respond to a propaganda campaign aimed at whipping up a hysteria against them.

The Egyptian army's iron fist

Egypt's military has carried out a horrific attack on demonstrators protesting the generals' continued hold on power.

The Feds put Islam on trial

The guilty verdict against Tarek Mehanna is part of a climate of Islamophobia whipped up by the "war on terror."

Brutal legacy of Seattle police

A Justice Department report reveals the Seattle Police Department's disregard for civil liberties and long history of abuse.

Seattle students against cuts

Hundreds of high school students from all over Seattle walked out of class to protest another round of proposed cuts in education funding.

Charters get mic checked

Protesters occupy another PEP meeting in protest of plans for more charter schools

The Panel for Educational Policy got a visit from teachers, students and parents angry about New York City public schools.

On the line at Cooper Tire

Locked-out workers are standing strong in Findlay, Ohio, with round-the-clock pickets at the Cooper Tire & Rubber plant.

This world ends now

Lupe Fiasco's Friend of the People: I Fight Evil is an example of the right mixtape coming out at the right time.

Nuestra Opinión

Obama contra la libertad

Ahora, en EE.UU., los militares pueden detener indefinidamente, y sin juicio, a sus propios ciudadanos--uno más de nuestros "inalienables derechos" fue sacrificado por el demócrata en la Casa Blanca.

Año de rebelión

Del Medio Oriente y África del Norte a Europa y Estados Unidos, el 2011 fue un año de resistencia mundial del que se leerá en los libros de historia.

The fall of the house of Enron

The scandal that took down energy giant Enron 10 years ago exposed the lie of the free-market "miracle" of the 1990s.

Obama versus civil liberties

President Barack Obama

The U.S. military can indefinitely detain U.S. citizens without trial--that's the latest of our "inalienable rights" sacrificed by the Democrat in the White House.

The corporate bankruptcy scam

Bankruptcy may be a disaster for the 99 percent, but it can be a wondrous thing for million-dollar corporations.

Coming to hate college football

For more than 25 years, I've tuned in to the bowl games to cap each college football season--but not this year.

Defend Egypt's revolution

A coalition of U.S. organizations has come together to demand an end to the military's savage crackdown in Egypt.

The year of revolt

From the Middle East and North Africa to Europe and the U.S., a worldwide resistance took shape in 2011 that will go down in history.

Tactics and the port shutdown

A discussion about tactics and strategy has emerged after the successes of the December 12 West Coast Port Shutdown.

Occupying against Pittston Coal

The 1989 strike at Pittston Coal saw miners occupy company property in a long--and ultimately victorious--struggle.

Defend the Charleston Five

In 2001, labor activists around the country rallied behind the Charleston Five--South Carolina longshore workers targeted for union activism.

Cauliflower becomes a crime

Activists holding a meeting at a former community garden in the Bronx were arrested for "obstructing the sidewalk."

"War on terror" comes home

The man who once promised to close Guantánamo Bay has betrayed us by authorizing the indefinite detention of U.S. citizens.