
Flying? New Rules Help Protect Airline Passengers

New regulations help ensure that you are treated fairly when you travel by air. Airlines and ticket agents now must -

  • Include all mandatory taxes and fees within the fares they publish rather than hiding them elsewhere.
  • Disclose baggage fees when tickets are being purchased.
  • Allow customers to hold a reservation without payment or cancel a booking without penalty within 24 hours, if they made the reservation one week or more prior to departure.
  • Promptly notify passengers of delays over 30 minutes.

Get the details on these new rules.

Asked by Anonymous

who was the first american women to go to outer space

Sally Ride was the first American woman to travel in outer space. She made the voyage aboard the STS-7 from June 18-24, 1983.

Learn more about the history of women in space.

February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month. Learn more about how to talk to your teen about setting dating rules and building respectful relationships.

Image description: These four maned wolf pups were born in early January at the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute. Maned wolves are considered near-threatened by the International Union for Conservation of Nature, mainly due to habitat loss and conflict with humans. Learn more about the pups and the Smithsonian’s efforts to maintain them.
Photo by Lisa Ware, Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute

Image description: These four maned wolf pups were born in early January at the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute. Maned wolves are considered near-threatened by the International Union for Conservation of Nature, mainly due to habitat loss and conflict with humans. Learn more about the pups and the Smithsonian’s efforts to maintain them.

Photo by Lisa Ware, Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute

Beat the Winter Blues

During the winter it can be easy to get so busy with work and your kids’ activities that by the time you go to bed you’ve barely seen the sun. The lack of exposure to the sun, shorter days and colder weather can cause some people to feel the winter blues, known medically as seasonal affective disorder.

If you think you suffer from a major attitude change during the winter months, use these tips to learn the symptoms of seasonal affective disorder and possible treatment options.

Recognize the symptoms:

Some of the most common symptoms of seasonal affective disorder are feelings of sadness or emptiness, hopelessness or extreme pessimism. Fatigue, difficulty concentrating and changes in weight could also be possible signs of the winter blues.

When It’s Not Just a Bad Day:

Everyone has bad days from time to time and may feel sad and depressed or even extremely pessimistic. It’s normal for these feelings to come and go. However, if your mood doesn’t change over a period of two weeks, it’s time to talk to your doctor to see if you’re suffering from depression or seasonal affective disorder. You can use the Mood Tracker mobile app to help you track when and how long you’ve been feeling depressed.

Treatment Options:

There are several different treatment options for seasonal affective disorder. Your doctor may want you to try light therapy. Being exposed to sunlight or a fluorescent light box for an extended period of time could help to improve your mood. However, for many people, light therapy isn’t enough.

In that case there are many different medicines you and your doctor could discuss. Before your appointment read the guide Depressions – Medicines to Help You to learn about all your different options and possible side effects so you can make an informed decision.

Don’t let the winter blues keep you down. Use this information to help you take the steps you need to begin to feel better.