The secure CMS.

Welcome to Geeklog
Tuesday, January 03 2012 @ 04:45 AM EST

About Geeklog

Geeklog is an open source application for managing dynamic web content. It is written in PHP and supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, or MS SQL as the database backend.

"Out of the box", Geeklog is a CMS, or a blog engine with support for comments, trackbacks, multiple syndication formats, spam protection, and all the other vital features of such a system.

The core Geeklog distribution can easily be extended by the many community developed plugins and other add-ons to radically alter its functionality. Available plugins include forums, image galleries, and many more.

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Geeklog 1.8.1


Geeklog 1.8.1 is now available for download. This is a maintenance and recommended upgrade for Geeklog 1.8.0.

This release ships with jQuery 1.6.3, which fixes a possible XSS in that JavaScript library, which shouldn't have affected Geeklog itself, but may potentially exist in add-ons that make extensive use of jQuery. Geeklog 1.8.1 also fixes two cases of information leakage, where the OAuth consumer key and secret were exposed when enabling the "rootdebug" option (which is off by default). Also, the MS SQL driver was displaying full details of SQL errors by default.

Other changes in this release:

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Video Embed FCKeditor Plugin v1.0.0


Video Embed FCKeditor Plugin will allow you to easily insert embedded videos into your stories and static pages. Once installed, simply press the Video button on your editor toolbar to open Video Embed. Paste your embedded video string, select the alignment and then press INSERT and the video will be placed in the editor window.

How to install this plugin

  • Firstly extract the archive to the public_html/fckeditor/editor/plugins directory
  • Add the plugin to your FCKeditor by opening you 'public_html/fckeditor/myconfig.js' file. Add the following statement: FCKConfig.Plugins.Add('ImageManager');
  • Add embed to Additional HTML for Adv. Editor in the Geeklog's config >> Miscellaneous >> HTML Filtering
  • Done. (Should the toolbar icon not appear, try to clear your browser's cache)

Download Video Embed FCKeditor plugin

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Open Graph Protocol plugin


Open Graph Protocol (OGP) plugin supports Open Graph Protocol(OGP) and allows you to run your Geeklog site in cooperation with web sites supporting OGP such as Facebook by producing <meta property="og:***" content="***"> tags.

Besides, the plugin allows you to display Facebook Like buttons and/or Facebook comments in your articles, static pages, calendar events, link categories, poll items and download files. You can set the kinds of contents in which to show Facebook Like button and/or Facebook comments in Configuration.

Download the plugin from or my site and have fun!