Features — what we bring to the table

  • Project hosting

    Host your open source projects and their repositories for free on Gitorious to enable community contributions.

  • Activity monitoring

    Keep track of project activity for both your personal projects and team projects.

  • Public merge requests

    Allow other developers to submit contributions to your project and merge them easily.

  • Project Wikis

    Document your project using Gitorious’
    built-in wiki.

  • Team contributions

    Create development teams to encourage
    and organize cooperative development.

  • Project centric

    Maintain all code repositories related to a single project under a single project area on Gitorious.

Professional Gitorious services

Hear what our users say

«Gitorious allows us to work closer with contributors and strengthens the link to the community»
Tor Arne Vestbø, Nokia
«The openSUSE project has chosen gitorious since it supports our collaborative development model and due to similarities between the projects: A reliable, efficient and easy to use service that is open source.»
Andreas Jaeger, Program Manager openSUSE
«We decided to use Gitorious for our code because the service invites to collaboration.»
Gorm Haug Eriksen, Norwegian Government Administration Services

From our blog

  • Private repositories

    — For a long time, people have asked that Gitorious support a fine-grained permissions system where repositories can be made private and access granted only to select users/groups. We have decided to develop this feature for Gitorious, and we need your h...

    08 Dec 12:03

  • A little help from our friends

    — A few months ago, Axis Communications, the world’s leading expert in network video, got in touch with us to discuss some features they were missing in their local Gitorious installation. We agreed that the Gitorious team would develop these featu...

    20 Oct 16:07

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