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Saturday, January 07 2012 @ 03:04 AM CST

Occupy Wall Street - Latest Update

Photo: Mickey Z.

Infoshop News (January 1-2, 2012) -- The global Occupy Wall Street movement is well into its third month and it has spread to hundreds of cities. This week, protests are happening in various cities while other Occupy activists participate in direct actions such as housing occupations.

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Breaking News by Location


Occupy Birmingham | "We Are the 99%"
2011: The Year of Uprisings
(Un)Occupy Lancaster: After strong camp, group plans exit
Palm Desert says Occupy free speech cost city $89K
Occupy the Rose Parade plan begins to gel
Santa Cruz: Occupy Arrest Warrants Submitted to DA
Occupy Facebook: Social Network for Protesters in the Works
Occupy Atlanta Helps Save Iraq War Veteran's Home From Foreclosure
Throng of Occupy protesters appear in NY courts
Tracking Journalist Arrests at Occupy Events
Occupy Protesters Shut Down Major West Coast Ports, Targeting Goldman Sachs
Richmond, California: Council re-affirms support for Occupy
19 Occupy Philadelphia members seek trial on charges of failure to disperse

Analysis and Opinion

Occupy and the hostile media: The mainstream press is always on the wrong side of history
A Sign Occupy Wall Street Is Having Political Impact
Analysis: Occupy 2.0 Emerges Lean and Mean
The meaning of Time magazine's celebration of The Protester
How the Occupy Movement Is Creating News Innovation
Occupy Wall Street on Your Street
How the Occupy Movement Helped Americans Move Beyond Denial and Depression to Action

Previous Features

Occupy Wall Street Movement Spreads Around the World

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Climate Change Models May Underestimate Extinctions

Climate Change

ScienceDaily (Jan. 3, 2012) — Predictions of the loss of animal and plant diversity around the world are common under models of future climate change. But a new study shows that because these climate models don't account for species competition and movement, they could grossly underestimate future extinctions.

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Occupy Wall Street's Livestream Operators Arrested

Occupy Wall Street

Occupy Wall Street is in the middle of one of its day-long marches in New York Tuesday, protesting the National Defense Authorization Act, but for those following along on the Global Revolution livestream, the real action is happening in the broadcast studio itself. That's because police have apparently just raided the Brooklyn studio of Globalrevolution.tv and taken some of the project's key volunteers into custody.

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Report from Southern Ontario New Year's Prison Demo Road Trip


The 14-vehicle caravan, loaded with drums, warm clothes, 80 pounds of dumpstered citrus and almost as many fireworks, converged in Penetanguishene, Ontario in the early afternoon. Penetang is home to the Central North Correctional Centre where over 1000 people are imprisoned, including three of our close friends for their roles in the anti-G20 protests of 2010.

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It Never Was Springtime for the Women of the Middle East and North Africa

Middle East

Once again is the women who have to pay the price, bear the burden, make the sacrifice, and just get totally screwed over.  As is usually the case, even in so called revolutions (which aren't), women get overlooked, that would be too easy, they get picked out and picked on.  Like people of color, progressives of all shapes and sizes, always tell women to just wait until we take of this, that or the other thing and "we will get to you."  Almost never get gotten to is what really happens.  The ARAB SPRING is no exception to the rule...and really, are we surprised.

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What Next for Occupy Oakland?

Fellow Worker Reimann has been involved with Occupy Oakland, along with several other members of the Bay Area IWW since its inception. The opinions expressed here are the author's alone, though they generally reflect the views of many others who are active in OO and are rank and file union members. The port shut down of Dec. 12 showed that there is a lot of support for and strength in the Occupy Oakland movement. Sometimes, though, the greatest problems for a movement can arise exactly out of the successes, when we don’t think enough about what problems there are.

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Holding the line: informal pace setting in the workplace

Often when talking to people about their frustrations at work and the prospects for organizing, a common response is one of negativity and desperation. These types of sentiments cut across industries and sectors. Even folks in officially unionized workplaces that have unaddressed grievances feel this way many times.

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What’s in store for 2012? Activists break out their crystal balls

Anarchist Opinion

After 2011—a year of massive demonstrations and protest—people are asking: What’s next? Facing off with this landmark year, a few voices are impatient with the rate of industrial collapse. These clarions are agitating for widespread rebellion.

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New York: Over 200 in the streets for New Year's Eve Noise Demo


When some of NYC ABC arrived early to prepare for the New Year's Eve noise demo, there were already folks there. By 9:00pm, our numbers had grown and we had enough potential noise to reach the prisoners inside MCC New York-- a federal Metropolitan Correctional Center cemented into a maze of other city, state, and federal buildings. Though organized by NYC ABC and not an OWS event, it was posted by OccupyWallSt.org on their front page and this drew ever more folks. In the high rise prison, cell lights flickered on and off as silhouetted prisoners showed their connection to what was going on outside.

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Occupy, Resist, and Grow

Occupy Wall Street

Marshall Ganz calls Occupy a moment, but we have a history and a future. My generation, in North America, was birthed over 12 years ago, in the streets of Seattle, when trade unionists joined with anarchists to disrupt the workings of global capital, well, in this case, the meeting of a major player, the World Trade Organization. We refused to accept capitalism as a natural way of ordering our social world; “Another World is Possible” was a popular slogan. We manifested alternatives in organizing our collective refusal. Instead of relying on institutions created under capitalism, we created our own clinics, schools, decision-making bodies, and media outlets. Some of which have formalized into counter-institutions that exist today. The global network of independent media centers and community health centers, like the Common Ground clinic in New Orleans, started after Hurricane Katrina, are our legacy.

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Greece Set for Winter of Rage


Since late September, Greece is seeing a resurgence of large-scale social unrest as workers launch repeated waves of strike action. Enraged by the government’s decision to implement a new round of austerity cuts; public transport workers have called a series of 24 and 48 hour strikes causing serious disruption. It included a 48-hour strike by taxi-owners.

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Fifth Estate's Spring 2012 issue (#386) now available!

Alternative Media

The Fifth Estate has always proudly displayed the FBI’s description of this publication as “supporting revolution everywhere.” Once again we are proud to do so. The world-wide surge against capitalism and its aggressive guard-dog, the political state, artfully poses the question of wealth and power where there was quiet only months previously.

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Have you considered a career in total revolution?


In the years after the World War II, the US and Western Europe saw unprecedented rates of sustained economic growth. Food and accommodation were cheap and working people could afford a vast range of novel commodities - electronic gadgets, cars, new styles in furniture and opportunities for leisure. Decades of war, depression and social unrest in Europe were over. Material life had never been better.

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Organic Agriculture May Be Outgrowing Its Ideals

Farm Report

TODOS SANTOS, Mexico — Clamshell containers on supermarket shelves in the United States may depict verdant fields, tangles of vines and ruby red tomatoes. But at this time of year, the tomatoes, peppers and basil certified as organic by the Agriculture Department often hail from the Mexican desert, and are nurtured with intensive irrigation.

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Political Prisoner Birthday Poster for January is Now Available


Here is the political prisoner birthday poster for January. As always, please post this poster publicly and/or use it to start a card writing night of your own.

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Underreported Struggles #57, December 2011


After more than 6 months of research and preparation, Intercontinental Cry launched "Indigenous Peoples of the World" an online directory for all Indigenous Nations ever mentioned on the website. The directory, which you can access here, currently features 412 distinct populations in 78 countries.

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A Reportback From Chicago’s New Year's Eve Anti-Prison Noise Demo


Last night around thirty anarchists, nihilists, and other generally furious people gathered outside Chicago's Metropolitan Correctional Center for an anti-prison noise demo in solidarity with the international day of action against prisons. The MCC is a prison in the middle of downtown Chicago, infamous for holding non-cooperating Green Scare defendant Justin Solondz after he was captured in China and extradited back to the United States. The prison is built to look like just another skyscraper, a disgusting attempt to hide the reality of state violence and terror from curious tourist and corporate passers-by. Our noise demo attempted to remind the prisoners in the MCC that although the State has tried to make everyone forget their existence, that we would be with them until every prison is destroyed.

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The Future of Occupy

Occupy Wall Street

To help provide both a signpost and a compass for that question, The Future of Occupy collective, an international initiative supporting the movement’s self-reflection, is announcing the opening of its website. It is a virtual library of actionable movement documents, blog posts, and a platform for conversations that matter. It provides the media, activists, academics, and an engaged public with one-stop access to information and insights about the future of the movement, as it emerges.

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